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One of the main moments in Space Union history has to be its adoption of the Federative-Republican System in its new constitution. The new constitution was passed in November and established the Federative Sikh Republic of Space Union. Under this, the President has been replaced by the Federate along with many other governmental structures. The first Federate is Harsimran Mann. But that was soon to change. In the beginning of January, the nation of [[Pacitalia]] declared that they would not attend a conference with Space Union if Harsimran switched the country to [[Absolute Capitalism]]. The result was that the public learned of this and went into protest to Harsimran's dismay. Other nations joined in the banner to end the switch but Harsimran fearing that things may escalate had Martial Law installed to stop the protesting, which had turned violent in some regions. This caused an international outcry that pushed for Harsimran to resign. After a brutal 36 hours that saw Space Union edge toward civil war, Harsimran finally resigned and former Prime Minister Satpul Singh became the interim Federate of the Union.
One of the main moments in Space Union history has to be its adoption of the Federative-Republican System in its new constitution. The new constitution was passed in November and established the Federative Sikh Republic of Space Union. Under this, the President has been replaced by the Federate along with many other governmental structures. The first Federate is Harsimran Mann. But that was soon to change. In the beginning of January, the nation of [[Pacitalia]] declared that they would not attend a conference with Space Union if Harsimran switched the country to [[Absolute Capitalism]]. The result was that the public learned of this and went into protest to Harsimran's dismay. Other nations joined in the banner to end the switch but Harsimran fearing that things may escalate had Martial Law installed to stop the protesting, which had turned violent in some regions. This caused an international outcry that pushed for Harsimran to resign. After a brutal 36 hours that saw Space Union edge toward civil war, Harsimran finally resigned and former Prime Minister Satpul Singh became the interim Federate of the Union.
[Category:Space Union]

Revision as of 12:41, 19 February 2006

This is the history of the Federative Republic of Space Union. Origionally founded in 1922 by a group of people from India and the United States, it has since grown into a large nation that numbers past 2.7 billion in population. From its first leader, Marx V, to its latest, Federate Satpul Singh, Space Union has indured dictatorship and democracy, freedom and suppression, war and peace, and good and bad times. This is the history of Space Union in its first incarnation.

Founding of Harsimranster:

Harsimranster was the main state of the Space Union. It was founded on April 30th, 1922 by a group of 5 million individuals, from the United States of America and India, seeking true capitalism and prosperity. At first Harsimranster's economy was just Good but that was soon to change. In the early years of Harsimranster, a convention was held to create a constitution. It was created and signed in April of 1921. It provided citizens with few rights other than economically. It was truly a dictatorship, and the dictator was Marx V.

Reign of Marx V:

Marx V is one of the most mysterious characters in Space Union's history. He was Harsimranster's first leader. In 1922, a leader was needed for Harsimranster. The intermediate government planned to hold elections but widespread corruption in the bureaucracy halted that plan. In the spring of 1923, a group of individuals headed by Marx V, dismayed at the corruption of the intermediate government, rose up in a bloody coup. The group who was well armed and funded defeated the ill-equipped and under-funded army of Harsimranster. On July 12, 1923, Marx V was declared ruler of Harsimranster. At first he planned for elections but he soon realized that the people were unable to govern themselves so in September, Marx disbanded the intermediate Congress and setup a right-wing dictatorship. His main goal was to establish a capitalist country that flourished. He used economic policies of cutting taxes to fuel the economy. By the year 1928 he had successfully made the economy go from Strong to Thriving. Many people were fond of Marx and he had an appeal that made even his enemy have a soft spot for him. Through his guidance Harsimranster led economic growth in the 1920s. But with his economic growth came restrictions in people's civil and political rights. By the 1920s, Harsimranster's had rare political and civil rights. This angered many Harsimransterians. On February 20th, 1931, an armed revolt occurred against Marx V. He sent in the newly refurbished army to battle the rebels. At the Battle of Reshinton, Marx's troops drove the rebels out of Harsimranster, but Marx would never be able to win public confidence for the rest of his career/life. In March 1932, shortly after the armed revolt, an escapee from the revolt took up a sniper position outside of a Conference room where Marx was discussing his foreign agenda. As Marx left the building, the sniper shot at him, hitting him directly in the forehead. The sniper, later caught and hanged, said "he [Marx V] was the ambassador of the devil!" The death of Marx was seen as a tragic event in the Harsimranster's history but that would be its least of problems as a new fear came over Harsimranster shortly after Marx's death: Civil War!

Harsimransterian Civil War:

Marx's death signaled a period of turmoil that would sweep the country and plunge it into a civil war beyond anything. Only a few days after Marx's death, the Harsimranster's dictatorship collapsed and left the country in chaos and anarchy. Soon, though, Harsimranster was split into two groups: Captialist Truth Fighters (CTF) and the Communist Guerilla Movement of Liberation (CGML). The CTF was a group founded by former members of the dictatorship while the CGML was formed by rebels that had been driven out a year before. The two camps clashed in mountains, forests, grasslands, cities, and anywhere possible. Innocent civilians were killed as both sides started committing genocide like no other known in Harsimranster's history. As public support started disinegrating from both camps, people looked for a new power that would stop the war. The answer came as the Imperial Forces of Sikhism (IFS). This was a group of people that opposed both camps and tried to be the middleman. But as the violence escalated, the IFS were forced to fight back. The group's leader Yarsh Germal led IFS troops into battles and always come on top. Through the use of superior tactical strategies the IFS was able to defeat the CTF and CGML. In 1935, the Imperial's captured the capital, Harsimran City, and setup their government. By 1936, the CTF and CGML formally surrendered and Harsimransterian Civil War ended. The war had lasted from 1932-1936. A total of over $23,000,000 in damage was done just to private land. The economy was in shambles and the future looked bleak.

Formation of the Imperial Republic:

Yarsh was formally named the President of the Imperial Republic of Harsimranster in 1937. But great tasks lied ahead for him, for he had to rebuild an economy, unify a still divided nation, and overcome the corruption and crime that was widespread in Harsimranster. Beginning in 1938, Yarsh started a program called the Economic Growth of Capitalism (EGC) that was planned to increase investments in Harsimranster and rebuild their economy. The program was a complete success. The plan opened up the economy to full investments, tariffs were lifted, and taxes were cut, and government funded recovery, were some methods used to spur growth. By 1939, Harsimranster was growing at a speed of 12%. The growth brought expansion in industries such as the Uranium, Automobile, and Arms. This brought jobs to the citizens. By 1939, the unemployment rate went from 67% to 4%. But economist warned that if growth continued at such rates the economy was in-danger of overheating because of the production rate of goods far exceeding the demand. President Yarsh also knew that was the case. So in 1941, he started raising taxes, started raising tariffs, and passed laws that cut the expansion of corporations. By 1942, the economy was growing at a healthy pace of 8%. The economy was only one of his problems, though. In 1937, the government was recorded as one of the most corrupted governments in the world. In order to fight corruption, Yarsh started programs such as Corruption Detection Act that used measures such as impeachment to corruptors, owing money to the government if you were corrupt, rewards to people that reported corrupt officials and other procedures. By 1942, the government was recorded to have cut corruption by 61%! As corruption fell public opinion of the government skyrocketed. At the beginning of 1937, the government had a public approval 69% but by the end of 1942 the public approval was at 94%. Yarsh also increased foreign interactions. He was the first president to begin donations to other nations. In 1945, he began the Formal International Aid Act (FIAA) which ensured aid to any country that was in poverty, war, or in disorder. By the end of the 1940s, Harsimranster had donated up to $674 billion to other countries. But all this hard work ended on June 25, 1952, when President Yarsh resigned after serving for 15 years.

Tyranny of Ulaz:

His successor was Vice President Ulaz. On August 14th, 1952, Ulaz was officially recognized as President of the Imperial Republic of Harsimranster. He was known as a hardliner among the imperialist and was a major activist of unification. Over the years, communism began making a surge in neighboring countries. Fearing that Harsimranster would fall to communism/socialism, he formally banned the Communist Party from national elections although local elections were not banned. This action infuriated many communist, who took up arms against Ulaz. On January 12th, 1956, communist rebels attacked a military base. The attack killed 30 and injured 132. President Ulaz was horrified. The next day, he instated martial law and ordered an offensive against the communist and ordered killing of any that resisted. By the end of January, Harsimranster had executed 250,000 communist followers. Public opinion fell from 94% in 1942 to 56%, the lowest amount in the imperial republic's history. Fearing further escalation of the conflict into a Civil War, Ulaz banned all elections and setup a Corporate Police State. He ordered the forming of the Harsimranster Police Force (HPF) that killed countless political opponents and innocent people. By the end of 1959, the opinion of the government had fallen to 21%. Although, Ulaz's domestic policies were horrible, his economic policies were extraordinary. Ulaz enacted many government programs such as the Remaining Capitalist Act which helped setup enterprises and favored business over the people. Harsimranster's economy saw growth escalate to 9%. But civil and political liberties were cut as economic freedoms were increased. The populaces no longer had freedom of speech and were controlled in every way by the government. Newspapers were banned and reporters were killed if they signed no allegiance to the government. Many outside officials ranked Harsimranster as a Fascist state. Along with his taking rights from people, he installed compulsory military service that greatly expanded the armed forces. He also made Defense the top-priority in his budget. By the end of the year, Defense had 20% of the taxes to itself. In order to fund his military, though, he had to bring tax rates to 50%. This brought anger amongst the crowd but they did little to stop him as most were killed.


One of Ulaz's most successful economic policies was Industrialization. When he came in power only 10% of Harsimranster had any industrial structure. Ulaz knew that without an industrial powerhouse, Harsimranster would never achieve a great military. So in 1961, Ulaz passed the Industrialization Aid Act (IAA). It ordered government officials to use government money to build factories, power plants, research centers, marketplaces, highways, railroads, and airports around the country. Once they built the structures they would be sold to the private sector except for the highways, airports, and railroads which were nationalized. Harsimranster saw huge growth in production power. By 1965, Harsimranster was an All-Consuming economy and 90% of the country was industrialized. Because of all the new structures, unemployment fell from 6% to 2.8%. A census conducted in 1968, found that the standard of living for many had increased because of the industrialization.

Death of Ulaz and Rise of President Gurjeevan Mann:

On September 3rd, 1971, Ulaz died from a heart attack. At the age of 64 he had tremendous amounts of pressure on him and doctors had predicted a month before that if he didn't release some pressure he would be dead in 1-3 months. When Ulaz died, the country was left leaderless for 3 days. In those three days, a silent power struggle occurred among top-officials. Finally, a man named Gurjeevan Mann (Harsimran’s father) came to power. He was a right-wing moderate that expressed beliefs in civil and political liberties. President Gurjeevan ended the dictatorship officially on October 12th, 1971. Only a few days after coming to office he instructed the writing of a new constitution and signed it on October 30th, 1971. In the next 100 days he made sweeping political changes to the structure of the government. He established the Congress for the first time in 48 years. The executive branch now had a counterbalance to prevent another dictatorship. He also established the Judicial Courts that would advice and keep laws inside the boundaries of the constitution. He also allowed Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Property, and Freedom of Ability. The political rights increased from rare to excellent according to UN reports. But civil liberties lacked in the following years. He also made great strides in cutting taxes while giving defense a bigger share of the pie. One of the few things that President Mann kept from Ulaz reign was his economic policies. Gurjeevan admitted that Ulaz's policies brought an expansion and tremendous growth in the industrial might of Harsimranster. In fact, Gurjeevan expanded the IAA to subways and office building production. By the end of the year public opinion was at 79% while economic growth was at 9.7%. President Gurjeevan Mann played down internationalism and supported isolationism when it came to foreign policy. He repealed many acts that helped developing countries and used the saved money to invest into the economy further causing growth. President Gurjeevan Mann officially resigned in 1981 after 10 years of serving as President. When he left office his approval ratings were at 87%, only below Yalsh's record of 94%.

Harman and the Unification of Space Union:

The succeeder to the office in 1981 was Harman Sidhu. He was a man of conservatism and believed in the policies of Gurjeevan Mann except for foreign policy. He thought that isolationism would bring weakness to the nation in the long-term. So in 1982, he started the Foreign Committee. Its job was to monitor foreign affairs and keep Harsimranster in the International stage. While moving drastically from President Mann in foreign policy he remained the same in domestic policy. He continued the encouragement of capitalism and expansion in industry. But he brought a new revolution in 1983. In an attempt to modernize Harsimranster's economy, President Harman enacted the Service Bill which encouraged Service Companies to move to Harsimranster. By the end of the year, 35% of the people were in the Service sector. In the next 10 years that number would more than double. As more people got white-collared jobs, the Standard of Living increased dramatically. People began making up to $20,000 averagely. They were able to buy cars, CD Players, computers, electronics, and other household items. The economy entered a period of tremendous economic boom. Growth in this period was recorded at 10%. But economic policies were not the highlight of Harman's career.

Space Union Formation:

In 1986, Harman met with delegates from 11 other nations. They wanted to form a pact that would destroy barriers and have an alliance. But in the end, all the nations decided on forming a union instead of an economic bloc and alliance. On March 14th, 1987, the 12 leaders from each nation signed a pact forming Space Union. Space Union would use the constitution of Harsimranster and be an Imperial Republic. Space Union would be a full nation with the member nations being provinces. Harman was elected the first leader of Space Union and the other nations got seats in the Congress of Space Union (CSU) according to the constitution. The unified nation had an All-Consuming economy and was an industrial powerhouse. All the nations accepted a new currency called the Spaco. By the end of the year, all major differences of the members were gone. For his success in unifying the nation, Harman received the Nobel Peace Prize along with an approval rating of 90.3%

President Harsimran Mann Comes To Power:

In 1989, Harman stepped down from office and Harsimran Mann (son of Gurjeevan Mann) was the first person elected by Space Union citizens to hold the Presidential office. Following his election, Harsimran initiated the Hyran Plan. It called on funding for education, increased defense spending, outlawing communism, and the more transition to service economy. His plan received staunch support from many citizens. On January 30th, 1990, CSU approved the plan and it went into law. In the following months, many more service companies came from abroad to Space Union fueling economic growth. By the end of 1990, the Service economy made up 61% of the economy. As jobs came the unemployment rate fell from 2.9% to 2.67%. Economic Growth topped at a rate of 8%. It was a time of prosperity and increase in the standard of livings. In the 1980s the average income was only $20,000 but by 1991, it had increased to $32,000. Harsimran's approval ratings went up to 89% only lower than Harman and Yarsh. Harsimran's foreign policy was directed mainly toward anti-communism. In 1992, Harsimran released the Anti-Communist Doctrine (ACD) that pledged support to any nation resisting communism or trying to topple communism. With his policies, Space Union for the first time came into the International stage as a major player. For the next 10 years, Harsimran continued his policies with no major events occurring in his presidency. Many people began thinking he was going to resign while others thought he might be plotting to become a dictatorship. But all that would change.

Azhem Conflict:

In 2000, a nation named Azhem began fighting against local communist guerillas. As the fighting escalated, Azhem asked for help from other nations. Communist governments came to the help of the guerillas while the capitalist countries came to Azhem's help. At first Space Union stayed neutral, but in August 2000, Harsimran asked CSU for giving aid to Azhem. They issued a direct order to come to Azhem's aid. At first it was just giving aid. Space Union gave away F-22, B-2, B-1B, M1A4 Abrams, M-4, M-16, and other equipment. But soon it was realized that supplies weren't enough. On September 13th, 2000, Space Union gave the green light to send in military aid. They sent the 1st-3rd Armies, 1st-3rd Naval Armadas, and 1st-3rd Air Armadas to defend. In its actions, Space Union made its first ally, Roach-Busters. Roach-Busters was a furiously right-wing, capitalist nation similar to Space Union in many aspects that was defending Azhem. With their cooperation, Space Union and Roach-Busters began building up forces in Azhem. But the conflict started dieing out before any fighting occurred. On October 6th, 2000, Space Union pulled out of the conflict. But the real highlight was that Space Union had made its first ally, Roach-Busters.

Disorder at Space Union:

After the Azhem Conflict, the support for the government was at a high of 71% but in the following months the support began falling. The main reason was the corruption. Many politicians in CSU were lining their pockets with money that should've gone to healthcare, welfare, and education. Along with that, Space Unionist were dismayed at the incompetence of the CSU to pass laws. Fierce debates occurred for months in the CSU over tiny problems that wasted millions of spacoes. President Harsimran saw this in dismay as well. He knew that public support was turning against the Imperial government. Slowly, the government was becoming weaker and weaker. It was time for change.

Imperial Republic Collapses and Federal Republic is Born:

In 2001, Harsimran took action and passed the Federal Bill that would turn the government into a Federal Republic by the end of the year. CSU members were infuriated at Harsimran and opened up impeachment trial for him. Citizens were furious. Citizens stormed CSU buildings in support of President Harsimran. CSU members, knowing that the Imperial Republic was almost dead, tried one last time to keep the republic intact. On January 3rd, 2002, the Imperial Republic hardliners ordered the 1st-3rd Armies to capture Harsimran and execute him along with subdue the protests. But the 1st-3rd met fierce opposition. The 4th-8th Armies stood between the Imperial Republic and Harsimran. Knowing that they would lose, the 1st-3rd surrendered along with the CSU members. On January 5th, 2002, all CSU members were impeached from their post and were forbidden to take any other public office in their lifetime. Few days later, Harsimran gave a powerful speech that ended the Imperial Republic and established the Federal Republic of Space Union.

Harsimran's Term of Federalism:

In the following year, Harsimran conducted his normal policies. He continued to call for economic growth and trend toward the service industry. 2002 saw the end of Congress of Space Union and the establishment of the Space Union House (SUH). It was a time of prosperity. Harsimran started cutting taxes to stir further economic growth. All the provinces began experiencing new growth as big business began moving into Space Union. Consumers began to buy more and more as the Space Union industrial capabilities grew along with service potential. Harsimran encouraged robotization by issuing the Robot Standard Bill. It provided tax breaks and subsidiaries to companies that used robots. Huge corporations started investing tremendously in robotics to replace human workers. As robotics took the place of humans in food and industrial production, production power quadrupled. But as robots took human manufacturing jobs, unemployment began to rise along with anti-government support. To help the workers, Harsimran expanded money in Education and setup and funded people’s college tuitions. By the end of 2002, 2 million dislocated workers enrolled into college with the new funding. Space Union began turning out more PhDs than it had ever. It also began producing a huge pool of white-collared skilled workers. To find work for these new workers, Harsimran gave further money to IT, Insurance, Advertising, Medical, Engineering, and Real Estate Industries. Companies in these industries used the money to expand and add jobs along with increase pay. By the end of March 2003, Space Union's government had spent $2 trillion on expanding the economy. For the next year, Space Union would continue to prosper but it would be short-lasted as Space Union entered a bloody war.

Thomasien Conflict:

In early 2004, the Soviet Union was revived and declared that they would attack any capitalist nations. Space Union followed their call by cutting diplomatic and economic ties with the nation. Other nations followed suit, with the nation of Trolsk mobilizing their army. In response a nation named Ankhmet came to the Soviet Union's protection. Space Union infuriated at Ankhmet told them to back down. But unlike other nation's Ankhmet continued their all-out support for the Soviet Union and threatened Trolsk along with Thomasien, a nation that had entered the scene to help Space Union. By March 2004, all peaceful possibilities were destroyed when Ankhmet invaded Thomasien, sparking the Thomasien War with Ankhmet vs. Space Union, Japanese Antartica, and Thomasien. Space Union declared war on hopes of stopping the spread of communism from Thomasien. Sending in the 1st-16th Armies, 1st-10th Naval Armadas, and 1st-6th Air Armadas, Space Union began the war with a counterstrike and halting the invasion by Ankhmet at a military post. The war stagnated at that area for the rest of the conflict. Ankhmet then opened a second front at the southern part of Thomasien. Thomasien forces collapsed in the area but started a full-scale guerilla war against Ankhmet. Back in the north, General Nitz commanded the 1st-4th Armies into attacking a nearby city. The battle raged for a while before ending with the victory of Space Union but at great costs. Many had died and lots of vehicles had been lost. No more gains would be made in the northern front for the rest of the war. But in the south, Ankhmet setup trenches but strikes by cruise missiles, air bombs, and artillery began softening the target. Soon Space Union started an invasion but Ankhmet troops were able to repel Space Union troops. The stalemate began to infuriate some high commanders. So in August 2004, Space Union commanders began to draw up Operation Tides of Change. It would be a massive invasion to stop Ankhmet and push them out of Thomasien land for good. It called upon the air bombing campaigns for 2 days along with cruise missile and artillery bombardments. Followed by the bombardment tanks equipped with shovels would plow through trenches and bury the men alive. It would be a costly operation but would take place with Japanese Antarctican troops. Japanese Antarctica had entered the war in April, and made progress deep in the south. But before Operation Tides of Change could be made functional, Ankhmet and Space Union signed a truce. But neither side has signed a peace treaty leaving both sides technically at war with each other still along with destroying any possibility of diplomatic and economic ties.

Recent History:

Space Union has become more actively involved around the world but this time not against communism. Anti-Communism has severed down in Space Union with cooperation with a former adversary Pushka. Space Union has opened the doors to a couple of diplomatic ties. Recent allies have emerged in Credonia and other nations. The other major war faced by Space Union was in the Saharistan War. Here Space Union helped smaller nations defeat the extremist nation of Saharistan. Currently the country has been split with a piece going to Space Union called SU Saharistan. $9 trillion is currently being spent on fixing the economy and restarting the entire region by Space Union and the other countries. In other matters, Harsimran has adopted Enterprisism that allows for greater representation for corporations. Life has generally gone up for the average citizen because of this change. Along with this, Space Union has moved from its former stance as more aggressive to now a much more peaceful nation. Space Union has also joineed a couple of noticable alliances such as the International Allied Defense Force and the Woodstock Pact, forming tighter bonds with many allies and forming alliances with first-time encountered nations.

Federatism and the Federative Republic:

One of the main moments in Space Union history has to be its adoption of the Federative-Republican System in its new constitution. The new constitution was passed in November and established the Federative Sikh Republic of Space Union. Under this, the President has been replaced by the Federate along with many other governmental structures. The first Federate is Harsimran Mann. But that was soon to change. In the beginning of January, the nation of Pacitalia declared that they would not attend a conference with Space Union if Harsimran switched the country to Absolute Capitalism. The result was that the public learned of this and went into protest to Harsimran's dismay. Other nations joined in the banner to end the switch but Harsimran fearing that things may escalate had Martial Law installed to stop the protesting, which had turned violent in some regions. This caused an international outcry that pushed for Harsimran to resign. After a brutal 36 hours that saw Space Union edge toward civil war, Harsimran finally resigned and former Prime Minister Satpul Singh became the interim Federate of the Union.

[Category:Space Union]