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Revision as of 02:05, 23 November 2004

Victor Solis
Former President
Psychic Ability
Instinctual; High
Roughly 300 Years Old



Victor Solis' true age is known only to him, and he has been more than a little secretive of how old he really is. What is known is that he was around when the Socialist Commune of Mhu Thulan was formed, and that he was a major player in the Corporate Revolution that eventually overthrew the old government and paved the way for creation of the Hack. He recently retired from his position as President for Life, a move that was largely orchestrated by himself, with the unknowing support of the Research and Development branch of the previous government.

Speaker for the President

Victor started his career in the Incorporated States as the Speaker for President Carl Gibson. The position of Speaker was created as a way for important dicisions to be presented to the general population, much like any speaker for any administration. However, he had the added duties of being President of the Senate, which ment he was responsible for maintaining order, and breaking any ties that might result. Over the years, he convinced an aging President Gibson to grant him additional powers, allowing the Speaker to act in the capacity of President, should the true President be unable or unwilling to perform his duties.

As the years rolled by, President Gibson became more and more reclusive which solidified Victor's power base, and soon he was, essentially, the acting President. Since the President was so popular, and since Victor was seen to represent the President's view, Victor's word often became law. There were many cases where the Senate would waffle over an issue only to have Victor speak up and cause a landslide victory for whatever position Victor supported.

President for Life

Eventually, Victor introduced legislation abolishing presidential elections. The reasoning was that since President Gibson was so absurdly popular, there was no need to waste time and money on presidential elections ever five years. He included provisions for impeachment via popular referendum; an addendum that would never be utilized as the citizenry of the Hack are amung the most apathetic in the world.

Once President Gibson became President for Life, Victor introduced further legislature, allowing for the President to appoint a successor, who would only need simple majority approval by the Senate to be sworn in for life. There was some concern over this piece, however a letter from President Gibson himself in support of this measure insured its quick passage. Victor was quickly designated as Gibson's chosen successor. One month after Victor was annointed as Gibson's successor, President Gibson passed away and Victor was quickly sworn in as President for Life.

After being sworn in as President for Life, Victor soon became more and more reclusive, much like the late President Gibson, relying more and more on Foreign Affairs Director Elisa Day. At some point, Elisa was promoted to Speaker for the President, however this event wasn't publicized, and Elisa only learned of her promotion by accident.


Despite what much of the public believes, the most recent revolution was not something that caught Victor by surprise, indeed, he was the one who orchestrated the entire thing. He realised the way the winds of change were shifting, and figured it would be better to start things himself, as opposed to clinging to his power and end up killed in a coup. He was the one who got things started via an obscene perversion of Machavellian principles, and soon found himself without a job, but with his personal fortune intact. The fact that he was good friends with the nominal leader of the new government, Dr. Josef Specre, probably had more than a little to do with how he ended up on the winning side of losing power. He has become even more reclusive, putting himself in a kind of self-imposed exile. He hasn't been seen since the Oligarchy took over.

Rumor and Innuendo

The most common rumor that circulates around Victor is that President Gibson died soon after the formation of the Incorporated States, and that Victor simple hid that fact from the world, gradually increasing his power and popularity until he could openly take control of the government. The fact that Gibson was never seen after the formation adds credence to this theory.

A darker cousin of this theory is that Victor killed Gibson as a part of his master plan to eventually be in complete control. Most people either don't believe this rumor, or just don't care. In fact, most people really just don't care, as it doesn't much affect their personal lives.