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{{Infobox_City |
{| border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" style="float:right; empty-cells:show; margin-right:0em; margin-left:1em; margin-bottom:0.5em; background:#e3e3e3;"
nation=[[Biotopia]] |
cityfunction= Capital |
population= 360,000 |
!colspan="2" bgcolor="BBDDFF" | Basic Information
leader= Mapemba Anokee | }}
|[[Wikipedia:Area|'''Area''']]: || 119.75  km²
|[[Wikipedia:Population|'''Population''']]  : || 450,000 <small>  11/2005 </small>
|[[Wikipedia:Population density|'''Density''']]: || 3,757/km²  <small> State </small>
|[[Wikipedia:Elevation|'''Elevation''']]: || 0 - 115 m
|[[Wikipedia:Postal code|'''Postal code''']]: || 10001-6060
|[[Wikipedia:Area code|'''Area code''']]: || +149/130
|[[Wikipedia:German car number plates|'''Licence plate code''']] : || Z
|[[Wikipedia:Website|'''Website''']] : || [http://www.berlin.de/english/index.html www.zhaire.bp]
!colspan="2" bgcolor="BBDDFF" | Politics
|[[Wikipedia:Mayor|'''Governing Mayor''']]: || [[Klam Lephla-Jell]]
[[Biotopian Repubican Party]]
| [[Wikipedia:political party|'''Governing Parties''']]: || [[Greens Party of Biotopia|GPB]] / [[Progressive Bloc|PB]]
The City of Zhaire has historically swung between provincial backwater and cultural and economic capital of the region. It is the birthplace of the Gnangara religion, capital of the republic and a major centre for thinking and learning. This is a city with a pastiche of styles and multitude of identities; an ancient citadel, a bustling metropolis, the centre of tradition and a place of innovation. Yet it maintains a sense of continuity, the old running into the new and the new looking to the old for the future. What some visitors mistake for aloofness most locals describe as pride in where they live. Politically and physically separated from the surrounding landscape Zhaire is unique and liveable capital perched above the broad plains to the south and centred in the middle of a continental-nation.
:According to local legend the various caves and grottos on the island were inhabited by the fearsome Osmoph (shape-shifting trolls) who terrorised the local people. The mythical patron of the city, Apons, cut a ditch around a bend in the river isolating the Osmoph as they were unable to cross the enchanted waters of the Sep. The king of the Osmoph became so enraged he jumped the ditch and fought Apons who “thrust a burning branch into the great void of the beast, forcing him to swallow the light”. On the death of the king the other Osmoph were turned into the Etanya trees that continue to grow on the island of Zendee.  
===Classical Era===
:Zhaire is the birthplace to Gnangara the first indigenous monological theology. The sandstone outcrop known as the ''Osmoph'' is a site for ancient religious practices that pre-date the Gnangara. Pottery, wool and gold are important export commodities as is grain distribution during the first Epoch. The ancient city is located at the centre of the island and surrounded by a canal. From this region the Sagawachee drive south to conquer the Commonwealth returning booty of precious metals, jewellery and fine textiles that pass through the city. The second epoch is marked by rapid urbanisation.
===Imperial Era===
:The city passes into decline with the centralisation of power in Saint Kordaam during the Imperial Era. Not until the late Imperial period does the city prosper with the construction of the twin canal system making Zhaire the major trading centre for the region. There is a new wave of building and revival or urbanisation including the construction of the first bridge to cross the Sep River. Silver, grain, honey, wax and iron are major shipping commodities during the third epoch. The city gains a reputation as a “Bohemian outpost” of the empire because of the exotic attraction of the city to many liberals and free-thinkers.
:Historically the region became the home of the Gnangara religion, the first and only native monotheistic people of Biotopia. The city came to fruition as a centre for craftwork, trade and agriculture founding a rich social heritage of creativity and enterprise. At the peak of this wealth and power a second canal encircled the city and the Sandstone Colosseum was constructed. During the Early Imperial era the city was peacefully incorporated however by the Middle Empire the city was sieged and many of the unique buildings destroyed, the Temple of Euphoric Sunshine ransacked and the open worship of Gnangara prohibited.
===Republican Era===
:Zhaire initially fought as pro-Imperial territory but a popular revolt overthrew the government and shut-off supplies from the interior. It was the initiative of Zhaire to construct a fleet of river-cruisers to bombard the imperial cities downstream along the Great Amanzee which was a significant turning point in the course of the war. Zhaire was made the capital in a deliberate move to separate the republic from the image of the Imperial Era as well as being a strong support base for the republic and offering a strategic centre for government administration. Since the ''Kjahelkee'' the city has returned to prosperity.
:By the Late Empire the city revived as an intellectual and artistic centre following the establishment of the City Academy - the only major independent centre for thinking and research at the time. A variety of cultural institutions opened in the city including the spread of the famous bontarks which now line the major avenues. This intellectual background coupled with the social dislocation and excesses of industrialisation made the city an important centre for revolutionary ferment. During the Civil War (1888-1894) the city was sieged several times and experienced extensive damage. Following the establishment of the First Republic the capital with symbolically moved to the city where it has remained since.
==Geography & Climate==
:The city occupies the island of Zendee which is surrounded by the Sep River, the upper tributary of the Great Amanzee and Odee Lake. There are three permanent islands situated in the surrounding waters. Esheen Island divides the waters of the Sep which enter to the north-west of the city. The two other islands are situated in Odee Lake; Arouha and The Kadell. The width of the waterways varies with the seasons but at their lowest there is no less then 40 meters between the shorelines and at their peak up 1,200 meters across Lake Odee. The depth and constant movement of the waters allows for sipping from the interior to the coastline, an ancient route that continues to be surfaced. An artificial canal system also allows for shipping to move from the coastline northwards.
:The city occupies the south-western centre of an elevated plateau between the western Haumia and the eastern Anakarua Mountains. This elevation results in the spectacularly clear skies during the day – and the cold nights that follow. The plateau is generally flat and gently undulates towards the southern floodplain and to the northern plains. In the north-eastern corner of Zendee a sandstone outcrop has prohibited development but the rest of the island is flat to gently undulating with the central area slightly higher then the peripheral margin.
:The waters around Zendee Island (the Sep River to the west and Lake Odee to the east) have only three permanent islands. Esheen Island at the mouth of the Sep rises prominently from the water and divides the flow of the river along its north-south path and towards Lake Odee. Within the lake The Kadell has become completely built over and used to house a variety of institutions including a sanatorium and quarantine station. The largest of the islands is Arouha which houses the Temple of Euphoric Sunshine and the landscaped surrounding gardens.
:Zendee’s most striking geographical feature is the outcrop of limestone known as the ''Osmoph''. Here the hilly terrain supports dense woodland, small ponds and numerous grottos weathered into the face of the ancient limestone that was once a prehistoric sea. The island itself is divided into five general geographic zones - The lowlands of the southern perimeter and south-east quarter of the island; the midlands that surround the limestone range and the northern perimeter; the hillock at the centre of the island; the flatlands that constitute the rest of the island and the ''Osmoph''. No part of urban Zendee is more then 20 meters above the tide line. The city itself is 1,800m ASL.  
:Due to its inland position the city receives little precipitation throughout the year usually experiencing a mild winter season accompanied by the occasional thunderstorm. For nine months out of the year the weather will be consistently warm and dry with the summer heat peaking in February with an average maximum temperature of 27 degrees Celsius. A distinct climatic feature is the spring/autumn fogs that develop owing to the convection of warm and cold air laden with moisture over the city. Periodically in a cycle of roughly ten years there will be light snow-fall in winter although this quickly melts and rarely happens more then once.
:Summers are hot and dry with clear skies and an average maximum of 30 degrees Celsius. The warmest months are December, January and February. Autumn brings cooler temperatures and higher humidity with the occasional flash-storm. In winter it is not uncommon for there to be snow or heavy frost and temperatures dropping to -4 degrees Celsius over night. Generally however the temperature rises to the mid teens or low twenties during the day. The coldest months are June, July and August. Springtime brings the peak water flow through the Sep as winter snow of the mountains begins to melt. This is the cause of the famous [[Wikipedia:fog|fogs]] that cover the low-lying areas of the city.  
==People & Culture==
:Like all urban areas there are restrictions imposed to curtail [[Wikipedia:urbanisation|over-development]] and [[urban-sprawl]] from occurring. Although the population remains generally static the demographic nature of Zhaire remains in motion. There has been a sustained increase of [[Wikipedia:homo sapiens|human]] settlement in the last decade and a static total presence by the non-human community although it is becoming more diversified. The age structure of the city continues to support an over representation of the middle-aged, a reflection of the demand for established professionals due to the high level of government employment centres.
:*Atheist 41.2%
:*Mother Church 18.8%
:Zhaire is the only city where [[Wikipedia:Humanism|Gnangara]] forms the majority religion with 5% of all devotees living in the city. The historical affiliation of the city and its local religion remains strong through architectural and literary expression. The second-largest belief system is atheism which is the result of both an outcome of the previous constitutional requirement of disavowing religious affiliation to work in senior areas of the civil service and a strong atheist cultural undercurrent.  
:*Universal Cathedral 15.4%
:*Gnangara 13.9%  
:*New Council 10.4%
:*Other 0.3%
:Unsurprisingly followers of Gnangara still bear a strong presence in the spiritual population of the city which houses some of the most religiously significant centres of their belief system. The Mother Church has a disproportionately higher representation inside the city then the surrounding districts which is historically associated with the more liberal and creative attitude of the denizens who rejected the rigid scripture of the Universal Cathedral. Many religious sites overlap particularly in the Garden of the Dead which has been incorporated for ceremonial purposes by every religion to be established within the metropolitan area. There are also a high proportion of religious and ceremonial artefacts on the urban heritage list which includes the entire island of Arouha.
:*[[Wikipedia:Atheism|Athiest]] 20.4% (91,800)
:*[[Wikipedia:Buddhism|Buddhism]] 0.8% (3,600)
:*[[Wikipedia:Christianity|Christianity]] 0.8% (3,600)
:*[[Wikipedia:Humanism|Gnangara]] 34.5% (155,250)
:*[[Wikipedia:Islam|Islam]] 0.3% (1,350)
:*[[Wikipedia:Judaism|Judaism]] 0.6% (2,700)
:*[[Wikipedia:Paganism|Mother Church]] 14.7% (66,150)
:*[[Wikipedia:Pagnaism|Universal Cathedral]] 13.7% (61,650)
:*[[Wikipedia:Agnostic|Other]] 14.2% (63,900)
:*Pagnaan 97.8%
:The comparatively higher representation of [[Wikipedia:homo sapiens|humans]] and non-humans (sapiens) is mostly centred on the diplomatic and transnational functions of the government and business. There is also a small but vibrant refugee community amongst the non0human community who participate in public awareness campaigns. In increasing number of humans are moving to Zhaire to better access governmental services in the city through trade and finance. In the last mayoral elections three non-humans and one human candidate ran for office.  
:*Human 1.8%
:*Other 0.4%
:Most of the other cities in Biotopia are centred on maritime activities providing a cosmopolitan infusion of exotic cultural mixes and a broad representation of various peoples. The inland position and smaller trade volume that passes through the city from the interior towards the ports has limited the presence of humans and other species who would historically settle around their first port-of-call. Restrictions on housing has also slowed population drift but not stopped demographic change. Migration officials had been accused of deliberately preventing humans from moving to the capital; following a three year investigation several officials were dismissed and the issue has since been resolved.  
:*[[Pagnaan Sapiens]] 85.5% (384,750)
:*[[Wikipedia:Homo sapiens|Humans]] 12.6% (56,700)
:*Other 1.9% (8,550)
: Healthcare is excellent with many research clinics operating in the city leading the frontier of medical research in the nation. There is also a small chain of medical factories that engineer and produce specialist medical equipment and artificial implants. Numerous libraries, galleries and museums are open to the public and are responsible for the saying “books and bags” when talking about a trip to the capital because of the duel interests of these many fine facilities and the variety of shopping available in the city. Tourism is a growing industry but the city remains dominated by the government and research.
:'''1] Garden of the Dead'''
:Revered as one of the most sacrosanct sites in the city it has been used for centuries as a place for burial, ceremony and the up-keep of tradition. Covered in thick vegetation and raising above the low-rise skyline of the surrounding suburbs the Garden of the Dead remains a timeless place of ancient woodland dotted with mystic relics that still live with a strong spiritual resonance.
:'''2] University of the Republic (Biotopian National University)'''
:Originally established as the City Academy the university has a long history of independent research and academic credentials. It now occupies a sprawling campus including colleges, libraries, museums, galleries and an amphitheatre. The grounds of the campus forms the “green triangle” between the university, the Garden of the Dead and the island of Esheen with its historical observatory around the mouth of the Sep River. Approximately 18,000 students are annually enrolled with the university.
:'''3] Zhaire First Cathedral'''
:One of the largest buildings of worship in Zhaire the First Cathedral is the epitome of Late Empire architecture with its use of industrial materials such as the brickwork, copper roofing and steel support beams. The building makes a deliberate but restrained reference to the simplified design of the Early Imperial era. Although it lacks the elaborate decorations of most Universal Cathedrals there is a subtlety that incorporates religious symbols into the building. Despite the building maintains a sense of modesty and refrain.
:'''4] Hero Stadium'''
:“The stade” as it is often referred to is one of the largest single buildings in the city. Constructed to house annual ceremonial events and provide a new home for a variety of the sports events including the New Year Match. Sport is an important part of the social fabric of the nation and the stadium attracts an estimated 70,000 people a year. 15% of seats are reserved throughout the year to be distributed as work bonuses and another 6% of seats are allocated by the stadium-run lottery system that helps to raise revenue. 
:'''5] Arouha Island'''
:The Temple of Euphoric Sunshine occupies the centre of the island and is surrounded by landscaped gardens. The Library of the Flame and Pavilion of the Martyrs are also located on the island. The island is usually open to the public but it still provides a daily function to the Gnangara community. The simple designs that pre-date the Imperial era are an inspiration of the designs of White Pine Plaza which has attempted to fuse these ageless design styles with modern building materials to infuse a sense of local identity.
:'''6] New Parliament House'''
:During the Civil War the original Republican Parliament convened in the Zhaire Town Hall before it was decoyed by artillery fire forcing the government to meet at the Whiterose Tavern; to commemorate this Parliament still holds its opening secession in the Tavern each year. The Parliament building is constructed on the artificial island of Onkago and houses a variety of important government offices. The building itself is comparatively small because most representatives have offices in the adjacent building complexes. 
:'''7] Sandstone Colosseum'''
:Standing as the ancient symbol of the city the Sandstone Colosseum was constructed at the height of the golden age which pre-dated the Imperial era. Before the construction of Hero Stadium the site was used for most of the major sporting events in the city. The Colosseum is being slowly reconstructed following water damage to the foundation stones. Most ceremonies in the city link the colosseum with the waterfront via the Plaza of White Pines.
:'''8] Plaza of white Pines'''
:This historic plaza links the waterfront to the heart of the city and is lined with some of the most famous retail and residential buildings in the city. A major redevelopment program has occurred at the eastern end of the Plaza replacing a light industrial area well-known for its rampant prostitution and resident artistic community. The Plaza was used for military parades but is now used for several public events including the Harvest Festival Parade and the City Cycle Marathon. Some of the best known icons of the city such as the White Rabbit Club, Batavia Mall, Gomoko’s bontark and the Golden tower run along this road.
:'''9] Public Gardens'''
:Providing a mix of zoological and botanical specimens from across the world the Public Gardens are over 300 years old. In remains a highly popular destination for families and tourists as well as providing a venue to occasional music festivals. The Gardens have been working with neighbouring countries to begin a breeding program for endangered species and the propagation of rare flora to preserve isolated specimens at risk of losing genetic diversity in the wild. Some exotic species in the Garden include tuchen fowl, kokondo seals, pygmy burost and a herd of lashenty.
:'''10] Centre for Scientific & Industrial Research'''
:Constructed to assist in the modernisation of the economy the C.S.I.R. is placed to draw on the strong intellectual presence in the city to solve some of the most pressing problems in a broad range of scientific and industrial frontiers. The building itself is designed to be “utility neutral”; it is designed to be self-sufficient in water and energy needs and uses passive design to minimise heating/cooling needs and provide necessary space for research and administration. Weekly tours are conducted to showcase the building with its integrated interface that sees the building controlled through an internal computer network.
:Several stations are centred in the city including the Biotopian Broadcasting Network which provides nation-wide access to regional and local television on the recently installed fibre optic system. The government operated BioISP is also centred in the capital and integrates online radio, television and the internet together creating an “information uber-highway”.
:Like most [[Wikipedia:capital cities|capital cities]] the civil service is the primary employer occupying one-third of the urban workforce. Education, research and development are the second largest sectors making Zhaire the academic centre of the nation and an important centre for technological innovation and scientific research. The media, retail and finance also play an important role in the local economy. A significant amount of the previous manufacturing industry has been moved outside the urban centre to allow for housing development and better transport access.
:'''Local Television'''
:*[[Wikipedia:Agriculture|Agriculture]] 1%
:Free Zhaire
:*[[Wikipedia:media|Arts & Media]] 10%
:BBN – Central
:*[[Wikipedia:Civil Service|Civil Service]] 30%
:Community Cable
:*[[Wikipedia:Finance|Finance]] 7%
:BBN - National
:*[[Wikipedia:Manufacturing|Manufacturing]] 5%
:*[[Wikipedia:Research|Research & Education]] 20%
:*[[Wikipedia:Retail|Retail]] 10%
:*[[Wikipedia:Service industry|Private Service]] 14%
:*[[Wikipedia:Transport|Transport]] 3%
:'''Local Radio'''
:99 FM BBN - Central
:A high-technology and services sector has developed in Biotopia including the nation’s aerospace and robotics industry. Some elements of the traditional [[Wikipedia:craft|craftware]] industry remain particularly in glass goods and woollen textiles imported from the surrounding hinterland. Education, technology and research make a significant contribution to the urban economy. 
:97 FM Monta FM
:95 FM 3N
:91 FM Independent FM
:89 FM Community Radio
:87 FM BNU Live
:64 AM BBN - National
:78 AM CBC - World
:The Biotopian
:The Golden Paw
:[[Wikipedia:publishing|Publishing & Media]]
:Zhaire Times
:The Picayune
:The Tradepost
:The Green Star
:*Agriculture 1.5%  
:Metropolitan Zhaire is highly dependent on imported foodstuffs and electricity (approximately 60%). It is also a large market for top-end consumer goods including textiles, electronics and furniture fuelled by the higher than average incomes of the numerous civil servants and researchers. All tributary shipping and most rail passes through Zhaire making it a national [[Wikipedia:transport|transport hub]]. As heavy industry has tended to disperse the service and consumer sectors have grown in importance to the Zhaire economy.  
:*Arts & Media 12.4%
:*Bureaucracy 26.1%
:*Finance 10.6%
:*Manufacturing 9.8%,
:*Research & Education 16.3%
:*Retail 12.7%
:*Services 7.6%
:*Transport 3%
:A rough breakdown of the economic activity in the city according to the 2004 census reveals the dominating importance of the civil service to the economy of Zhaire followed by research and education and retail. In total the government is directly responsible for about half the employment in the city and indirectly a substantially higher figure because most other business is related to supplying the needs of those citizens. The manufacturing sector is relatively independent of the government presence and centres on the production of high-quality components for the aerospace and electronics industry.
:*[[Wikipedia:construction|Construction materials]]
:*[[Wikipedia:consumer goods|Consumer goods]]
:*[[Wikipedia:consumer electronics|Consumer electronics]]
:The city has an average income higher then the national average because of the strong presence of government employees who promote the strong performance of the retail and service industry. Banking and finance is also an important occupation with the national mint and Central Bank being located in the capital’s financial centre. The arts also play a strong role fuelled by the yearly inflow of tourists who visit the many galleries and theatres as well as locals who are avid cultural consumers. The black market thrives on the demand of well-paid civil servants and for those in the know there is usually a greater variety of contraband goods on sale then elsewhere in the nation.
:Zhaire is well serviced by a public transport network, numerous educational centres, cultural institutions and parklands. Healthcare is excellent with many research clinics operating in the city leading the frontier of medical research in the nation. [[Wikipedia:Public transport]], [[Wikipedia:pedestrian|pedestrianism]] and [[Wikipedia:cycling|cycling]] are the most frequent means of travelling within the city.
:This results in the periodical cracking down by local police who usually need to discreetly dispose of their own purchases or risk being caught in random spot-checks used to counter the notorious corruption that was the hall marks of the capital police force. The city attracts plenty of high-tech goods and hard-to-get foreign goods such as perfumes, spirits, clothes and high-technology goods which bring in the annual “discount tourists” who travel to the capital just to buy these otherwise scare products during the discount period in May.
:There is also a regular [[Wikipedia:ferry|ferry]] service across Lake Odee. During peak hour [[Wikipedia:train|trains]]s and [[Wikipedia:bus|busses]] fill quickly and some commuters prefer to ride home along the broad cycle-paths on most city roads. Although [[Wikipedia:automobiles|automobiles]] are used almost exclusively for government officials (only during working hours) trucks and other heavy vehicles regularly supply the city and remove its waste. The police and other emergency services also use private automobiles but aside from these conveniences most people are resigned to using the futuristic looking public transport system, especially during summer when trains and busses provide one of the few air-conditioned outlets in the city.
: Like all cities in Biotopia there are restrictions on development and migration to halt over-development, urban sprawl and the growth of ghettos and estates through mismanagement and under-investment in public infrastructure so endemic to large metropolises. Housing is a problem in the sense of attaining permanent accommodation because of strong demand but there are limits to the maximum population capacity and density of each urban district. Individual housing is allocated by lottery ensuring that even basic housing provides adequate living space because even the most senior government official could be subject to the poorest house available.  
:The numerous institutions and colleges in the city are highly prestigious although most acclaim is brought in by the tertiary facilities with primary and secondary schools preforming to the national average. Numerous libraries, galleries and museums are open to the public and are responsible for the saying “books and bags” when talking about a trip to the capital because of the duel interests of these many fine facilities and the variety of shopping available in the city.  
:Healthcare is excellent with many research clinics operating in the city leading the frontier of medical research in the nation. There is also a small chain of medical factories that engineer and produce specialist medical equipment and artificial implants. Like elsewhere in the nation healthcare is free and the waiting process is generally expedient. The Zhaire Academy of Medicine and Dentistry is located on the campus of the University of the Republic.
:The city has to import up to 50% of its electricity and derives this from a number of source. Internally its produces electricity from the copious numbers of [[Wikipedia:solar panel|solar panels]] that adorn rooftops, a [[Wikipedia:waste-to-energy plant|waste to power plant]] and a small [[Wikipedia:geothermal power|geothermal power station]]. Coal power is the largest single contribute to the urban grid. The city is a nett consumer of electrivity.  
:*Fossil Fuels 42%
:The ancient design of the city was based on ringed arterial roads intersected by radiating roads drawn from the centre of the city. This model has been preserved and means that the inbuilt transport system services Zhaire with an efficient public transport system, one of the few options to travel around the city. The bus system is the most extensive network and operates between 5am-12:30am on most routes; trains are used largely for cargo transport and passenger movement in and out of the city with the subway system carrying most people within the metropolitan district.
:*Solar power 20%
:*waste-to-energy 15%
:*Wind power 10%
:*Hydropower 8%
:*Geothermal 5%
:There is also a regular ferry service across Lake Odee. During peak hour trains and busses fill quickly and some commuters prefer to ride home along the broad cycle-paths on most city roads. Although automobiles are used almost exclusively for government officials (only during working hours) trucks and other heavy vehicles regularly supply the city and remove its waste. The police and other emergency services also use private automobiles but aside from these conveniences most people are resigned to using the futuristic looking public transport system, especially during summer when trains and busses provide one of the few air-conditioned outlets in the city.  
:Numerous libraries, galleries and museums are open to the public and are responsible for the saying “books and bags” when talking about a trip to the capital because of the duel interests of these many fine facilities and the varieties of shopping opportunities available in the city. There are numerous heritage sites within the city dating from the Imperial and Republican Era. Some of these include;
===Old Downtown===
:Like all cities in Biotopia there are restrictions on development and migration to halt over-development, urban sprawl and the growth of ghettos and estates through mismanagement and under-investment in public infrastructure so endemic to large metropolises. Housing is a problem in the sense of attaining permanent accommodation because of strong demand but there are limits to the maximum population capacity and density of each urban district. Individual housing is allocated by lottery ensuring that even basic housing provides adequate living space because even the most senior government official could be subject to the poorest house available.
:There are numerous hotels and short-term houses available for up to six-months but these are usually only available to workers or specialists called into assist on a project. Despite complaints about the length of time it takes to be processed and the constant under- supply of housing most citizens accept these conditions, at least begrudgingly as necessary to maintaining the high-quality of their urban lifestyles.
:Dating from the Mid-to-Late Imperial Era the Old Downtown is well preserved and complimented with a mix of residential and commercial properties. Housing regulations mean that there are a number of various occupations and income levels distributed throughout the area. The area is the focus for antique stores, book sellers and other small enterprises and galleries. There are numerous courtyards and alleyways which compliment the inward ambience of the area. The area attracts numerous shoppers to the weekly markets.
===Redfern University===
:Redfern University (RU) is the largest campus in Zhaire with an enrolment of 30,000 students from across the nation attending. The campus has an established reputation for academic excellence and has been a operating as a university for nearly 300 years. Redfern University also receives high performance outcomes in through their technical and engineering faculties. Redfern University is at the centre of the intellectual hub in Zhaire.
===Garden of the Dead===
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y190/Tom86/18.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y190/Tom86/23a.jpg
:The Garden of the Dead is the oldest and least developed part of the city and has been used since antiquity as a place for religious worship and recreation. 900,000 people were registered to have visited in the last year or double the population of the city itself. All the mainstream religious communities in the city have established shrines or grottos in the Garden which covers the ''Osmoph''. Large areas of it are devoted to parkland with several small ponds and picnic areas. There are also denser areas of woodland that preserve the primordial nature of mountain.
===Parliament Island===
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y190/Tom86/6a.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y190/Tom86/3a.jpg
:The Federal Parliament, National Library and Hall of Heroes are all located on a small artificial peninsula near the Azure Harbour on the eastern shore of Zendee Island. The Federal Parliament was constructed in the Republican style after the initial site was bombed forcing the republican government to move into the Redstar Hotel. The three main buildings are popular icons of the city and strong examples of Republican style architecture.
===Arouha Island===
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y190/Tom86/8.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y190/Tom86/47a.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y190/Tom86/46a.jpg
:Arouha Island is an important religious centre of the Gnangara religion. The island is landscaped to read as a religious metaphor and is dotted with various buildings the most important of which is the Third Temple (or the Golden Crematorium). The Holy Archives and Sacred Catacombs are also set on the island. The First and Second Temples are located in Zhaire. Although the island contains important religious sites members of the public can visit the island using the regular ferry service across Odee Lake.
===Plaza of the White Pines===
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y190/Tom86/45.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y190/Tom86/4b.jpg
:The Plaza is the most famous boulevard in the nation with yearly parades and ceremonies held particularly during the socialist phase of the Republican Era. The plaza stretches from Azure port on the east coast to the heart of the old city and is lined by several well-known city institutions. The Plaza is closed during New Years Eve and is covered by local denizens who line the street to welcome the new year.
==Sister Cities==
==Sister Cities==
: none

Latest revision as of 05:19, 20 May 2006

Basic Information
Area: 119.75  km²
Population  : 450,000 11/2005
Density: 3,757/km² State
Elevation: 0 - 115 m
Postal code: 10001-6060
Area code: +149/130
Licence plate code : Z
Website : www.zhaire.bp
Governing Mayor: Klam Lephla-Jell

Biotopian Repubican Party

Governing Parties: GPB / PB

The City of Zhaire has historically swung between provincial backwater and cultural and economic capital of the region. It is the birthplace of the Gnangara religion, capital of the republic and a major centre for thinking and learning. This is a city with a pastiche of styles and multitude of identities; an ancient citadel, a bustling metropolis, the centre of tradition and a place of innovation. Yet it maintains a sense of continuity, the old running into the new and the new looking to the old for the future. What some visitors mistake for aloofness most locals describe as pride in where they live. Politically and physically separated from the surrounding landscape Zhaire is unique and liveable capital perched above the broad plains to the south and centred in the middle of a continental-nation.


Classical Era

Zhaire is the birthplace to Gnangara the first indigenous monological theology. The sandstone outcrop known as the Osmoph is a site for ancient religious practices that pre-date the Gnangara. Pottery, wool and gold are important export commodities as is grain distribution during the first Epoch. The ancient city is located at the centre of the island and surrounded by a canal. From this region the Sagawachee drive south to conquer the Commonwealth returning booty of precious metals, jewellery and fine textiles that pass through the city. The second epoch is marked by rapid urbanisation.

Imperial Era

The city passes into decline with the centralisation of power in Saint Kordaam during the Imperial Era. Not until the late Imperial period does the city prosper with the construction of the twin canal system making Zhaire the major trading centre for the region. There is a new wave of building and revival or urbanisation including the construction of the first bridge to cross the Sep River. Silver, grain, honey, wax and iron are major shipping commodities during the third epoch. The city gains a reputation as a “Bohemian outpost” of the empire because of the exotic attraction of the city to many liberals and free-thinkers.

Republican Era

Zhaire initially fought as pro-Imperial territory but a popular revolt overthrew the government and shut-off supplies from the interior. It was the initiative of Zhaire to construct a fleet of river-cruisers to bombard the imperial cities downstream along the Great Amanzee which was a significant turning point in the course of the war. Zhaire was made the capital in a deliberate move to separate the republic from the image of the Imperial Era as well as being a strong support base for the republic and offering a strategic centre for government administration. Since the Kjahelkee the city has returned to prosperity.



The city occupies the island of Zendee which is surrounded by the Sep River, the upper tributary of the Great Amanzee and Odee Lake. There are three permanent islands situated in the surrounding waters. Esheen Island divides the waters of the Sep which enter to the north-west of the city. The two other islands are situated in Odee Lake; Arouha and The Kadell. The width of the waterways varies with the seasons but at their lowest there is no less then 40 meters between the shorelines and at their peak up 1,200 meters across Lake Odee. The depth and constant movement of the waters allows for sipping from the interior to the coastline, an ancient route that continues to be surfaced. An artificial canal system also allows for shipping to move from the coastline northwards.
Zendee’s most striking geographical feature is the outcrop of limestone known as the Osmoph. Here the hilly terrain supports dense woodland, small ponds and numerous grottos weathered into the face of the ancient limestone that was once a prehistoric sea. The island itself is divided into five general geographic zones - The lowlands of the southern perimeter and south-east quarter of the island; the midlands that surround the limestone range and the northern perimeter; the hillock at the centre of the island; the flatlands that constitute the rest of the island and the Osmoph. No part of urban Zendee is more then 20 meters above the tide line. The city itself is 1,800m ASL.


Summers are hot and dry with clear skies and an average maximum of 30 degrees Celsius. The warmest months are December, January and February. Autumn brings cooler temperatures and higher humidity with the occasional flash-storm. In winter it is not uncommon for there to be snow or heavy frost and temperatures dropping to -4 degrees Celsius over night. Generally however the temperature rises to the mid teens or low twenties during the day. The coldest months are June, July and August. Springtime brings the peak water flow through the Sep as winter snow of the mountains begins to melt. This is the cause of the famous fogs that cover the low-lying areas of the city.


Like all urban areas there are restrictions imposed to curtail over-development and urban-sprawl from occurring. Although the population remains generally static the demographic nature of Zhaire remains in motion. There has been a sustained increase of human settlement in the last decade and a static total presence by the non-human community although it is becoming more diversified. The age structure of the city continues to support an over representation of the middle-aged, a reflection of the demand for established professionals due to the high level of government employment centres.


Zhaire is the only city where Gnangara forms the majority religion with 5% of all devotees living in the city. The historical affiliation of the city and its local religion remains strong through architectural and literary expression. The second-largest belief system is atheism which is the result of both an outcome of the previous constitutional requirement of disavowing religious affiliation to work in senior areas of the civil service and a strong atheist cultural undercurrent.


The comparatively higher representation of humans and non-humans (sapiens) is mostly centred on the diplomatic and transnational functions of the government and business. There is also a small but vibrant refugee community amongst the non0human community who participate in public awareness campaigns. In increasing number of humans are moving to Zhaire to better access governmental services in the city through trade and finance. In the last mayoral elections three non-humans and one human candidate ran for office.


Healthcare is excellent with many research clinics operating in the city leading the frontier of medical research in the nation. There is also a small chain of medical factories that engineer and produce specialist medical equipment and artificial implants. Numerous libraries, galleries and museums are open to the public and are responsible for the saying “books and bags” when talking about a trip to the capital because of the duel interests of these many fine facilities and the variety of shopping available in the city. Tourism is a growing industry but the city remains dominated by the government and research.


Like most capital cities the civil service is the primary employer occupying one-third of the urban workforce. Education, research and development are the second largest sectors making Zhaire the academic centre of the nation and an important centre for technological innovation and scientific research. The media, retail and finance also play an important role in the local economy. A significant amount of the previous manufacturing industry has been moved outside the urban centre to allow for housing development and better transport access.


A high-technology and services sector has developed in Biotopia including the nation’s aerospace and robotics industry. Some elements of the traditional craftware industry remain particularly in glass goods and woollen textiles imported from the surrounding hinterland. Education, technology and research make a significant contribution to the urban economy.
Publishing & Media


Metropolitan Zhaire is highly dependent on imported foodstuffs and electricity (approximately 60%). It is also a large market for top-end consumer goods including textiles, electronics and furniture fuelled by the higher than average incomes of the numerous civil servants and researchers. All tributary shipping and most rail passes through Zhaire making it a national transport hub. As heavy industry has tended to disperse the service and consumer sectors have grown in importance to the Zhaire economy.


Zhaire is well serviced by a public transport network, numerous educational centres, cultural institutions and parklands. Healthcare is excellent with many research clinics operating in the city leading the frontier of medical research in the nation. Wikipedia:Public transport, pedestrianism and cycling are the most frequent means of travelling within the city.


There is also a regular ferry service across Lake Odee. During peak hour trainss and busses fill quickly and some commuters prefer to ride home along the broad cycle-paths on most city roads. Although automobiles are used almost exclusively for government officials (only during working hours) trucks and other heavy vehicles regularly supply the city and remove its waste. The police and other emergency services also use private automobiles but aside from these conveniences most people are resigned to using the futuristic looking public transport system, especially during summer when trains and busses provide one of the few air-conditioned outlets in the city.


Like all cities in Biotopia there are restrictions on development and migration to halt over-development, urban sprawl and the growth of ghettos and estates through mismanagement and under-investment in public infrastructure so endemic to large metropolises. Housing is a problem in the sense of attaining permanent accommodation because of strong demand but there are limits to the maximum population capacity and density of each urban district. Individual housing is allocated by lottery ensuring that even basic housing provides adequate living space because even the most senior government official could be subject to the poorest house available.


The city has to import up to 50% of its electricity and derives this from a number of source. Internally its produces electricity from the copious numbers of solar panels that adorn rooftops, a waste to power plant and a small geothermal power station. Coal power is the largest single contribute to the urban grid. The city is a nett consumer of electrivity.
  • Fossil Fuels 42%
  • Solar power 20%
  • waste-to-energy 15%
  • Wind power 10%
  • Hydropower 8%
  • Geothermal 5%


Numerous libraries, galleries and museums are open to the public and are responsible for the saying “books and bags” when talking about a trip to the capital because of the duel interests of these many fine facilities and the varieties of shopping opportunities available in the city. There are numerous heritage sites within the city dating from the Imperial and Republican Era. Some of these include;

Old Downtown

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Dating from the Mid-to-Late Imperial Era the Old Downtown is well preserved and complimented with a mix of residential and commercial properties. Housing regulations mean that there are a number of various occupations and income levels distributed throughout the area. The area is the focus for antique stores, book sellers and other small enterprises and galleries. There are numerous courtyards and alleyways which compliment the inward ambience of the area. The area attracts numerous shoppers to the weekly markets.

Redfern University


Redfern University (RU) is the largest campus in Zhaire with an enrolment of 30,000 students from across the nation attending. The campus has an established reputation for academic excellence and has been a operating as a university for nearly 300 years. Redfern University also receives high performance outcomes in through their technical and engineering faculties. Redfern University is at the centre of the intellectual hub in Zhaire.

Garden of the Dead

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The Garden of the Dead is the oldest and least developed part of the city and has been used since antiquity as a place for religious worship and recreation. 900,000 people were registered to have visited in the last year or double the population of the city itself. All the mainstream religious communities in the city have established shrines or grottos in the Garden which covers the Osmoph. Large areas of it are devoted to parkland with several small ponds and picnic areas. There are also denser areas of woodland that preserve the primordial nature of mountain.

Parliament Island

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The Federal Parliament, National Library and Hall of Heroes are all located on a small artificial peninsula near the Azure Harbour on the eastern shore of Zendee Island. The Federal Parliament was constructed in the Republican style after the initial site was bombed forcing the republican government to move into the Redstar Hotel. The three main buildings are popular icons of the city and strong examples of Republican style architecture.

Arouha Island

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Arouha Island is an important religious centre of the Gnangara religion. The island is landscaped to read as a religious metaphor and is dotted with various buildings the most important of which is the Third Temple (or the Golden Crematorium). The Holy Archives and Sacred Catacombs are also set on the island. The First and Second Temples are located in Zhaire. Although the island contains important religious sites members of the public can visit the island using the regular ferry service across Odee Lake.

Plaza of the White Pines

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The Plaza is the most famous boulevard in the nation with yearly parades and ceremonies held particularly during the socialist phase of the Republican Era. The plaza stretches from Azure port on the east coast to the heart of the old city and is lined by several well-known city institutions. The Plaza is closed during New Years Eve and is covered by local denizens who line the street to welcome the new year.

Sister Cities
