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== Imperial History ==
== Imperial History ==
The of Allech-Atreus can be divided into several different periods: The Old Empire period, the "First" Empire, the Second Empire of Kolthurnia, the Third Empire, the Fourth Empire, and the Empire of Allech-Atreus. Each of these periods are broken by some form of interregnum or period of warfare.
The of Allech-Atreus can be divided into several different periods: The Old Empire period, the First Empire, the Kolthurnian Empire, the Second Empire, the Third Empire, and the Empire of Allech-Atreus. Each of these periods are broken by some form of interregnum or period of warfare.
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== Interregnum - the ValtenHayn/Abdus Wars ==
== Interregnum - the ValtenHayn/Abdus Wars ==
After the fall of the First Empire, the Grand Duchy of Abdus and the Confederacy of Valtenhayn competed for supremacy in the power vacuum. Though a confederacy, Valtenhayn was ruled by a powerful aristocratic family that was aneirched through its control of Artaxian trade concessions. Abdus was made strong by controlling the Beldani trade routes out of Balagos. Eventaully the two powers came into direct conflict, and a powerful Valtenhayn fleet attacked Abdus IV and forced the Grand Duke to flee. The "Abdian Attempt" as it became known resulted in the decline of Abdus IV as the capitol of the Grand Duchy, and with a deep hatred of Valtens by the Abdians.
The Grand Duke relocated to Abdus III, and marshalled his forces. Calling his allies in Atrax and levying the forces of the Intermediate Systems, he passed through the Core Worlds and attacked Valtenhayn himself. The attack was devastating, and resulted in the complete obliteration of all life on the planet. Thankfully, several million people had managed to escape the planet along with records, monuments, and other important items. The horrific attack crushed Valten hegemony, and they ceased to have any importance in the region.
The Valten Exodites kumped from planet to planet to escape the Abdians, who searched for them. Entering the Wild Space, they settled on the planet Gordax, before jumping again to the planets of Novus and Hapus, which was renamed Neuvalten in nostalgia. The Valten traditions persisted and evolved, and soon Novus  was under Valten dominion.
== The Kolthurnia Empire ==
The regional powers held sway for several hundred years, ebbing and flowing in power. The Wild Space was unified under the reign of Kolthur Keltan, who gave his name to the planet Ghazayn. His empire was collectively called "Kolthurnia," after the central planet of that name. For years, the Kolthurnians expanded, taking control of lesser states and systems. The County of Bandan, comprised of Balaban, Korriban, Nuzban, Kaban, and Bildan, was conquered, as was the Danzi Federation of Maldon IX, X, XI, and XII. Finally they seized Novus and forced the Valten Exodites to submit.
The King of Kolthurnia then set his sights elsewhere. Turning south, he made plans to seize Soricca, considered the gateway to the civilized worlds. However, he died before the plans could be completed, and two generations passed. His grandson made good on his grandfather's dreams, and took over Soricca a month into his reign.
His campaign in the outer Core was quick. The Kolthurnian armies seized the planets of Gindan, Lufashan, and Bildan, as well as an as-yet-insignificant planet named Vanda Khal. Soon, however, his armies marched triumphant into Galakia, on the edge of the Inner Core. The King sieged Khaylamnis, and was proclaimed Archduke, a title not held since Jugunda Sivarik. The Kolthurnian juggernaut continued, and within a short time his fleet was in orbit around Imperia Prime itself. The former capital planet had become a democracy after the fall of the Lakariks, and the whole of the populace voted to accept King Gurray Keltan as the Emperor of the Galaxy. Their actions began the Wars of Empire.

Revision as of 01:49, 23 July 2006

Leader: His Most Excellent Majesty Emperor Allech-Atreus XVI, Walanda XXVI
Region: Union of Independent Nations
Motto: "Praise to Holy Allech, Glory to Atreus"
Capital: Imperia Prime/ Vanda Khal
Population: ~4 billion
Currency: Klar
Language: Gaddam, Poplaran, Abdicin, Vardacian, Artaxian, Atraxian, Osmanan, Danaan, Vepazan-da
UN Status: un_delegate.gif
Endorsements: 4

The Great Star Empire of Allech-Atreus is a vast galactic empire, holding sway over hundreds of planets and claiming lordship over the Protectorate of Zatigao, the Protectorate of Zembana, the Kingdom of Kolthurnia, and the Grand Duchy of Abdus.

The Imperial Government

The Imperial government functions in a quasi-federal sense, with a centralized Imperial bureacracy overseeing the regional governments. The central government can be divided into three sections: the Royal House, the Ao In Ten (Chamber of Regents), and the Au She Dar (Agundan In Phar, "Will of the Emperor"). The Emperor acts in the role of the exectutive, the Regents the legislative, and the Agundans as both judicial and enforcement.

In additions to the Imperial House, currently the House of Allech-Atreus, there are a large number of noble families that have degrees of influence and power. The most notable are the former Imperial Lines of Keltan, Valten, Alastar, and Lakarik. The Imperial Court is comprised of titled nobles which advise the Emperor.

Regional Government

The regional governments are the non-central entities that govern the Empire. During the many wars which resulted in a unified Empire, the various regional government either solidified themselves or were destroyed by the Empire. Emperor Keltan XVII Has Al Kumtan pursued a policy of legitimacy, which guaranteed regional rulers their power if they submitted to the Empire. The major regional governments are the Grand Duchy of Abdus ruled by the Orn Innti, the Kingdom of Kolthurnia ruled by the Keltan, Valtenhayn and Novus ruled by the Valten, Vardacia ruled by the Star Council, Danaae ruled by the Polemarchia, Osmana ruled by the Al-Mainal, Artax by the Kantaz, and Atrax by the Supreme House.

Imperial History

The of Allech-Atreus can be divided into several different periods: The Old Empire period, the First Empire, the Kolthurnian Empire, the Second Empire, the Third Empire, and the Empire of Allech-Atreus. Each of these periods are broken by some form of interregnum or period of warfare.

The Old Empire

The Old Empire period is divided into several different sub-periods: the Pre-Karlevite, the Karlevite, and the Post-Karlevite or "Republican."


The Pre-Karlevite is defined as the history that ocurred before the reign of Emperor Karl IV. Not much is known about this period, but mostly involves when the Empire was a part of the region of SimRTK. However, the rulers soon left the area and settled in the Land of Nod, under the rule of the foreign master Ubumedu. Emperor Karl IV ascended to the throne and began reviving the Empire and bringing it strength.


The Karlevite period when Karl IV took the throne. The Old Empire reached its height in the middle of his reign, with the nation being the largest in the region with the untimely demise of Ubumedu's hegemony. Conflict with other powers, notably Elgarve, Blackledge, AG333 and Dark Zion, resulted in a massive buildup and eventual all-out war. Powers shifted, Elgarve was elmininated, and finally Blackledge gained the upper hand with an alliance of puppet nations and AG's support. The Empire was defeated along with Dark Zion.

At this poin in the war, a prototype weapon was activated, which resulted in the strange disappearance of thousand of Imperial citizens, soldiers, technology, and several cities. The Royal Family was captured, the remanants of the Empire were defeated and turned into a Federal Republic. The Emperor abdicated, and the Karlevite period ended.

Post-Karlevite (Republican):

The Republican period resulted in the Empire shifting to several different regions, finally ending in Ultima Thule, which in a strange turn of events was ruled again by Ubumedu. This period was short-lived, as Ubumedu's poor leadership and unreliability resulted in a coup. For a time, the Empire was the head of a multi-regional Empire with the gubernatorial assistance of former enemies Blackledge and AG, but the Old Empire was expended and eventually disappeared, along with the Imperial Federation.

The First Empire

While the Post-Karlevite Empire declined, Imperial history continued elsewhere. The thousands of citizens that had disappeared in the Nodic Wars had been transported to worlds far from anywhere known. The population had been stretched across a vast galaxy, and forced to rebuild their lives. This period, known as "The Dark Times," was fileld with hardship and a general decline in culture. Local ethnicities and loyalties emerged, and language developed along the lines left behind from Old Earth. Within generations, new identities had been created, and people had mostly forgotten their history.


Powers emerged, local warlords who ruled planets and small systems. The regions of that time are mostly the same as they are now, with Abdus, Valtenhayn, and the Core Worlds forming the central parts of the Empire. Incursions from other galactic states resulted in a rich history. The first incursion into what is now the Empire was the Gishans, Shaddati refugees fleeing the Beldani Combine. They wreaked havoc in their arival, displacing the Danbians and taking control of their area. At the height of their power, they extended hegemony over Danaae and the pre-Valtens. However, they were soon defeated by an alliance of warlods in the Abdian corridor, led by the Lord of Kaltus IV. That alliance never grew in strength, however, and were pushed aside by the planets of the Core Worlds. The other regions have a long history, but theirs will be discussed elsewhere.

The Core Worlds were comprised of Bizan Tan, Khaylamnis, Zumak, Bogaz, Istan, Kum, and Canak. Ruled by vicious warlords, the Khaylamnis established itself as the preeminent power. The Archduke forced tribute from the others, and gained subservience from the Valtens. Abdus paid tribute, as did the Southern Artaxians. The last Archduke, Jugunda Sivarik, subjugated the Bizan and passed the duchy to his son, Askar. Askar proclaimed himself King, and defeated the Lhakars of Canak.


Askar gained control over the other Core Worlds, and levied a massive army and fleet. Invading Atraxia, he subjugated the Tangol-Gishans, and then gained control of the warlike Danaae when he sacked Mycena. His armies turned on Abdus and forced the Grand Duke to surrender when he blockaded Abdus IV. Advancing into the Wild Space (now Kolthurnia), he seized Ghazayn (now Kolthurnia) and then seized the Valtenhayn Confederacy. Artax fell, and Greater Daxcia was taken.

Returning to Khaylamnis, he journeyed to Bizan Tan, which had been devastated by previous war. Proclaiming himself the Great Emperor, he inaugurated Bizan Tan as his capital, which would be called Imperia Prime. Askar claimed to be the descendant of the legandary Emperor Karliv. He turned Kum, Canak, and Zumak into the fortress worlds of Canakkale, Kumkale, and Zumakkale, and fortified Istan and Bogaz into the gateworlds of Bogaz Khoy and Istan Khoy.


The First Empire had begun, ruled by the Sivarik line. Askar's progeny ruled for a long time, until the line was extinguished through impotency, retardation, and simple incompetence. The Core Worlds were torn apart while various court families fought for supremacy, and at long last the Lakariks, descendants of the Lhakars, gained the upper hand and forced the other families to submit. The Lakarik Emperor gave them fiefs to ensure support, and the great families were born. The Umsanks, Daragaks, Kwuuntaktariks, and Wendankwans all began as court nobles.

The outer Imperial infrastructure, put together by the Sivariks, remained intact during the War of Succession. The Lakariks simply picked up where the Sivariks left off. Their reign saw the Empire reach the height of its culture and development, but just as the Sivariks before, they degenerated and finally collapsed. The ensuing conflict was not a repeat of the first War of Succession, however, and the First Empire totally collapsed.

Interregnum - the ValtenHayn/Abdus Wars

After the fall of the First Empire, the Grand Duchy of Abdus and the Confederacy of Valtenhayn competed for supremacy in the power vacuum. Though a confederacy, Valtenhayn was ruled by a powerful aristocratic family that was aneirched through its control of Artaxian trade concessions. Abdus was made strong by controlling the Beldani trade routes out of Balagos. Eventaully the two powers came into direct conflict, and a powerful Valtenhayn fleet attacked Abdus IV and forced the Grand Duke to flee. The "Abdian Attempt" as it became known resulted in the decline of Abdus IV as the capitol of the Grand Duchy, and with a deep hatred of Valtens by the Abdians.

The Grand Duke relocated to Abdus III, and marshalled his forces. Calling his allies in Atrax and levying the forces of the Intermediate Systems, he passed through the Core Worlds and attacked Valtenhayn himself. The attack was devastating, and resulted in the complete obliteration of all life on the planet. Thankfully, several million people had managed to escape the planet along with records, monuments, and other important items. The horrific attack crushed Valten hegemony, and they ceased to have any importance in the region.

The Valten Exodites kumped from planet to planet to escape the Abdians, who searched for them. Entering the Wild Space, they settled on the planet Gordax, before jumping again to the planets of Novus and Hapus, which was renamed Neuvalten in nostalgia. The Valten traditions persisted and evolved, and soon Novus was under Valten dominion.

The Kolthurnia Empire

The regional powers held sway for several hundred years, ebbing and flowing in power. The Wild Space was unified under the reign of Kolthur Keltan, who gave his name to the planet Ghazayn. His empire was collectively called "Kolthurnia," after the central planet of that name. For years, the Kolthurnians expanded, taking control of lesser states and systems. The County of Bandan, comprised of Balaban, Korriban, Nuzban, Kaban, and Bildan, was conquered, as was the Danzi Federation of Maldon IX, X, XI, and XII. Finally they seized Novus and forced the Valten Exodites to submit.

The King of Kolthurnia then set his sights elsewhere. Turning south, he made plans to seize Soricca, considered the gateway to the civilized worlds. However, he died before the plans could be completed, and two generations passed. His grandson made good on his grandfather's dreams, and took over Soricca a month into his reign.

His campaign in the outer Core was quick. The Kolthurnian armies seized the planets of Gindan, Lufashan, and Bildan, as well as an as-yet-insignificant planet named Vanda Khal. Soon, however, his armies marched triumphant into Galakia, on the edge of the Inner Core. The King sieged Khaylamnis, and was proclaimed Archduke, a title not held since Jugunda Sivarik. The Kolthurnian juggernaut continued, and within a short time his fleet was in orbit around Imperia Prime itself. The former capital planet had become a democracy after the fall of the Lakariks, and the whole of the populace voted to accept King Gurray Keltan as the Emperor of the Galaxy. Their actions began the Wars of Empire.