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{{Infobox President Dave |
flag=http://i65.photobucket.com/albums/h230/Davia430/president_dave.gif |
region=[[Government, Great Britain and Ireland, Republicans, Yarsh, Global Right Alliance]]|
President Dave was founded in 523 a.d. by exiled Romans of Hispania (Spain), Britiania (England) and Gaul (France). They were immediatly booted from Europe and were sent across the Atlantic, and landed on the uncharted island of Troy. They settled in Romanus, but were forced to flee after the Gopiqous tribal invasions. Then they were forced deeper in the mainland, and settled in Dublin. Much of their buildings and artifacts remain today.
motto="If the Pope goes to the Bathroom, is it considered "Holy Crap?" |
map=[Map URL], or No Map Available |
In 1453 A.D., just after the complete fall of the Eastern Roman Empire, more Romans settled in Thracia and Germania, when they found the Davian civilazation. They joined the rest of the Romans, and founded cities such as Holy Quahog, Intrepid City, Davy Valley, Cape October, and Edoras. For the next 200 years, they claimed lands and named waters, until they reached the Information Age, and Democracy to the nation.
language=Davish, English, Latin |
capital=Dublin |
In 1842, 602,240 troops were sent to destroy their great rival, Carthage. The Emporer [at the time] was Emporer David, the last of the Davian dynasty, even went their himself, and led the troops into battle. He was killed when 23 arrows pierced his chest, and then the people of PD created a Democracy.
population=Over 1.5 Billion |
currency=Thin Mint |
Many tourists enjoy seeing the ruins of the early civilazations, such as the Romanus Colleseum, the Praetoria Castle, and the Terra Cotta Navy in Palpatine. To visit more info, go to pdw.historyofprezdave.pdgov (do not try).
leader=President John Warner
Religon: Christian 89%, Jewish 11%
Government Type: Roman-type Republic
Government Priority: Defence
Tax Rate: 100%
GPD : $19,179.34
Government Budget: $9,248,870,400,000.00
Defence Budget: $2,467,598,622,720.00 29%
Administration Budget: $850,896,076,800.00 10%
Social Welfare Budget: $340,358,430,720.00 4%
Relgion and Spirituality: $765,806,469,120.00 9%
Law & Order: $2,297,419,407,360.00 27%
Commerce: $510,537,646,080.00 6%
Public Transport: $850,896,076,800.00 10%
Exchange Rate: 1.5284 dollars = $1
Exports: $1,178,638,106,617.71
Imports: $1,063,620,096,000.00
Head of State: President Dave, party: Conservative
Capital: Dublin (formerly known as Americania)
Catholicism Capital: Holy Quahog
Political Parties: Conservative 88%, Troyian 9%, Royalist 2%,
Quagmirist 1%
Territories: 7; Troy, Narnia, Hispania, Germania, President Dave (mainland), Sparta, Carthage, Thracia
Cities: 22
Population: 748,000,000
Currency: The Dave Dollar (Updated 11/18)
Active Military Units: 11,569,724 soldiers; Army, Navy, Marines, Elite Spartans, National Guard, Coast Guard, Praetorian Guards, P.D.I.A.*
Background History: Claimed on October 20, 2005. By the Gopiquos Tribe. First major city, Edoras. Then moved north and settled at Americania, now known as Dublin. First Free Elections took place October 22, 2005. Elected President Dave, to be President of President Dave. Public nudity banned on October 27. On October 28, 2005, terrorists, known as Taliban 2, bombed the McCainal Tower. President Dave's respons was immediate war. War ended October 29, 2005. Then in a few days, President Dave proposed a Declaration of War on North Syrupiat, because North Syrupiat gave weapons to the terrorists. This was false, however. On November 18, 2005- President Dave given title- David the Conquerer- by the Pope for his great leadership and heroic skills when he was flushing out the Barbarians at Government Samoa. Slaughtered over 521 enemies alone. Then, however, President Dave gave Government Samoa to Ruthless Progress, and traded it for Gaul, now known as Germania. Papal elections finished December 28th, electing Benidict the 16th, December 27 to January 1st, war erupted between Ottamarx and the Alomran-Davian Powers. January 1st, 2006- Ottamarx surrenders. Hosted 1st and 2nd Ruler Convention in Dublin. Last one hosted: January 3rd- January 10th.
Civil Representation: Yes; Mayors, Governors
Military Divisions: Presidential Legions: 500,000 per legion. Headed by a Elite Commander.
Wars: 6; Davian-Taliban 2 War; The God Bless the USA and North Syrupiat War, Barbarinan War, Operation Free Gaul, Search and Destroy Elvis Presley, The War Against Ottamarx
Economy Commodities: Tourism 36.8%, Arms Manufacturing 14%, Car Manufacturing 41.2% Other 9%.
Prized Possession(s): Queen Lorego I; ocean liner. Terra Cotta Navy ( in Palpatine). Statue of Freedom (Bay of Dave).
Tourist Attractions: Kennebunkport beaches, Davian Muesem of Art, Athenia Movie Hall, The Dublin Blue House, Queen Lorego I, The Romanus Colleseum, The Great Saesee River, Palpatine Music Hall, Praetorian Castle, Salem Space Center, Fort Constantinople Artillery Muesem, DisneyWorld (in Davy Valley).
Newspaper Companies: The Davian Times 99%, minor companies 1%.
Highest Point: Mt. St. Patrick; 25,837.6 ft
National Holiday: David's Day (October 12)
Flag Description: Rectangular Shape; letter P on left, D on right, center the National Seal
Crime Rate: 0.000000000000000000001%
National Hero(s): David the Conquerer, Garbs the Magnificent, General Patton the Fourth
Dominant television shows (sent from GBUSA, MAX): Family Guy 87.9%, The Simpsons 12.1%
Area- Comparitive: slightly larger than Italy
Language: Davish 98.4%, Latin 2.6%
Location: Northern Center of Government
Dominant Car Manufacturing Industry: PDCAR 67.1%, Other 33.9%
Economy Allies: GBUSA, LORS, KW, SH5, MAX, NAL, GDLT, OTT, MP, SH, SAJ, ALO,
Major Military Allies: GBUSA, NAL, SH5, MAX, MP, SH, ALO,
Military Units (NON-LAW ENFORCEMENT): 9,229,918 troops; 57,124 battleships; 23,006 aircraft carriers; 56,722 submarines; 440,239 aircraft;
Military Motto: SEMPER FIDELIUS (always loyal)
Nation Founded: October 12, 1753; at Evergreen Capitol, by 537 delegates from tribes.
National Animal: Blue Wolf (can be found at Sparta and Northern part of Troy. It is trained in the Sparta Area 43 for combat).
National Currency: thin mint
Word that cannot be used in public: Davey Jones
President Davian Motto: Trespassers shall be shot. Survivors shall be shot twice.
National Ice Cream Flavor : Dublin Mudslide
National Anthem: "Springtime for David"
National Sport : Blueball Tennis
National Television Show: The Family Dude
National Day of the Week: Friday
National Candy: Skittles

Revision as of 19:58, 2 December 2006

Template:Infobox President Dave