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Hyper warp

Hyper warp is one of the most advanced drives in the galaxy, the Federal Union has been using it and refining it for years, the drive works by crating an apertures to another dimension, these apertures are crated when the ship uses energy equivalent to 3 % more of its own mass and then add that as they're in Hyper warp to the distance they are traveling. Each ship must crate they're own apertures, Hyper warp is unique due to the fact that the ship uses enough force and energy at the start to account for its mass + 3% more of its mass and s jump distance when it enters the aperture the ship is converted in to energy and is thus massless, while the engines crate a field to hold the energy together they also can accelerate if charged up at the start so travel time is cut, the drive is normally faster than others but also risky. Federal Physicist used the Equation <math>E=2M+X^X</math> to figure it out, Mass one is for the ship to enter the gate, X^X is the energy used for distance and travel. and mass 2 is the energy used to convert back the ship from energy to its normal form again. Hyper warp is the standard drive used by federal ships, its is employed with a four tiered safety system, it should also be noted that once the drive is engaged and the ship is in hyper warp the destination cannot be changed it is set. If for any reason failure of the Drive happens while in hyper warp the ship would be lost along with all hands while this has happened rarely it dose happen.

  • Affect on people: The drive affects people in an odd way, but is non detrimental to health, what happens is when the ship and crew are converted to energy time for them freezes as the ship cascades through Hyper warp. and then continues when they reach there destination. A mild sense of discontinuity is reported after use but it quickly subsides.
  • History: The drives research began over thirty two years ago at the black nova facility, it was slow progress at first, for a few years it was almost non existent, federal funding was pouring in to the project to compete with out nations, hoping it would pay off while the process was slow and expensive it did have some signs of progress several years after it began, how ever increasing pressure from congress and the president, forced the program even more and under danger of being cut out from funding they had to put together a prototype quickly. thankfully later that year a prototype was built and ready for demonstration, the demonstration failed with spectacular colors, the ship it was mounted on appeared in a planet as was crushed. but it proved the drive could work, so more funding was approved, by the end of twelve years the drive was ready to be used, at a cost of over 2.5 trillion Federal Dollars It was the most expensive drive in history. First generation Hyper warp drives required a lot of power operate and were bulky, they were designed for the Demeter class cruiser but eventually cut out because newer second generation drives were available. The Chief company for making these drives is Union dynamics, by the end of last year even newer fifth generation drives. While no efforts are made officially to replace these drives, researchers are looking on to better systems later to replace these in a while.