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{{Infobox_Nation |
This nation has been deleted, but the puppet of [[The Glorious Empire]] remains.
flag=http://www.nationstates.net/images/flags/uploads/the_imperial_race.jpg |
region=[[Greater Nova York]] |
motto=''Death Before Dishonor ''  |
map=No Map Available Yet ) |
language=[[Latin]] [[English]] [[German]] [[Spanish]] |
population=610,000,000 |
currency=Spice Credit|
leader=Padishah Emperor
== The Imperial Race ==                         
This nation will always remain in the memory of the Holy Church of Floyd... Though some memories are bad and others are good, he will always have a spot in the Great Gig in the Sky with the rest of us...
The Imperial Race is a very aggressive militaristic nation that has been known to fight wars on trivial causes. It is ruled by The Padishah Emperor of the Corrino Line who sits on the Golden Lion Throne. The Military is endless and very well trained. the Original Capital was Salusa Secundus but it was hit by a atomic strike and was made a barren inhospitable place. The Current Capital is Kaitan. This City is filled with monuments to House Corrino (the ruling members of the Empire).
The Imperial Race is an on off  UN member. It joins and leaves because of its Distaste of the resolutions being past. 
== Founding and History ==
The Imperial Race is a nation that was born of blood.
It was at first a nation that was ruled by an Emperor of the Hapsburg line allowing many advances in science and robotics. The Monarchy fell to a Prussian King and soon the nation was involved in a civil war. When the dust had settled The Prussians emerged Victorious and the Hapsburgs where eliminated. The first of many royal families killed. The Prussian Monarchy ruled for several centuries and witnesses the birth of Robotics this lead to the overthrow of the Human Government and the creation of a Robotic Regime controlled by a massive supercomputer called Omnius Evermind in Kaitain. It was 10 centuries dominated by a robotic regime that used the populace as cattle. The Regime fell after a Uprising called the Butlerian Jihad. The Jihad ended after the battle of Corrin. The leader of the Resistance Faykan Butler declared himself Emperor and changed his last name to Corrino to have a bit of history to his name.
From then on the Corrinos ruled The Imperial Race and their lieutenants became nobles. they  Built the Landsraad Council Chambers on the remains of the Omnius Evermind and the Corrinos Set up an Imperial palace on Salusa Secundus their home province. They had one Commandment "thou salt not create a machine in the Likeness of Man" This lead to the destruction of many computers and lead to the training of Human Computers called Mentats.
== Attack On Salusa Secundus ==
The Atomic Attack on Salusa Secundus was a attempt to seize power form the Corrinos 500 years after the battle of Corrin. This attack killed many but the Corrinos escaped. They managed to fight a war useing the newly formed Imperial Sardaukar and Atomic weapons this was when their reputation as warrior fanatics was formed. After a civil war that lasted 10 years costing a total of 10 million lives the Corrinos emerged victorious and The Capital was moved to Kaitan beause Salusa Secundus was a barren atomic wasteland. It became the training ground of the Imperial Saduakar and the most notorious Imperial Prision. The Name of the Offending House is unknown it was eraesed from history as a punishment for their crimes. The Imperial race began a time known as "The Great Purge"
== The Great Purge ==
This was the period of 2 years after the third civil war in witch the Corrinos hunted down and killed many nobles attempting to over throw them. it is estimated that 30,000 people died. 100 were convicted of treason. The rest are the Families of the traitors. Not one drop of Traitorous blood is left in the Imperial race. 
== The Imperial Wars ==
The Imperial wars began with the bombing of Kaitan. This lead to the annihilation of the regime of General Song who planned the attack in one day.  this lead to a war Royal Latveria and Nationalist -China- they demanded the release of prisoners of General Song. After a stern no they attacked and attempted to disarm The Imperial Race's atomic arsenal. This failed and led to a massive atomic strike. this lead to the Annihilation of The Doom Family (rulers of Royal latvera)
== People ==
The People of the Imperial race are hard working people that follow orders without question and live in a Ultra Capitalistic State. they are free to rise and fall as the please. and that is about it. Service in the Military is considered an Honor. Especially in the Imperial Sardaukar.
This is why many parents allow their newborns to be trained to become one of the "Imperial Elite"
== Culture ==
The Culture of the Imperial Race stresses Fanaticism to the Emperor. That is why many nations consider it Unconquerable. the people enjoy gladiatorial fights and purchasing goods. The Culture also says it is the Emperor's Wish for us to become powerful. So they often excel at what they do and  do it without Question. This is why the Merchants are some of the Best in the region.
== Commerce ==
the Imperial race is known for is ablity to not only fight but to persuade other nations
to do its bidding. their Merchants travel to all corners of the region and have the persuasive power known as "The Voice of the Emperor" it is said that it can cause entire populaces to give into Imperial Rule.  The Imperial Race's Federation of trade and Wealth is a divison of THe Imperial race it deals with commerce and such
{{Infobox_Corporation |
subject_name= Trade and Wealth|
logo= http://www.nationstates.net/images/flags/uploads/trade_and_wealth.jpg|
hq= Kaitan|
nation= The Imperial Race|
forum=[URL Storefront link] |
product= Everything}}
== Military ==
They Military is composed of millions of soldiers men and women. they all fight to the death for their Emperor and the Golden Lion Throneand focus on speed. As their history shows they have had many long an bloody wars. so they have adopted Blitzkreig.
== Imperial Sardaukar ==
Sardaukar are trained from infancy in the Province Salusa Secundus, House Corrino's original (and environmentally barren) homeland as well as the formal Capital world of the Empire prior to the Butlerian Jihad. Known to the rest of the Empire as the Emperor's Prison Province, Salusa Secondus is home to the vicious training grounds of the Sardaukar, who fight voraciously in a mock-up of natural selection - ensuring that only the best enter formal Imperial service. Like the Fremen of the province Dune, the intense difficulties of simply surviving the barren terrain and fellow populace on Salusa Secondus leave only the toughest alive. Further, their training emphasized ruthlessness and near-suicidal disregard for personal safety. In conjunction with intense conditioning for loyalty to the Emperor, the Sardaukar are estimated as worth ten times their number in Landsraad house levies. The Sardaukar are normally organized under legions of roughly 30,000 soldiers each, and it is said that one legion alone can pacify any nation foolish enough to incur the Emperor's wrath.
== Military Organization==
the military Hierarchy is as Follows:
The Padishah Emperor
Berseg (Sardaukar General)
General of Army
Grand Admiralof the Navy
Commander of the Air Force
Imperial Sardaukar/ Infantryman
== Government ==
Government Type: Feudal system (due to the Lack of Computers and General Distrust of AI)
UN Category: Corporate Police State
Traditional Name: The Million World Empire of The Imperial Race
Congress: The Landsraad Council (Council of All Nobles Has no real Power)
Population: 610,000,000
Military Size: Unknown (Only Known number is 50 Imperial Sardaukar Legions)
International Rivals: [[Tetris L-Shaped Block]], [[Socialist Freemen]].
International Allies: The Imperial Race is the Founding Member of The Alliance of Imperial Powers in Greater Nova York. The Nation also has strong ties with  [[Serinistad]] and [[Neferamity]]
Unusual laws: Slavery is legal, no seat blet laws/ helmet laws (they believe if you are stupid enough to not put your seat belt on then you desrve to die.)
Main Industry: Uranium Mining
== Social Order ==
The Padishah Emperor
Landsraad nobles
lesser nobles
== Landsraad Houses ==
these are the noble houses that survived the great purge. there 6 (not including house Corrino as the are in power.) It is from these houses that the Empire draws its man power They are kept in Check By the Imperial Sardaukar.
'''House Corrino''' House Corrino's ancestral planet was Salusa Secundus, the seat of imperial power since the Butlerian Jihad. Due to an unfortunate atomic explosion, House Corrino and the Golden Lion Throne moved to Kaitain. The offending house is unknown, erased from history.
The harsh conditions of their homeworld encouraged the survival of the strong, and allowed the Corrinos to develop the universe's most-feared military units, the warrior-fanatic Sardaukar, the means by which House Corrino controlled the Empire.
'''House Atreides''' This noble house hailing from the water province of Caladan employs unlikely methods in its struggle to secure the spice of Arrakis: noble spirit, just ways and unfailing virtue. Ruling its homeland Caladan for generations with justice and generosity, House Atreides has perfected a form of government that results in a well-organized society and a spiritually satisfied people. Little wonder that Caladan is the lush, prosperous paradise that it is. However, the House was also proficient in war; it had even developed an Atreides battle language
'''House Harkonnen''' One of the great houses of the Imperium, the House Harkonnen is built on a simple foundation of fear and terror, two tactics that make the Baron Harkonnen's underlings that much more dangerous: risk death on the battlefield or suffer a slow, excruciating death in the Baron's chambers as he watches with relish. With an order based on treachery, soldiers rise through the ranks through deceit, trickery and, if necessary, assassination.
Hailing from an industrial wasteland of a province called Giedi Prime, the House Harkonnen is much like its Baron: cold, ruthless, egomaniacal, but brilliant and lethally efficient. Most of all, it's driven by a kanly (vendetta) against House Atreides. The vendetta originated when Vorian Atreides exposed the unwarranted shame of Abulurd Harkonnen at the Battle of Corrin when Abulurd Harkonnen refused an order issued by Vorian Atreides to kill millions of humans enslaved by machines. The Battle of Corrin is the battle that ended the Butlerian Jihad and founded the Imperium.
'''House Richese''' House Richese was a wealthy house before taking over the fiefdom of Arrakis, but the vast expenses required for the spice manufacturing contract, as well as an economic war with the more advanced House Vernius, bankrupted House Richese.
'''House Vernius''' This house is the ruling power in the pprovince Ix. The main industry on Ix is machines that continuously test the bounds of the precepts set down by the Butlerian Jihad. The rival of House Vernius is House Richese, which also specializes in machinery, but doesn't create controversial machinery. The strongest ally of House Vernius is House Atreides. Their friendship began when the Earl Dominic Vernius and Duke Paulus Atreides fought together in the Ecazi rebellion.
'''House Ordos''' House Ordos is a member of the Landsraad, the great council of the Imperium, and is one of the more powerful members of it. The House is from the ice province Sigma Draconis, and is considered to be a mercantile house.
Note: Some information is taken from the Dune Novels by Frank Herbert and www.Wikipedia.org

Latest revision as of 21:06, 29 October 2007

This nation has been deleted, but the puppet of The Glorious Empire remains.

This nation will always remain in the memory of the Holy Church of Floyd... Though some memories are bad and others are good, he will always have a spot in the Great Gig in the Sky with the rest of us...