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;2004 AD : August. The Morrisons return once more, and detonate a high yield nuclear device in the centre of McLeodia, killing thousands, and eventually causing the death of the King. A brave stand by McLeods, IH, and our long-term friend and ally Autonomous City-states' troops results in the defeat of a massive Morrison armoured column, and the execution of the Morrison leader.
;2004 AD : August. The Morrisons return once more, and detonate a high yield nuclear device in the centre of McLeodia, killing thousands, and eventually causing the death of the King. A brave stand by McLeods, IH, and our long-term friend and ally Autonomous City-states' troops results in the defeat of a massive Morrison armoured column, and the execution of the Morrison leader.
;Present Day : Today the McLeods maintain a campaign of peace. Through numerous friendships and alliances, they have secured their place in the world. They are members of the Council of Air Powers, the Organisation of Maritime Powers, the New World Order, the United Medical Alliance, the Anti Genocide Pact, and a signatory of the Meridian Alliance.
;Present Day : Today the McLeods maintain a campaign of peace. Through numerous friendships and alliances, they have secured their place in the world. They are members of the [[Council of Air Powers]], the [[Organisation of Maritime Powers]], the [[New World Order]], the [[United Medical Alliance]], the [[Anti Genocide Pact]], and a signatory of the [Meridian Alliance]].
;2026 AD : Geologists and students at the University of McLeodia uncover a disturbing fact. The safe and secure island was slowly sinking, at an ever increasing rate. The movements of the earths crust were driving the island lower, and seismic activity was increasing daily. It seemed that the population of McLeod03 was doomed. However, the King ignored these warnings as drivel, and was assured by his own Science Minister that the island was safe.
;2026 AD : Geologists and students at the University of McLeodia uncover a disturbing fact. The safe and secure island was slowly sinking, at an ever increasing rate. The movements of the earths crust were driving the island lower, and seismic activity was increasing daily. It seemed that the population of McLeod03 was doomed. However, the King ignored these warnings as drivel, and was assured by his own Science Minister that the island was safe.
;2028 AD : The Year of Reckoning. It now has become clear that the King was wrong. Massive volcanic eruptions and vast earthquakes caused catastrophic death tolls across the north-east, and a handful of survivors managed to flee to Atlantica Prime, the Royal Navy's main shipyard. The remainder of the population scratch out a living on the mainland, attempting to survive in a post apocalyptic wasteland. Those lucky few who escaped form a new nation, calling themselves Atlantica McLeodia.
;2028 AD : The Year of Reckoning. It now has become clear that the King was wrong. Massive volcanic eruptions and vast earthquakes caused catastrophic death tolls across the north-east, and a handful of survivors managed to flee to Atlantica Prime, the Royal Navy's main shipyard. The remainder of the population scratch out a living on the mainland, attempting to survive in a post apocalyptic wasteland. Those lucky few who escaped form a new nation, calling themselves [[Atlantica McLeodia]].
;2028-2032 AD : The King, distraught at the loss of his mighty country, throws himself off of the tallest tower of Atlantica Prime, plummeting to his death. A democratic government is elected in his stead, and using materials found on the sea bed nearby, engineers construct a huge surface and underwater city, named Atlantica Prime, near the naval base. A handful of pilots operate a ferry service for many months, and before long, the city is flourishing, with a bright population ruled by the Senate. Being entirely water-based after the loss of their homeland, they focus on developing super-cavitating battlecarriers and subfighters, aiming to rule the seas. The pride of the McLeodian Royal Navy, the Monitor now becomes the flagship of the AMN, renamed the AMN Phoenix. The small but hardy nation of Atlantica McLeodia revelas herself to the world, and hopes to be accepted with the respect they deserve.
;2028-2032 AD : The King, distraught at the loss of his mighty country, throws himself off of the tallest tower of Atlantica Prime, plummeting to his death. A democratic government is elected in his stead, and using materials found on the sea bed nearby, engineers construct a huge surface and underwater city, named Atlantica Prime, near the naval base. A handful of pilots operate a ferry service for many months, and before long, the city is flourishing, with a bright population ruled by the Senate. Being entirely water-based after the loss of their homeland, they focus on developing super-cavitating battlecarriers and subfighters, aiming to rule the seas. The pride of the McLeodian Royal Navy, the Monitor now becomes the flagship of the AMN, renamed the AMN Phoenix. The small but hardy nation of Atlantica McLeodia revelas herself to the world, and hopes to be accepted with the respect they deserve.

Revision as of 03:20, 3 April 2005


550 BC 
First known inhabitants arrive on a large island in the middle of the Atlantic, and settle in communities near the coast, relying on abundant supplies of fish and nearby forests to survive.
376 BC 
Evidence of slaughtering of nearly a third of the coastal communities. Very little recorded evidence still exist documenting what happened, but folklore tells of men coming down from the mountains, burning, raping, and pillaging as they came.
291 BC 
The surviving communities unite into Clans, under a handful of men who mysteriously arrived without warning. The McLeods, the Morrisons, the McLewis, and the McCrimmon all begin to expand inland, claiming more lands as they go.
235 BC 
War breaks out between the Morrisons and the McDonalds as they invade the newer Clans lands. The ferocity of the Morrisons in killing and raping women and children becomes the stuff of legends.
167 BC 
The last of the McDonalds is slaughtered as the Morrisons capture the McDonald stronghold south of what is now Yorktown. The Morrisons now rule the largest area of McLeod03, and begin raids into the lands of the other clans, stealing materials and livestock.
33 AD 
The newly Christianised McCrimmon suffer terribly at the hands of the Morrisons as they once again invade, this time en masse. Thousands upon thousands of Morrison warriors sweep through McCrimmon lands. James McLeod, leader of the McLeod Clan, organises a defence of the McCrimmon capital of Oxford. The battle for Oxford is the turning point in the war, as the tide of Morrisons is worn out against a thin line of McCrimmon and McLeodian troops. As the Morrisons begin to fall back, the McLewis troops arrive on horseback, and the battle turns into a complete rout, and a massacre.
43 AD 
Over the past ten years, the McLeod Clan declares the McCrimmons a protectorate, and it is not long before the McLewis also unite, all happy to live and fight under the revered James McLeod. With this mass of support, James McLeod launches the War of Cleansing, and for the first time in hundreds of years, Morrison lands are invaded.
68 AD 
The Morrison capital of Yorktown is invaded by the McLeods and their allies, and the Morrison king is captured. He and his family are exiled from the Island, and Morrison prisoners of war are given the choice between joining James McLeod or the sword. Thousands are killed regardless, and Morrison lands are absorbed into the new nation of McLeodia.
81 AD 
James McLeod dies. The City of McLeodia is named in his honour, and massive statues are erected across the country. To further honour the man who united McLeod03, each first born son of the King is to be named James McLeod. This tradition still exists to this day.
97-589 AD 
The Dark Ages. Little is known of what caused the downfall, but it is known that the Morrisons returned to the country, killing the Queen and most of the McLeodian Royal Family. They also orchestrated the McLewis betrayal, and launched a crusade against the McLeods. It is thought that nearly five million men were killed in the hundreds of years of war, and the population of the island was cut dramatically.
590 AD 
King James McLeod I prclaimed king of McLeod03 after he and his brother Michael McLeod led the remnants of the McLeodian forces deep into Morrison territory and slaughtered the Morrison and McLewis kings and royal family, sparing no one. Leaderless, the two clans surrendered to the McLeods, who then began to consolidate their rule over the island.
1734 AD 
With the island fully secured, the coutnry begins to look to the seas that had for many years granted life to the people. The Royal Navy is formed, and the Age of Exploration begins. McCrimmon diplomats sail to many countries across the globe, gathering information wherever possible. THe first McLeodian World Map and Encyclopaedia is published.
1999 AD 
The McLeods announce themselves to the world, and become involved in an everlasting war on terrorism, oppression, and genocide, whislt historians and propaganda experts work endlessly to hide the countries bloody past away from prying eyes.
2003 AD 
June. First McLeodian military action on foreign soils as a special forces team attempts to capture an airfield in Royal Palm during a large scale war involving future allies the RGGA and Sniper Country, the first supplier of military equipment to the Royal Army.
2003 AD 
August. Military actions taken in defence of Terristan in an attempt to end terrorism. These actions sparked off a long running feud with the Attican Empire as they attempted massive airstrikes and airborne landings with the Attican 1st Airborne against the McLeodian homeland. The entire strike force was shot down, and the paratroopers who survived were rounded up into the first Foreign Legion. To this day these troops remian the only hostile troops to ever land on McLeod03.
2003 AD 
Late August-Early September. A conflict against the Attican Empire ends in stalemate and a peace treaty. This thin veil of peace was shattered by the first of many Attican invasions of the neighbouring country of FPC. McLeodian forces once again intervened, and remained in FPC for many years, establishing a massive military complex on the border with Attica, and causing vastly heightened tensions between all parties involved.
2003 AD 
September. Final conflict with Attican Empire ends when a vast Dark Terrorian fleet appears to defend the Atticans. Despite numerous threats, a successful peace treaty was reached, and relations between McLeod03 and the Attican Empire continue to improve, even now.
2003 AD 
November. Numerous small scale conflicts lead to war with the Fedral Union until both parties agreed to a neutral stand-down, and all relations were ceased for many months.
2004 AD 
May(?). Naval Patrol Group is destroyed by the first nuclear attack on McLeodian troops. All hands are lost, and war is declared on the attacker, breaking nearly a month of peace.
2004 AD 
June. Mcleodian forces intervene in a conflict in Vladimir. Alongside Fedral Union forces, McLeodian naval vessels launch strikes on the land based forces and hostile naval vessels, culminating in a large battle, and the retreat of Fedral forces, in which three Fedral aircraft carriers were sunk by an unidentified submarine.
2004 AD 
August. The Morrisons return once more, and detonate a high yield nuclear device in the centre of McLeodia, killing thousands, and eventually causing the death of the King. A brave stand by McLeods, IH, and our long-term friend and ally Autonomous City-states' troops results in the defeat of a massive Morrison armoured column, and the execution of the Morrison leader.
Present Day 
Today the McLeods maintain a campaign of peace. Through numerous friendships and alliances, they have secured their place in the world. They are members of the Council of Air Powers, the Organisation of Maritime Powers, the New World Order, the United Medical Alliance, the Anti Genocide Pact, and a signatory of the [Meridian Alliance]].
2026 AD 
Geologists and students at the University of McLeodia uncover a disturbing fact. The safe and secure island was slowly sinking, at an ever increasing rate. The movements of the earths crust were driving the island lower, and seismic activity was increasing daily. It seemed that the population of McLeod03 was doomed. However, the King ignored these warnings as drivel, and was assured by his own Science Minister that the island was safe.
2028 AD 
The Year of Reckoning. It now has become clear that the King was wrong. Massive volcanic eruptions and vast earthquakes caused catastrophic death tolls across the north-east, and a handful of survivors managed to flee to Atlantica Prime, the Royal Navy's main shipyard. The remainder of the population scratch out a living on the mainland, attempting to survive in a post apocalyptic wasteland. Those lucky few who escaped form a new nation, calling themselves Atlantica McLeodia.
2028-2032 AD 
The King, distraught at the loss of his mighty country, throws himself off of the tallest tower of Atlantica Prime, plummeting to his death. A democratic government is elected in his stead, and using materials found on the sea bed nearby, engineers construct a huge surface and underwater city, named Atlantica Prime, near the naval base. A handful of pilots operate a ferry service for many months, and before long, the city is flourishing, with a bright population ruled by the Senate. Being entirely water-based after the loss of their homeland, they focus on developing super-cavitating battlecarriers and subfighters, aiming to rule the seas. The pride of the McLeodian Royal Navy, the Monitor now becomes the flagship of the AMN, renamed the AMN Phoenix. The small but hardy nation of Atlantica McLeodia revelas herself to the world, and hopes to be accepted with the respect they deserve.