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Oops, this is ment to be OOC. Well I'm a NationStates player that has been for a while in different regions and organisations as the Atlantic Central Command, the Meritocracy and Europe, which I'm currently in. I'm a 16 year old Dutchie (and hella proud of it!)
== The Capitalist Confederation of Qantrixian States ==
''"Lead with your knowledge, not with your feelings."''
Qantrix is one of the oldest nations on the world, it has grown out of three small city states (Qanama, Trion and Ixionpolis) into one of the largest nations in Europe, a military superpower and one of the biggest economic powers of Europe. Qantrix is a nation that has experienced various systems, it started off as 3 small states that were dependent on trade, for that reason there was much freedom, economic freedoms. For trade drugs were also legalized and because there was no army but there was a need for self-defense guns were also legalised in a later stage, although that wasn’t for long. Qantrix has not only experienced freedom, a coup by mainly foreign workers established a communist government. Qantrix went into starvation, but the communist government was overthrown, a dictatorship came and later on democracy. Qantrix was liberal at that moment, however had a big army. Qantrix then went into Anarchy, but the Merovingia family together with the bussinesses managed to get Qantrix out of Anarchy. Qantrix became a Absolute Monarchy, it still had a strong army but it did had many economic freedoms.
After a small civil war a new government was set up, the Capitalist Confederacy of Qantrix. A mix between a Meritocracy and a Democracy. It was a interim-government that would bring stability back to Qantrix. Now the stability has returned the current government has decided to reform Qantrix for the future. In the base it will stay the same, a mix between democracy and a meritocracy. However it will be worked out in a different way. The Senate will be much smaller, with only 21 people. 7 representatives chosen by the people, one for every state. 7 people coming from the 7 largest Universities. 6 Ministers that have been chosen by the President to be in charge of one thing and one final seat, the seat of the President. This Senate and Cabinet will only decide over state-wide problems. The States (Aedolius, Amsterdam, Ixionpolis, Qanama, Trion, Duneria and Dariota) are free to decide on the most thing.
Hopefully this will force the government to be closer to the people, a smaller government that grants freedom to the people, a government that is near the people which can see problems in the state and react upon it. Large Governments are known to be sitting high above the people only caring about themselves. This Government will ensure that it’s near the people. It will be democraticly elected every 10 years. This is a large period compared to other nations, this is so that the governments don’t try to have a popular administration but a administration that does the things as good as possible, that chooses not for short-term solutions that get it re-elected but for long-term solutions.Knowledge also is in the government, Universities will have much power in what’s happening in the nation.
'''About Qantrix'''
This nation is one of the larger nations with a population of 323 million. It’s main ministry Defense, while departments such as Religion and Spirituality aren’t recieving any funds by comparison. The Private Sector (which is to quote the United Nations “a powerhouse[…]”) has as a biggest industry Uranium Minining, however Arms Manufacturing and IT are also big. The Public Sector is non-existant according to a recent United Nations Survey.
Crime is totally unknown in Qantrix, mainly thanks to a large police force, it can probably also be thanked to the good economy, unemployment thanks to this great economy is near to non-existant, although those that are poor are very poor, however there are various charity organisation that care for these people. Social Security is privatised, most people have it pretty good thanks to this, since it’s privatised the social security has become much better, however if your not in one your pretty much screwed although there are charities that are much richer thanks to the non-existant tax.
The currency of Qantrix is the Sovereign, Qantrix is involved in the First Sovereign Bank, a International Bank with members in various regions. The National Animal of Qantrix is the Phoenix, which was chosen in a recent poll because of it’s big role in various Qantrixian legends and because Qantrix has risen out of it’s ashes various times, just like a Phoenix.
'''The different states of Qantrix'''
Let’s take a look at the different states of our nation.Qantrix is made up of 7 States, all with their own personality and a different internal policy.
''Founding State''
'''''Current Representative:'''John Carllson (Qantrix First Party)''
This state has the biggest harbors of Qantrix. Here’s where the great Qantrixian navy is based and where the sea to land transport happens. It was once known as the Industry-city of Qantrix but currently it’s becoming more commercial, the once by factories dominated sky is now being dominated by glass skyscrapers.
''Founding State''
'''''Current Representative:'''Guderian von Glunwiech(United Libertarians)''
Here’s where the War Industry of Qantrix is. Both the Ministry of Defense and the Arms Manufacturers are housed here and according to the left wing of Qantrix that isn’t a co-incidence. Since George Drating launched his Phaeton from here, a corporation that managed to become the biggest IT corporation of Qantrix this city has also become the capital of the Information Technology.
''Founding State''
'''''Current Representative:'''Marcus Downing (Christian Falangist Party Qantrix)''
Widely known as the Spiritual Capital of Qantrix, this is where the most churches are. Both large corporations are here and the large Chrystal Cathedral, the biggest one of Qantrix. The Religious Channel broadcasts messages from God 24 hours from here. This city is a coming together of various christian religions, Protestants, Twentish-Catholics, Mormons, every religion is represented here. Ixionpolis has a huge country which is strictly religious. This is the only state where there’s no seperation between Church and the Government.
''Capital State''
'''''Current Representative:'''Jonathan van der Beek (United Libertarians)''
This is the capital city of Qantrix, this city was establised as a corporate stronghold when Qantrix was in anarchy, it quickly grew to become the largest city, it became a capital when the Qantrixian Absolute Monarchy was established and it has kept that position till this day. This city is known for it’s modern architecture, the new Qantrixian school begun here and every street is build in that way. This Architecture stream which mainly uses the color white causes Aedolius to be visible as one large white dot from the space.
'''''Current Representative:'''Jennifer Carter (United Libertarians)''
This city is one of the more recentently joined territories of Qantrix, however it has a huge history. This is a freedom-loving province which has managed to keep that by joining Qantrix. Located near the border of Baharr this state has one of the largest number of military troops located in it’s state borders. It joined as a somewhat anarchic state, order has been established since it joined Qantrix however it kept it freedom by electing the Libertarians. Prostitution and the drugs industry is huge here, crime also was huge but the freedom to bear arms and a good economic policy has managed to decrease that.
'''''Current Representative:'''Bjorn Raikonnen (Freedom Party)''
As the most northern state of Qantrix this province is mainly dependent on the wood industry, however since various corporations decided to create wild parcs (where you need to pay for entering but does have a lot of endangered species) this will keep it’s beautifull nature (which was once threatened.) The people here aren’t too smart and are easily influenced, with a brilliant campaign Bjorn Raikonnen of the Freedom Party managed to get 62% of the voters behind him.
'''''Current Representative:'''Peter Eristoff III (Freedom Party)''
As the coastal province of Qantrix there is much happening around here, every summer this is where the most tourism is, where the most parties are held and throughout every year there are lots of celebrities and other rich people here. While it isn’t economicly that strong there are loads of rich people here, which all vote for the Freedom Party. This is also a important state for the Ministry of Defense as the Qantrixian Navy has much boats stationed here and a military defense line (existing out of 5 large camps and a line of Patriots) is here.
'''The Armed Forces of Qantrix'''
To become a Qantrixian Soldier is the dream of many small boys in Qantrix, however the army in non-battle times only takes in the best men of Qantrix, most athletes of Qantrix are in the army and the soldiers have a very good condition, you’ll need to have that if you want to succeed in the various trainings that happen in both the hot dunes of Duneria, the large cold forests of Dariota and the desert in Trion.
The Qantrixian Army is one of the biggest armies in the world, with an huge budget it's reknown to be very strong. The Qantrixian Army has done operations in Baharr, Prax, Europaland, Wazistan and Monkecia.
It exists out of 5 branches
'''Land-Force Department'''
The Land Force is mainly in charge of all land-operations, it works together with the Air force in Para-drops (by supplying men that are trained in parachute jumping by the Air-force) and with the Sea-Force (beach-landing operations are always jointly done by the sea and land force.)
The Land force is also responsible for defense against air attacks and it owns the training bases.
'''Air-Force Department'''
The Air-Force Department is pretty large and is the most high-tech department, constantly searching for new technologies. The Air-Force has proven to be very important in operations in Prax, Europaland and Monkecia. Europaland has been completely destroyed twice by the Qantrixian Jets.
The Airforce also owns Military Airports, it supports the aircraft carriers and it has a large number of Cruise Missiles and is rumoured to also have the WMD’s of Qantrix.
'''Sea-Force Department'''
Constantly spread around the world, communication is very important for the Sea-force of Qantrix. A large number of ships of the Qantrixian Navy is all around the world, fighting piracy, illegal weapon transports and securing peace. In the war against Monkecia, the sea-force was very important.
The Sea-force also patrols the Long Sea 24 hours a day, protecting it from unwanted guests and piracy.
'''Special Forces Department'''
Special Forces is above all other departments, it works in the sky, sea and land and is like an small highly experienced army. The Special Forces are always active, doing anti-terrorist operations everywhere.  It fought the International Socialists and is currently being send to Gunnlandia to support it in its fight against terrorists in Wazistan.
'''Tactical and Administrative Department'''
The head of the army is organised from the TAD, it coordinates all activies, it helps all other departments work together and is the tactical and administrative brain of the army. It hosts the leadership and all almost all the other non-fighting personell.
The TAD is also known as the Ministry of Defense.

Latest revision as of 14:25, 20 October 2004

Oops, this is ment to be OOC. Well I'm a NationStates player that has been for a while in different regions and organisations as the Atlantic Central Command, the Meritocracy and Europe, which I'm currently in. I'm a 16 year old Dutchie (and hella proud of it!)