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Xanthal is home to nearly every sentient species one could possibly imagine might be there and likely a few more besides. Still, there are several species that stand out simply because they make up at least 1% of the nation’s total population. These species and their defining characteristics are listed below.
Xanthal is home to hundreds of sentient species. Still, there are several that stand out either numerically or for other reasons. These species and their defining characteristics are listed below.
*Mirfakan name: heyölän
*Physical appearance:
*Physiological characteristics:
*General temperament:
*Mirfakan name: əlfląn
*Physical appearance: Elves’ appearances differ substantially between individuals and between races, but they are basically human with a tendency to have slighter build. Elves also have pointed ears, a physical trait which has become something of a trademark for their species.
*Physiological characteristics: Elfin biology is quite similar to that of humans, but their senses are much more finely attuned. Elves also tend to have a much longer lifespan than the average human, and certain races can live indefinitely under ideal conditions, though the average natural life expectancy is more along the lines of four to five centuries. The notable exception to this standard is a minority race known in Xanthal as the usəlf, which is characterized by very short stature, almost never over one foot, and a lifespan of a mere twenty years. Elves in general are sensitive to environmental changes, and do not manage well in extreme climates or polluted areas.
*General temperament: Elves have a reputation for preferring unspoiled nature to urbanization, and though many have adapted to city life a large number of them live rurally. Elves can be quick-tempered, especially on matters they are passionate about, but often conduct themselves in an elevated, almost regal manner. Elves are highly intelligent, but most races are averse to modern concepts in mechanical engineering, favoring a more traditional approach to problems. The usəlf stands apart in temperament, being generally inclined towards industry and meddling to the point of mischief.
*Origin: Elves are native to several multiversal incarnations of the planet Earth, with the different races frequently originating from separate dimensions. Most races of elf are thought to have evolved either alongside or prior to humans.
*Mirfakan name: zăntälän
*Physical appearance:
*Physiological characteristics:
*General temperament:
*Mirfakan name: heyuląn
*Physical appearance: A book could easily be written to describe the details of the human body, but as the single most common sentient species in the known multiverse such a description is unneeded for the purposes of this entry. Humans are divided into races primarily by variations in skin, hair, and eye color typically dependant on the physical origin of their ancestors; though more extreme variations in the human species have surfaced in the centuries since its population began spreading beyond Earth. Common Xanthalian humans are pictured above.
*Physiological characteristics: Humans arguably have the most versatile brains among known sentients. Though they do not excel in any one area, it is their well-balanced cognitive abilities that gift them with extraordinary creativity and intuition, and equip them to serve almost any function with adequate training. Humans have slightly above average lifespans for sentient species, and can live in excess of 120 years under ideal conditions; though the natural disease and normal wear and tear to which they are notoriously prone will almost always kill them before that limit is reached. A human’s natural lifespan, with the help of modern medical technology, is generally just over one hundred years. The human body is built like the human brain; though it is unremarkable in any one capacity, it is capable of withstanding a wide variety of strains.
*General temperament: Human temperament varies widely among individuals, but they are, in general, an industrious and tenacious species. Humans are also act more upon base instinct than most sentients, and frequently are inclined to actively, even violently, seek possession and dominance over others. These characteristics make them highly productive and ingenuous, but can cause serious social problems in the absence of an effective governing structure.
*Origin: Humans evolved on Earth, though they and species remarkably like them have been reported elsewhere for millennia, including long before the modern age of faster-than-light travel. The forces behind historical human interstellar mobility have yet to be fully explained. Today, humans can be found throughout the multiverse, though they remain concentrated in the Milky Way.
*Mirfakan name: ŧănlän
*Physical appearance:
*Physiological characteristics:
*General temperament:
=Mon calamari=
*Mirfakan name: kąląmąrląn
*Physical appearance: A highly-evolved sea creature, mon calamari are characterized by their odd skeletal structure: their heads are covered with skin, while the rest of their bodies are contained by an earthy brown exoskeleton. They are large, solidly built animals, usually between five and six feet in height, with heavy appendages. Often described as a cross between a human, a crustacean, and a squid, they are a unique sight to behold.
*Physiological characteristics: Mon calamari have a fairly simple biological structure which belies their above-average intelligence and intuition. Amphibious, they can live in liquid or gaseous environments, so long as there is an adequate oxygen supply. They are quite tolerant of contaminants in their environment, though high concentrations of toxic elements will kill them. Mon calamari live almost as long as humans, with a natural lifespan that usually ends slightly before one hundred years of age.
*General temperament: Mon calamari are gentle creatures, known for their calm and sound judgment. Their inquisitive nature combined with their intelligence makes them excellent scientists, strategists, and diplomats.
*Origin: Dac is the mon calamari homeworld, which they share with the quarren, another sentient species. Xanthal’s mon calamari population is mostly composed of the ancestors of refugees who left Dac during that world’s troubles with the Galactic Empire.
*Mirfakan name: kälämärlän
*Physical appearance:
*Physiological characteristics:
*General temperament:
*Mirfakan name: nəkoląn
*Physical appearance: Neko, also known as Catpeople, have basically human body structure, but have softer and thicker body hair which is concentrated on their catlike ears and tail. The ratio of cat to human is different for individual specimens, ranging from those that are completely human except for a short tail and elevated ears to those that are covered in fur and sport all the physical and sensory capabilities of a cat, along with hallmarks like whiskers, slit eyes, reversed knees, and a tendency to go on all fours. Most members of the neko species fall somewhere between these extremes.
*Physiological characteristics: The organism that is the neko is built internally like a human, though its bone and muscle strength closely resemble a cat’s, making it quick and agile. Similarly, the cognitive centers of the neko brain are basically human, but its sensory and lower brain functions more closely resemble those of a feline. Neko have excellent hearing and good night vision. They are adept at spotting anything out of the ordinary. The natural lifetime of a neko can vary widely, but a sound average is eighty years. They do not tolerate environmental toxins or biological pathogens well, and can die from illness much more easily than a human. When they do become sick, it is important that they receive medical attention.
*General temperament: Neko, like their feline relatives, are fickle and independent creatures, the opposite of the adaptable and social human. Neko are free-spirited, and don’t like authority unless they are the authority, which they frequently are. Though the average neko’s intelligence is slightly below the human standard, neko have an uncanny intuition, tenacious nature, decisive mindset, and commanding presence that makes them choice leaders. Neko have a tendency to be stubborn and uncooperative when exhausted, overworked, or just plain tired, because they rely more upon the primitive feline parts of their brain in that state. A well-rested neko, fully in command of its human faculties, can be very receptive. Neko sleep a lot, and have a tendency to become positively lethargic in the warm climates they prefer. They work best in cooler conditions, amongst other active subjects.
*Origin: Neko have two primary origins, both on Earth. In some dimensions, they were created artificially by humans, usually in the late twentieth or early twenty-first century. In others, they either evolved or mutated much earlier. In either case, they have become a presence in many parts of the multiverse, though they are a small minority in almost every society in which they appear, and are frequently used as slaves, often for sexual purposes, in nations where they do not have full civil rights. Xanthal’s neko population consists almost exclusively of refugees and their descendents who escaped such oppressive conditions and relocated to Xanthal, which legally recognizes and protects them as sentient beings.
*Mirfakan name: ĕlflän
*Physical appearance:
*Physiological characteristics:
*General temperament:
*Mirfakan name: ŧănląn
*Physical appearance: Standing between five and six feet, the than are more insect than human, but they do have two arms and hands, and walk on two legs. A than is completely encased by its exoskeleton, save for a tough skin that connects its joints, and can be an unsettling sight with its large compound eyes and active antennae, not to mention its powerful bug-like mandibles, which, it should be noted, makes the than a messy eater. Than can have any one of five shell colors. This is explained further below. Pictured above is an emerald than.
*Physiological characteristics: Than have relatively simple biology, not unlike Earth ants, though much bigger. They are definitely intelligent, but their cognitive power is limited compared to most other sentient species. Though all than are strong and incredibly resilient, individual than are born with a specific biological function that determines a great deal about their genetic predispositions. This function can be easily discerned by the coloration of a than’s exoskeleton. Amber-colored than are laborers, and have the most limited mental abilities, though they do have great strength and fine motor control. Emerald than are warriors, distinguished by somewhat clumsier, claw-tipped hands and superior stamina. Ruby than are bred to be builders and developers, and have precise, mathematical minds. Sapphire than play the role of scholars and scientists, and claim the title of most intelligent among their species, with mental abilities slightly less than those of a neko. Silver than are leaders: they traditionally served a function not unlike that of a queen in an ant colony, but over the past millennium than have been evolving slowly away from their biological bond to the silver than, and today the number of silver than is dwindling. Than, with the exception of silver than, do not live long; almost never past sixty years.
*General temperament: A than’s temperament depends primarily upon its function, or color. Except for the silver variety, than are submissive to authority and frequently distinguish themselves with their loyalty, obedience, and to-the-death tenacity. Emerald than are aggressive and fearless. Ruby than are perfectionists, and have an unparalleled work ethic. Sapphire than are curious and inquisitive. Silver than are intuitive, demanding, and strong-willed. All than perform their functions almost regardless of their environment, which they can do because of their incredible tolerance for almost any extreme.
*Origin: Than evolved on the planet Wakimaisho in the Than System, the silver variety attaining sentience several thousand years before humans. When they achieved space travel, the than were quick to colonize another planet in their home system: Megukuga. The than’s highly organized, hierarchical society began to break down in the mid twenty-second century, when the rest of the than started to attain free will, disempowering the silver leaders. When it became apparent that they could no longer control their people, the silver than appealed to Xanthal for help, and Xanthal took control of Than, helping to guide them in building a society governed by law and enforcement rather than the pure will of the silver than. Today, silver than still command great respect and frequently take positions of leadership, but the free will of individual than is almost fully developed.
*Mirfakan name: nĕkolän
*Physical appearance:
*Physiological characteristics:
*General temperament:
*Mirfakan name: zăntąląn
*Physical appearance: Xanthalians are often compared to elves, with their pointed ears, skinny frames, and lack of body hair; but they also have other traits that are decidedly not elfish, most obvious among them a sub-dermal exoskeleton. The xanthalian pictured above has charcoal skin and white hair, but this should not be interpreted as the norm. Xanthalians have the normal human variety of skin, hair, and eye colors; sometimes in combinations that would be considered unusual for a human.
*Physiological characteristics: Xanthalian biology is remarkably complex, because at least a dozen species contributed directly to the xanthalian gene pool (this is explained further below). The end result is a mishmash of characteristics that make the xanthalian species quite unique. A thin exoskeleton beneath human-like skin makes them less prone to serious injury from cuts and puncture wounds, but can also be deadly if it shatters from a heavy impact, causing massive internal lacerations and bleeding. Their musculature makes them fast and agile, but they lack in brute strength. Their enhanced cellular regeneration gives them a natural lifespan that can exceed two centuries, but xanthalians have delicately balanced hormones and unimpressive immune systems, making them sensitive to disease and environmental conditions. Xanthalian vision is superior to a human’s, but their other senses are less impressive. Xanthalians have a mental capacity that far surpasses than of even the smartest humans.
*General temperament: Xanthalians are massively intelligent, and many of them feel that they are basically superior to other species. They have very little instinctual or reflexive response, meaning their actions are governed almost completely by higher brain functions. Most xanthalians prefer not to show emotion to those they are not close to, though they are certainly emotional creatures, comparable to humans in this respect. Xanthalians are all intellectuals, though as with any sentient being how and to what extent an individual actually makes use of its mind varies. Xanthalians can be very creative, but they lack intuition, and must think problems through rationally. Fortunately, such thinking comes easily to them, on a level of complexity most other species can only dream of. Xanthalians are excellent, if often annoyingly egotistical, assets to almost any purpose.
*Origin: The xanthalian species came into being as a result of genetic engineering in the old Xanthalian state, and was named after the nation that created them. Xanthalians were originally a minority created by interbreeding between species, facilitated by the technology of the time. As this interbreeding continued, and xanthalians began to breed with each other, a limited number of them became naturally fertile. When the technology used to create them was lost in the chaos following Old Xanthal’s collapse, most xanthalians died out, but those few that were fertile had the good fortune to survive and breed enough to save their species. Today, xanthalians are prevalent in Xanthal, though they remain rare elsewhere.
*Mirfakan name: avelän
*Physical appearance:
*Physiological characteristics:
*General temperament:

Latest revision as of 15:20, 22 October 2006

Xanthal is home to hundreds of sentient species. Still, there are several that stand out either numerically or for other reasons. These species and their defining characteristics are listed below.


  • Mirfakan name: əlfląn


  • Physical appearance: Elves’ appearances differ substantially between individuals and between races, but they are basically human with a tendency to have slighter build. Elves also have pointed ears, a physical trait which has become something of a trademark for their species.
  • Physiological characteristics: Elfin biology is quite similar to that of humans, but their senses are much more finely attuned. Elves also tend to have a much longer lifespan than the average human, and certain races can live indefinitely under ideal conditions, though the average natural life expectancy is more along the lines of four to five centuries. The notable exception to this standard is a minority race known in Xanthal as the usəlf, which is characterized by very short stature, almost never over one foot, and a lifespan of a mere twenty years. Elves in general are sensitive to environmental changes, and do not manage well in extreme climates or polluted areas.
  • General temperament: Elves have a reputation for preferring unspoiled nature to urbanization, and though many have adapted to city life a large number of them live rurally. Elves can be quick-tempered, especially on matters they are passionate about, but often conduct themselves in an elevated, almost regal manner. Elves are highly intelligent, but most races are averse to modern concepts in mechanical engineering, favoring a more traditional approach to problems. The usəlf stands apart in temperament, being generally inclined towards industry and meddling to the point of mischief.
  • Origin: Elves are native to several multiversal incarnations of the planet Earth, with the different races frequently originating from separate dimensions. Most races of elf are thought to have evolved either alongside or prior to humans.


  • Mirfakan name: heyuląn


  • Physical appearance: A book could easily be written to describe the details of the human body, but as the single most common sentient species in the known multiverse such a description is unneeded for the purposes of this entry. Humans are divided into races primarily by variations in skin, hair, and eye color typically dependant on the physical origin of their ancestors; though more extreme variations in the human species have surfaced in the centuries since its population began spreading beyond Earth. Common Xanthalian humans are pictured above.
  • Physiological characteristics: Humans arguably have the most versatile brains among known sentients. Though they do not excel in any one area, it is their well-balanced cognitive abilities that gift them with extraordinary creativity and intuition, and equip them to serve almost any function with adequate training. Humans have slightly above average lifespans for sentient species, and can live in excess of 120 years under ideal conditions; though the natural disease and normal wear and tear to which they are notoriously prone will almost always kill them before that limit is reached. A human’s natural lifespan, with the help of modern medical technology, is generally just over one hundred years. The human body is built like the human brain; though it is unremarkable in any one capacity, it is capable of withstanding a wide variety of strains.
  • General temperament: Human temperament varies widely among individuals, but they are, in general, an industrious and tenacious species. Humans are also act more upon base instinct than most sentients, and frequently are inclined to actively, even violently, seek possession and dominance over others. These characteristics make them highly productive and ingenuous, but can cause serious social problems in the absence of an effective governing structure.
  • Origin: Humans evolved on Earth, though they and species remarkably like them have been reported elsewhere for millennia, including long before the modern age of faster-than-light travel. The forces behind historical human interstellar mobility have yet to be fully explained. Today, humans can be found throughout the multiverse, though they remain concentrated in the Milky Way.

Mon calamari

  • Mirfakan name: kąląmąrląn


  • Physical appearance: A highly-evolved sea creature, mon calamari are characterized by their odd skeletal structure: their heads are covered with skin, while the rest of their bodies are contained by an earthy brown exoskeleton. They are large, solidly built animals, usually between five and six feet in height, with heavy appendages. Often described as a cross between a human, a crustacean, and a squid, they are a unique sight to behold.
  • Physiological characteristics: Mon calamari have a fairly simple biological structure which belies their above-average intelligence and intuition. Amphibious, they can live in liquid or gaseous environments, so long as there is an adequate oxygen supply. They are quite tolerant of contaminants in their environment, though high concentrations of toxic elements will kill them. Mon calamari live almost as long as humans, with a natural lifespan that usually ends slightly before one hundred years of age.
  • General temperament: Mon calamari are gentle creatures, known for their calm and sound judgment. Their inquisitive nature combined with their intelligence makes them excellent scientists, strategists, and diplomats.
  • Origin: Dac is the mon calamari homeworld, which they share with the quarren, another sentient species. Xanthal’s mon calamari population is mostly composed of the ancestors of refugees who left Dac during that world’s troubles with the Galactic Empire.


  • Mirfakan name: nəkoląn


  • Physical appearance: Neko, also known as Catpeople, have basically human body structure, but have softer and thicker body hair which is concentrated on their catlike ears and tail. The ratio of cat to human is different for individual specimens, ranging from those that are completely human except for a short tail and elevated ears to those that are covered in fur and sport all the physical and sensory capabilities of a cat, along with hallmarks like whiskers, slit eyes, reversed knees, and a tendency to go on all fours. Most members of the neko species fall somewhere between these extremes.
  • Physiological characteristics: The organism that is the neko is built internally like a human, though its bone and muscle strength closely resemble a cat’s, making it quick and agile. Similarly, the cognitive centers of the neko brain are basically human, but its sensory and lower brain functions more closely resemble those of a feline. Neko have excellent hearing and good night vision. They are adept at spotting anything out of the ordinary. The natural lifetime of a neko can vary widely, but a sound average is eighty years. They do not tolerate environmental toxins or biological pathogens well, and can die from illness much more easily than a human. When they do become sick, it is important that they receive medical attention.
  • General temperament: Neko, like their feline relatives, are fickle and independent creatures, the opposite of the adaptable and social human. Neko are free-spirited, and don’t like authority unless they are the authority, which they frequently are. Though the average neko’s intelligence is slightly below the human standard, neko have an uncanny intuition, tenacious nature, decisive mindset, and commanding presence that makes them choice leaders. Neko have a tendency to be stubborn and uncooperative when exhausted, overworked, or just plain tired, because they rely more upon the primitive feline parts of their brain in that state. A well-rested neko, fully in command of its human faculties, can be very receptive. Neko sleep a lot, and have a tendency to become positively lethargic in the warm climates they prefer. They work best in cooler conditions, amongst other active subjects.
  • Origin: Neko have two primary origins, both on Earth. In some dimensions, they were created artificially by humans, usually in the late twentieth or early twenty-first century. In others, they either evolved or mutated much earlier. In either case, they have become a presence in many parts of the multiverse, though they are a small minority in almost every society in which they appear, and are frequently used as slaves, often for sexual purposes, in nations where they do not have full civil rights. Xanthal’s neko population consists almost exclusively of refugees and their descendents who escaped such oppressive conditions and relocated to Xanthal, which legally recognizes and protects them as sentient beings.


  • Mirfakan name: ŧănląn


  • Physical appearance: Standing between five and six feet, the than are more insect than human, but they do have two arms and hands, and walk on two legs. A than is completely encased by its exoskeleton, save for a tough skin that connects its joints, and can be an unsettling sight with its large compound eyes and active antennae, not to mention its powerful bug-like mandibles, which, it should be noted, makes the than a messy eater. Than can have any one of five shell colors. This is explained further below. Pictured above is an emerald than.
  • Physiological characteristics: Than have relatively simple biology, not unlike Earth ants, though much bigger. They are definitely intelligent, but their cognitive power is limited compared to most other sentient species. Though all than are strong and incredibly resilient, individual than are born with a specific biological function that determines a great deal about their genetic predispositions. This function can be easily discerned by the coloration of a than’s exoskeleton. Amber-colored than are laborers, and have the most limited mental abilities, though they do have great strength and fine motor control. Emerald than are warriors, distinguished by somewhat clumsier, claw-tipped hands and superior stamina. Ruby than are bred to be builders and developers, and have precise, mathematical minds. Sapphire than play the role of scholars and scientists, and claim the title of most intelligent among their species, with mental abilities slightly less than those of a neko. Silver than are leaders: they traditionally served a function not unlike that of a queen in an ant colony, but over the past millennium than have been evolving slowly away from their biological bond to the silver than, and today the number of silver than is dwindling. Than, with the exception of silver than, do not live long; almost never past sixty years.
  • General temperament: A than’s temperament depends primarily upon its function, or color. Except for the silver variety, than are submissive to authority and frequently distinguish themselves with their loyalty, obedience, and to-the-death tenacity. Emerald than are aggressive and fearless. Ruby than are perfectionists, and have an unparalleled work ethic. Sapphire than are curious and inquisitive. Silver than are intuitive, demanding, and strong-willed. All than perform their functions almost regardless of their environment, which they can do because of their incredible tolerance for almost any extreme.
  • Origin: Than evolved on the planet Wakimaisho in the Than System, the silver variety attaining sentience several thousand years before humans. When they achieved space travel, the than were quick to colonize another planet in their home system: Megukuga. The than’s highly organized, hierarchical society began to break down in the mid twenty-second century, when the rest of the than started to attain free will, disempowering the silver leaders. When it became apparent that they could no longer control their people, the silver than appealed to Xanthal for help, and Xanthal took control of Than, helping to guide them in building a society governed by law and enforcement rather than the pure will of the silver than. Today, silver than still command great respect and frequently take positions of leadership, but the free will of individual than is almost fully developed.


  • Mirfakan name: zăntąląn


  • Physical appearance: Xanthalians are often compared to elves, with their pointed ears, skinny frames, and lack of body hair; but they also have other traits that are decidedly not elfish, most obvious among them a sub-dermal exoskeleton. The xanthalian pictured above has charcoal skin and white hair, but this should not be interpreted as the norm. Xanthalians have the normal human variety of skin, hair, and eye colors; sometimes in combinations that would be considered unusual for a human.
  • Physiological characteristics: Xanthalian biology is remarkably complex, because at least a dozen species contributed directly to the xanthalian gene pool (this is explained further below). The end result is a mishmash of characteristics that make the xanthalian species quite unique. A thin exoskeleton beneath human-like skin makes them less prone to serious injury from cuts and puncture wounds, but can also be deadly if it shatters from a heavy impact, causing massive internal lacerations and bleeding. Their musculature makes them fast and agile, but they lack in brute strength. Their enhanced cellular regeneration gives them a natural lifespan that can exceed two centuries, but xanthalians have delicately balanced hormones and unimpressive immune systems, making them sensitive to disease and environmental conditions. Xanthalian vision is superior to a human’s, but their other senses are less impressive. Xanthalians have a mental capacity that far surpasses than of even the smartest humans.
  • General temperament: Xanthalians are massively intelligent, and many of them feel that they are basically superior to other species. They have very little instinctual or reflexive response, meaning their actions are governed almost completely by higher brain functions. Most xanthalians prefer not to show emotion to those they are not close to, though they are certainly emotional creatures, comparable to humans in this respect. Xanthalians are all intellectuals, though as with any sentient being how and to what extent an individual actually makes use of its mind varies. Xanthalians can be very creative, but they lack intuition, and must think problems through rationally. Fortunately, such thinking comes easily to them, on a level of complexity most other species can only dream of. Xanthalians are excellent, if often annoyingly egotistical, assets to almost any purpose.
  • Origin: The xanthalian species came into being as a result of genetic engineering in the old Xanthalian state, and was named after the nation that created them. Xanthalians were originally a minority created by interbreeding between species, facilitated by the technology of the time. As this interbreeding continued, and xanthalians began to breed with each other, a limited number of them became naturally fertile. When the technology used to create them was lost in the chaos following Old Xanthal’s collapse, most xanthalians died out, but those few that were fertile had the good fortune to survive and breed enough to save their species. Today, xanthalians are prevalent in Xanthal, though they remain rare elsewhere.