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==Health Issues==
==Health Issues==
::'Health Problems': The most common cause of death amongst Pagnaan sapiens is cardiac diseases representing a shared medical familiarity with Homo Sapiens. Cancer is also a major natural cause of death. Problems such as diabetes, obesity, hardening of the arteries (etc) that are associated with poor dietary and exercise regimes are less common that in other states with comparative levels of healthcare. This has been associated with the use of a high-protein, low-fat diet. Optical adjustment is less common than in Homo Sapien societies but is required occasionally.  
::'''Health Problems''': The most common cause of death amongst Pagnaan sapiens is cardiac diseases representing a shared medical familiarity with Homo Sapiens. Cancer is also a major natural cause of death. Problems such as diabetes, obesity, hardening of the arteries (etc) that are associated with poor dietary and exercise regimes are less common that in other states with comparative levels of healthcare. This has been associated with the use of a high-protein, low-fat diet. Optical adjustment is less common than in Homo Sapien societies but is required occasionally.  
::Communicable diseases and sexually transmitted infections are a health issue increased by the susceptibility of Pagnaan Sapiens to some human diseases. As an individual ages they may also encounter familiar problems of deteriorating sensory perception, decline of cognitive functions and the limiting of mobility caused by the wear and damage on joints. Mental health is an area of significant concern since the foetus is highly susceptible to chemical imbalances in the womb and early infant environment. Although this can sometimes cause the mild effects of pigmentation discolouration it can also result in crippling deformity or varied levels of mental retardation.
::Communicable diseases and sexually transmitted infections are a health issue increased by the susceptibility of Pagnaan Sapiens to some human diseases. As an individual ages they may also encounter familiar problems of deteriorating sensory perception, decline of cognitive functions and the limiting of mobility caused by the wear and damage on joints. Mental health is an area of significant concern since the foetus is highly susceptible to chemical imbalances in the womb and early infant environment. Although this can sometimes cause the mild effects of pigmentation discolouration it can also result in crippling deformity or varied levels of mental retardation.

Latest revision as of 11:41, 18 June 2006

This article deals with Pagnaan Sapiens as it relates to NationStates. For more general information, see the Wikipedia article on this subject.

<tr><td bgcolor="skyblue">Total population:</td> <td bgcolor="skyblue">45,988,000 (approx.)</td> </tr> <tr><td bgcolor="skyblue">Population:</td> <td bgcolor="skyblue"> Biotopia: 41,418,804
The world: 3,450,000
Greater Aperin: 1,300,000
</td></tr> <tr><td bgcolor="skyblue">Languages</td><td bgcolor="skyblue">Biotopian and Celdonian</td></tr> <tr><td bgcolor="skyblue">Related species</td><td bgcolor="skyblue">

none known

</td></tr> </table>

Pagnaan Sapiens has been traced to inhabiting the sub-continent of Biotopia to sometime around 25,000 years ago. Pagnaan Sapiens is characteristically blue-skinned, with narrow frames and has conically inclined craniums. The origins of the species are unknown and as yet no related sapients have been identified. This mystery has caused some to generate wild theories including alien colonisation, radical evolution, divine intervention and survivors of a lost continent. There are an estimated 45,988,000 million members of the species heavily concentrated in Biotopia. Externally there are significant settlements across Greater Aperin and in Knootoss.


Pagnaan Sapiens are thought to be the evolutionary descendents of Pagnaan Palaeo however this is a controversial hypothesis because of the lack of conclusive evidence on the existence of such a species. This has caused some to speculate that Pagnaan Sapiens or their ancestral descendents originally crossed a land-bridge during an earlier ice age. Rising sea levels has meant that any evidence of such migration, which would have trailed along the coastline, is now unavailable to researchers. The mystery to the evolutionary origins of the Pagnaan Sapiens is enhanced by the fact that all the nearest settlements are dominated by Homo Sapiens requiring the Pagnaan Sapiens to have travelled hundreds of thousands of kilometres and covering vast oceans to reach Phosee.
The physical attributes of the species has contributed to a retro-active analyses of the evolutionary conditions that shaped the development of Pagan Sapiens. The nature of the digestive system contributes to a popularised perception that there were shortages of high-nutritional foodstuffs indicating very poor environmental conditions. This supports the notion that Pagnaan Sapiens may have travelled along a polar fringe land. Adaptability of the eyes to low-light levels and the presence of magnetite sensitive appendages also lend weight to this school of thought. Critics point out however the absence of a thick blubber layer of dense fur to provide significant thermal protection.

General Anatomy

Pigmentation Pagnaan Sapiens are typically born with blue skin. The colour reflects the chemical composition of the womb and some believe it was an evolutionary adaptation to enhance camouflage/ ward off predators. Colour variations scale from pale sky blue to a deep navy colour. Some individuals are born albino or either with a green or grey tinge. These variations are usually caused by chemical imbalance in the womb but have also been attributed to genetic mutation. Colour variations in later life are usually symptoms of significant dietary change.
Height: the average hight is 190 cm
Lifespan: 90 years
Appendages: two arms and two legs for upright bipedal motion
Physiology: apart from the striking pigmentation of Pagnaan Sapiens there are several other noticeable features about Pagnaan Sapiens. The first is an apparent absence of body hair. To compensate for heat loss a number of innovative circulatory techniques have evolved to better moderate internal body temperature. Another interesting fact is that teeth regrow throughout adult life. Pagnaan Sapiens are also born with a natural magneto-perception.
Two important sensory adaptations are the single antennas which grow above the eye protrusions. These antennas allow for magneto-perception because of the natural accumulation of magnetite in the cartilage structure. The evolutionary causation of this uncommon sensory organ is unknown except that it assisted in the nomadic lifestyle which was the predominant lifestyle for tens of thousands of years. The navigational sense inbuilt from this is more than that in humans but less in other species such as migratory birds.
Two other important adaptations are the capacity of the eyes to absorbed light in low-light environments. This has enhanced the capacity of the Pagnaan Sapiens to hunt and gather in twilight and even under the illumination of the full moon. The other is that two sensory glands protrude from the lower half of the cranium which act as both filtering and smelling glands. These glands can be seen in the species profile photo.

Sex & Reproduction

Reproduction: reproduction occurs sexually with the transmission of semen from the male to the female who will birth a child generally within 8 months of conception. The testicles for the male are located internally because the sperm requires higher temperatures to survive. The penis is located within the “genital pouch” that protects it from external damage. When aroused the penis fully extends to deliver fertilisation to the eggs inside the female. In contrast to males females have larger breasts and exhibit and do not exhibit a genital pouch allowing for maximum dilation in birthing.
A unique feature of the female reproductive system is that eggs are not produced and delivered to the womb throughout the year. Periods as they are commonly experienced by human women are not a common feature of the female Pagnaan Sapiens reproductive system. Egg production is caused by chemical stimulation associated with sexual stimulation. This is not always the case and can occur in females as young as 10 or as old as 70. In such instances the issue is usually attributed to neuro-chemical imbalances. The later ages for conception can case unwanted fertilisation in females unable to sustain a foetus through to the full term.


Once birthed a person will go through the stages of infancy, childhood, adolescence and adulthood before becoming elderly. Infancy lasts around 3 years as early births are common requiring intensive care for extended periods. In comparison to humans adolescence because it is no associated with the major physical changes that distinguish the differences between the pre-pubescent childhood and post-puberty adulthood. Most changes relate to the development of cognitive development since height growth continues at a relatively steady pace until peaking around the late twenties.
In females necessary physiological developments associated with these cognitive changes must occur before it is possible for successful conception. However once these changes have occurred it conception and birth are possible into middle-age. Adolescence is most pronounced in females as they adjust from a highly androgenous to noticeably feminised state. In this instance the breasts become more prominent (although full development is associated with pregnancy) and the hips widen to expand the birth canal.
Males have a less radicalised trajectory towards development however because these development do not occur in most females until around the age of 15 many males are at a comparative stage of sexual development. Although males are on average broader in frame and stature these characteristics continue into the twenties. It can be difficult than to separate childhood from adolescence and adolescence from adulthood that in humans were development is more pronounced. This accounts for the difference in population growth since Pagnaan Sapiens take an extended period of time to fully develop as well as having limited access to viable eggs.
A significant problem is the health risks associated with a mature pregnancy. Females have physiologically adopted a number of important features including having earlier births if their health is weak or they are nutritionally deficient. For up to three weeks after the conception a foetus may be reabsorbed into the womb if the female is suffering severe malnutrition. Early births are more likely to survive than human infants and females are able to successfully carry full terms into their sixties unlike human women. The difference in reproductive systems has had a significant impact on the sociological development of the species.

Health Issues

Health Problems: The most common cause of death amongst Pagnaan sapiens is cardiac diseases representing a shared medical familiarity with Homo Sapiens. Cancer is also a major natural cause of death. Problems such as diabetes, obesity, hardening of the arteries (etc) that are associated with poor dietary and exercise regimes are less common that in other states with comparative levels of healthcare. This has been associated with the use of a high-protein, low-fat diet. Optical adjustment is less common than in Homo Sapien societies but is required occasionally.
Communicable diseases and sexually transmitted infections are a health issue increased by the susceptibility of Pagnaan Sapiens to some human diseases. As an individual ages they may also encounter familiar problems of deteriorating sensory perception, decline of cognitive functions and the limiting of mobility caused by the wear and damage on joints. Mental health is an area of significant concern since the foetus is highly susceptible to chemical imbalances in the womb and early infant environment. Although this can sometimes cause the mild effects of pigmentation discolouration it can also result in crippling deformity or varied levels of mental retardation.

Psycho-Sociological Implications

The consequences of the differences between human and Pagnaan Sapien society has been the source of extensive academic and popular research. It is difficult to distinguish however the unique essence of being Pagnaan Sapien because of the extensive contact with humans and the difficulty in proving the relationship between biology and society. Issues such as race, sexuality, sexism and the place of violence in comparative cultures have been issue of major contention.
Regardless of fact there is a common socio-historical perception by some that Biotopian society is characterised by greater gender equality, less racism, liberal attitudes towards sexuality and a reservation from violence at least in regards the domestic sphere of society. There are however examples throughout Biotopian history that contradict or forge exceptions from these rule as well as human societies that do likewise. The Issue of socio-species studies is littered with bias and transgression between the studies of history, culture, sociology and biology.

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Pagnaan Sapiens
<div" class="plainlinksneverexpand">bhldbst483a.jpg
A male Pagnaan Sapien