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| align=center style="font-size: 90%;" | [[Werewolf: Untitled|Werewolf]] | [[Werewolf: The Common Room|The Common Room]] | [[Werewolf: The Dreamings|The Dreamings]] | [[Werewolf: Heroes|Heroes]] | [[Werewolf: From Sabrateur With Love|From Sabrateur With Love]]
| align=center style="font-size: 90%;" | [[Werewolf: Untitled|Werewolf]] | [[Werewolf: The Common Room|The Common Room]] | [[Werewolf: The Dreamings|The Dreamings]] | [[Werewolf: Heroes|Heroes]] | [[Werewolf: From Sabrateur With Love|From Sabrateur With Love]]
| align=center style="font-size: 90%;" | [[Mafia: It's Like Werewolf But Better|It's Like Werewolf But Better]] | [[Werewolf: Harry Potter|Harry Potter]] | '''Dark Turnabout'''
| align=center style="font-size: 90%;" | [[Mafia: It's Like Werewolf But Better|It's Like Werewolf But Better]] | [[Werewolf: Harry Potter|Harry Potter]] | [[Dark Turnabout]]

Revision as of 16:10, 16 June 2007

Spectrum Werewolf/ Mafia
Name: Heroes
Game: Werewolf
Host: Sherylannia
Commenced: (unknown)
Winner(s): Uberbad: White-Rose

Unfortunately, role sheets for this game of werewolf in the The Spectrum have been lost.



White-Rose awoke to the sound of an almighty chatter. "Eh? What's all this then?" He walked over to the group of people, whom he knew quite well, for the most part. There was bickering aplenty, until a loud whistle stopped everyone in their tracks. They all turned to look at the source. It was a small Indian boy. Only about 10.

"My name is Sanjog Iyer. I have brought you all into this dreamworld, to take care of this matter once and for all. This "game" shall decide who shall inherit the Earth." The child spoke with an alarming sense of surety, and everyone was taken aback. Then, the flurry of comments came in.

"What are you doin'?!" Domas Porada chirped in. Sanjog gave him a look.

"You all know who you really are. But you have all been given fake faces, so as to truly find out who is worthy to win. The Heroic? The Misguided? The Vengeful? The Angry? Or the Villianous?"

"You f**king f**k!" Don Flanioso shouted out, before Oldham Road slapped him upside the head. He clearly was upset with Don Flanioso's choice of words.

"So what are you saying? We all gotta shit here and figure out who's a baddie?" Oldham Road asked.

"You must decide, yes. When you have all come to a conclusion, you must notify Sherylannia. He will dispatch of the one you have voted."

"Ha! Who's got the gun now White-Rose?!" Sherylannia cackled, before White-Rose's look made him stop dead. Calumnius seemed to be slightly unsettled.

"So, if we die here, we die in real-life as well?" Sanjog nodded.

"Vell, das ist a real buzzkill!" Dhatsun shouted out. Everyone, feeling slightly uncomfortable at the impression shifted away from him.

"Well, I suppose we'd better get to work then!" Mushy Pea shouted, before falling silent, as the world around them began to shapeshift into a facsimile of downtown Queens. The group gasped in awe, until Daveanoyl Chloride broke the silence.


"It is quite impressive. Nice dreamwork." Enthalpy Change observed.

"You may not leave the vicinity of this replica, or you shall be doomed to eternal sleep." Sanjog uttered.

"But I wanted to see the Statue of Liberty!" Undracor shouted.

"It wouldn't be real, you know. We aren't actually in New York." Adoggo said, making sense for once.

Nintenduu 64 was too busy wondering about accomodation. "So where are we staying then? I hope it's not too far, I haven't got my car here." Sanjog pointed to the north.

"You will be staying in Trenton Place, in the various apartments."

Petersvillia was edging ever closer to Oldham Road. "We bunking up or what?" A resounding "NO!" burst through the air.

"So then. The time is 7AM by my watch. We'd better get settled." Sherylannia said, leading the group up the street to their new home. Arguments were already beginning to take place. Suspicions were being thrown every which way. Only time will tell if they're correct or not.


Day One

The group regathered where they had first been brought, looks ranging from smiles to discontentment on their faces. People were chatting and accusing, and Sanjog appeared out of nowhere, with a new person.

"This is Buttery Boonswoggles. It took me a while to track this last player. Have you come to an agreement?"

"We have. We vote Undracor!" Oldham Road shouted, with shouts of 'Aye' resounding behind him. Undracor looked around at them all in terror, before Sherylannia raised his gun.

"You're making a mista-AAH!" He was cut short by a bullet entering his chest. "Alas... now I know what dispatch means..."

As the group watched, Undracor's appearance shifted and changed, until they were faced with a ten year old boy. The group looked shocked, and two players could be heard screaming that it wasn't fair. Unfortunately, the screaming had ceased before the shock of killing the boy had, and when they turned around, no-one was sure who it was who had screamed.

"I'm afraid that Undracor was Micah Sanders. He was gifted with the power of technopathy, and he could send messages to the group." Sanjog said, before disappearing again. The group couldn't utter a word, out of sheer guilt. They hoped the next day would bring less tragic results, as they were making their way back to Trenton Place. Silently, in the cold streets behind them, Undracor's body started to fade away, back to real life... or rather, death.


Night One

Sherylannia awoke to a scream on the streets outside. He looked out of his window. He couldn't make out the corpse below, so quickly as possible, he knocked on everyone's doors. They quickly followed him outside.

Muttering and accusing was going on, whilst the last members of the group came out of the building.

"Who died?!" Buttery Boonswoggles shouted, whilst Sanjog materialised behind them.

"Don Flanioso," Enthalpy Change replied.

Oldham Road chirped in. "Ewwww! It looks like his scalp's been cut off!"

Don Flanioso shifted shape, to reveal a young woman, dressed in military attire.

"Don Flanioso was Hana Gitelman. He had the power to intercept Micah's transmissions, but never got to use it because of his execution. He also had a gun, which he could use to shoot people. Obviously. He ultimately had the same goal as you." Most people were indifferent to this killing, but some still felt it was a loss. They were on their way back, when Calumnius enquired something.

"Uh, guys? Where's Petersvillia?!" The group began to look everywhere. About an hour later, Sherylannia showed up at Petersvillia's door. Bursting in, he found Petersvillia on his bed. And then another part on the floor. And another part on the fire escape. The rest of the gang began to show up in droves.

"Ah, if only everyone wasn't so reluctant to bunk up with him. Then this might never have happened." Sherylannia mused.

"Petersvillia was D.L Hawkins. He had the gift of phasing, and could immobilise somebody." Again, an unknown shout was heard, this time of a joyous nature. But the person had shut up before anyone could see who it was.

Sherylannia racked up the body count. "So then. That's one hero down and one neutral down. Definitely could've been a whole lot better guys..."

HANA GITELMAN (Don Flanioso) was nightkilled. D.L. HAWKINS (Petersvillia) was ripped apart. DAY BEGINS NOW, AND ENDS AT 7PM, MONDAY 28TH JANUARY.

Something has happened!

Just as soon as the group were getting over one death, they found Nintenduu 64 frozen solid at the breakfast table, in mid-bite. He changed form, into a small Japanese man.

Sanjog showed up again. "Nintenduu 64 was Hiro Nakamura. He had the ability to go back in time and bring back another player. Most definitely a major loss."

The Heroes swore under their breath. There was no room for error anymore.

HIRO NAKAMURA (Nintenduu 64) was frozen solid.

Something has happened!

It was just after lunch time, when the group found Adoggo slumped against a wall, with a bullet in his ribcage. Looks fell to Sherylannia.

"Hey! It wasn't me!" he shouted, and sure enough, Sanjog made an entrance, as Adoggo transformed into an Indian man.

"Adoggo was Mohinder. He could check the list to find out about certain players, and then subsequently try to protect the one's he had seen. Another innocent dead." The strain was beginning to show on everyone's face. Execution better be right today...

MOHINDER SURESH (Adoggo) was shot dead.

Something has happened! Again!

Another gunshot. This time, not so fatal. It's target? Daveanoyl Chloride. Everybody was in a rush to ask questions. Unfortunately, Daveanoyl couldn't answer them at all.

"Look! I was blindsided! I have no idea who shot me! All I know is, I feel weak. I need to lie down. You guys'll have to do execution without me." With that, he slumped down on his bed


Day Two

For the third time, court was reconvene- I mean, our Heroes (and Villains) again formed a circle in the clear streets outside. Sanjog made his usual startling entrance.

"There's no majority Sanjog, so I'm just gonna spin the gun if you don't mind," Sherylannia said, before spinning the gun, as he had previously indicated. It pointed straight as Calumnius.

"Sorry Calumnius."


A shot rang out straight into Calumnius' skull. Almost straight away, he shifted into an overweight police officer.

"Bad tidings for you all I'm afraid," Sanjog said. "Calumnius was Matt Parkman. He was able to read another player's mind to find out their alignment, and their power." The group cursed out loud this time. Yet another innocent!

"I fear time is running out for us all." Enthalpy Change said, mourningly.

"Let's hope night doesn't bring too many unfortunate surprises..." O-Road said, before they all slipped off, back to Trenton Place.


Something has happened!

Just after the group had left the street, Dhatsun staggered into the foyer looking a little green. He moaned in pain, before dropping to the floor. Sherylannia ran over to him, and checked his pulse.

"I don't think he's dead... but he's still incredibly weak." They lugged him upstairs and laid him down in his room.

"It doesn't look good..." Sherylannia said, before leaving Dhatsun alone in his room.

DHATSUN has been irradiated.

Something has happened! That you all already know!

The group had now found Enthalpy Change, dead, in his own room. He was severly bruised, the deed finished with a gunshot. Sanjog appeared, as EC shifted in a foppish looking man.

"Enthalpy Change was Peter Petrelli. He was able to mimic another's power. Again, it gets worse and worse."

The group looked around in full terror. It wasn't looking at all good.

PETER PETRELLI (Enthalpy Change) was shot dead.

Night Two

The group awoke with a start, because at that moment in time, an explosion was taking place outside. They all quickly ran outside, to see what the commotion was. All they saw was two disfigured bodies.

"I think that's Buttery Boonswoggles..." Mushy Pea started.

"...and that's Oldham Road..." White-Rose finished.

"Oh my God... it's awful!" Sherylannia cringed.

"Yes! BLOOD!" Domas Porada shouted, before calming himself down.

Sanjog appeared. "Buttery Boonswoggles was Jessica Sanders. All he had to do was kill D.L Hawkins, and he would win alongside whoever did win. Unfortunately, he died before the end. Oldham Road was Ted Sprague. He had the ability to irradiate people, and, seemingly explode if attacked. But these are not the only corpses. Check upstairs."

With that, they raced up the stairs, after realising it was Daveanoyl that had gone missing. Sure enough, they found him on his bed, with his brain removed. "Daveanoyl was Mr Bennet. He recruited one of you, and shot Adoggo. He is also the first person who was killed who had misguided intentions."

Suddenly, a cackling was heard. Everyone turned around, and saw White-Rose was the source. "Finally!"

He picked up Domas Porada with his mind. "I know all about you, Eden. And there is no way I'm letting you use your persuasion ability on me." With that, he threw Domas Porada out the window, plummeting to the streets below. "Mushy Pea... or should I say, Claire... you may be invulnerable... but I know your weakness..." He used his telekinesis again. This time, extracting Mushy Pea's brain. "Can't heal without this, can you my dear?" He cackled, and made his way downstairs, into Dhatsun's room. He smiled weakly.

"Is there a cure?" Dhatsun said weakly.

"Only one, Isaac. You may be able to paint the future, but you never painted this." White-Rose said, before snapping his neck. He turned to Sherylannia. "And what can you do to stop me?" Sherylannia almost shat himself, and was swiftly ripped apart.

With that, Sylar was transported back to the real world, free to wreak his awful machinations on the evolved humans there. The killings became numerous. Sylar became all powerful. The world was doomed to darkness. Forever.

TED SPRAGUE (Oldham Road) was ripped apart. JESSICA SANDERS (Buttery Boonswoggles) was caught in an explosion. MR BENNET (Daveaoyl Chloride) was nightkilled. EDEN McCAIN (Domas Porada) was thrown out of a window. CLAIRE BENNET (Mushy Pea) was lobotimised. ISAAC MENDEZ (Dhatsun) had his neck snapped. SYLAR (White-Rose) emerged victorious.


The Spectrum Werewolf/Mafia Games
Werewolf | The Common Room | The Dreamings | Heroes | From Sabrateur With Love
It's Like Werewolf But Better | Harry Potter | Dark Turnabout