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== Rise to Power and Early Reign ==
== Rise to Power and Early Reign ==
During his first year after college, Richtoff campaigned furiously throught Kampfers, often going days without sleeping.  He campaigned mainly on two premises, the first being to end the widespread poverty that affected so many Kampferian lives including his own, and the second being that he would end the corruption of so many Chancellors before him.  The elections were tight, but Richtoff won out.  It is a well known fact that Richtoff's physical stature helped him sway some voters, but he was still able to gain the most votes when it counted.  Within his first week as Chancellor, Richtoff had effectively purged the entire military of it's leaders and installed his friends in their places, on the bassis of there corruption.  While these claims were not completely unfounded, it can be regarded as historical fact that Richtoff did plant some evidence in order to get his friends into their high positions, such as Klischten as the Chief of Staff for the Army and James Christianas the Chief of Staff of the Navy.  This served more as a political move to isolate the power of the military behind him should anything go haywire in the next part of his plan than anything else.  The next month, Richtoff called a special session of Parliament, which was well within the Chancellor's rights.  Upon arriving, delegates were greeted by leveled guns of the Kampferian Army.  With the exception of some "clean" seat holders, such as the current Lord of Parliament George Mathews, the seat holders were taken to a maximum security prison on the charges of severe corruption.  Richtoff then used this to cast fears in the populace about the power of the Parliament, and with only a few delegates remaining, he was able to quickly pass legislation that made the Parliament into a shell of it's former self.  Following this, he declared himself the Fuhrer, or dictator-for-life, of Kampfers.  Despite this, the populace remained behind him, as he left several key powers within the Parliament, such as the right to fuly mobilize the army or the right to impeach the Fuhrer.
During his first year after college, Richtoff campaigned furiously throught Kampfers, often going days without sleeping.  He campaigned mainly on two premises, the first being to end the widespread poverty that affected so many Kampferian lives including his own, and the second being that he would end the corruption of so many Chancellors before him.  The elections were tight, but Richtoff won out.  It is a well known fact that Richtoff's physical stature helped him sway some voters, but he was still able to gain the most votes when it counted.  Within his first week as Chancellor, Richtoff had effectively purged the entire military of it's leaders and installed his friends in their places, on the bassis of there corruption.  While these claims were not completely unfounded, it can be regarded as historical fact that Richtoff did plant some evidence in order to get his friends into their high positions, such as Klischten as the Chief of Staff for the Army and James Christianas the Chief of Staff of the Navy.  This served more as a political move to isolate the power of the military behind him should anything go haywire in the next part of his plan than anything else.  The next month, Richtoff called a special session of Parliament, which was well within the Chancellor's rights.  Upon arriving, delegates were greeted by leveled guns of the Kampferian Army.  With the exception of some "clean" seat holders, such as the current Lord of Parliament George Mathews, the seat holders were taken to a maximum security prison on the charges of severe corruption.  Richtoff then used this to cast fears in the populace about the power of the Parliament, and with only a few delegates remaining, he was able to quickly pass legislation that made the Parliament into a shell of it's former self.  Following this, he declared himself the Fuhrer, or dictator-for-life, of Kampfers.  Despite this, the populace remained behind him, as he left several key powers within the Parliament, such as the right to fuly mobilize the army or the right to impeach the Fuhrer. The few issues that the populace had were sorted out by the convening of the national leaders (Richtoff, Matthews, and ), who hammered out the [[Constitution of Kampfers]].
==Current Reign==
== Pictures of the Fuhrer ==
== Pictures of the Fuhrer ==

Revision as of 23:58, 3 October 2007

Eric Richtoff
Kampferian Head of State

Fuhrer Richtoff is the knowledgeable leader of the Neo-Prussian Parliamentary Dictatorship of Kampfers.

Early Life

Born in Edinburgh, Kampfers, a suburb of Kampfers Stadt slightly upstream of the capital, Eric was the son of John Richtoff III and Allysa Banks. When Eric was 4, Allysa abandoned the child as well as her husband and stole away to Silvervale. That was the last trace anyone ever had of her. Left on his own with the young child, John worked two jobs in order to be able to put away enough money to send his child to college. However, all the work meant that John was hardly ever present around the house, and Eric longed for attention. At the age of 14, he ran away, hitchhiking into the Stadt. From that point in his life foward, neither of his parents played any role in his life. Life in the big city was tough for Eric, and he nearly didn't make it. It was only by chance that he ran across another young teenager scrounging for a living by the name of John Klischten. Together, the decided to enlist in the army, due to the lax entry standards. If nothing else, it granted them a roof over their heads and a meal for their stomachs.

Army Life

Life as a recruit was tough for Richtoff. Klischten took it well, and became accustomed to it quickly, but Richtoff ws not built for the rugged style. After a breif stint in training Richtoff went AWOL for a good portion of the month, but returned after squandering the meager funds he had accumulated. His commanding officer hardly noticed, and it was with much relief that Richtoff took up his position in the line next to Klischten again. As bunk mates, their relationship grew daily, leading to the lasting friendship that now sees Klischten as the Commanding General of the Grand Kampferian Army. During his time in the Army, Richtoff saw breif stints of action in the backwoods of Kampfers, notorious for being breeding grounds for revolutionary ideas. It was on a tour in the Krishana Mountains in Kampfers that Richtoff was influenced to pursue politics. After putting down so many rebellions, Richtoff now had his own to harbor. At the age of 19, he withdrew from the Army and enrolled himself in Kampfers Stadt University, the finest Kampferian institution.

College Years

During his stay at the University, Richtoff was often put down for his lowly upbringing. However, this did not push him off his goal, but rather sealed his destiny as he only worked harder to acheive it. In his second year, he was kicked out of the honors program for "bringing unruly ideas that might lead to the downfall of Kampfers as we know it" into the classroom. Despite the hardships, he trudged on, and one of his professors, Doctor Kenneth Reagan, noted his persistance and decided to bring him under his wing as a prodigy. Before long, however, Richtoff had outgrown the professer, becoming president of Student Congress and of the Student Leadership Commision by the end of hsi Junior year. He majored in Political Science at the head of his class, and was offered a position in the Law program. However, Richtoff turned and shunned the institution that had brought him this far, and set off to seek his own.

Rise to Power and Early Reign

During his first year after college, Richtoff campaigned furiously throught Kampfers, often going days without sleeping. He campaigned mainly on two premises, the first being to end the widespread poverty that affected so many Kampferian lives including his own, and the second being that he would end the corruption of so many Chancellors before him. The elections were tight, but Richtoff won out. It is a well known fact that Richtoff's physical stature helped him sway some voters, but he was still able to gain the most votes when it counted. Within his first week as Chancellor, Richtoff had effectively purged the entire military of it's leaders and installed his friends in their places, on the bassis of there corruption. While these claims were not completely unfounded, it can be regarded as historical fact that Richtoff did plant some evidence in order to get his friends into their high positions, such as Klischten as the Chief of Staff for the Army and James Christianas the Chief of Staff of the Navy. This served more as a political move to isolate the power of the military behind him should anything go haywire in the next part of his plan than anything else. The next month, Richtoff called a special session of Parliament, which was well within the Chancellor's rights. Upon arriving, delegates were greeted by leveled guns of the Kampferian Army. With the exception of some "clean" seat holders, such as the current Lord of Parliament George Mathews, the seat holders were taken to a maximum security prison on the charges of severe corruption. Richtoff then used this to cast fears in the populace about the power of the Parliament, and with only a few delegates remaining, he was able to quickly pass legislation that made the Parliament into a shell of it's former self. Following this, he declared himself the Fuhrer, or dictator-for-life, of Kampfers. Despite this, the populace remained behind him, as he left several key powers within the Parliament, such as the right to fuly mobilize the army or the right to impeach the Fuhrer. The few issues that the populace had were sorted out by the convening of the national leaders (Richtoff, Matthews, and ), who hammered out the Constitution of Kampfers.

Current Reign


Pictures of the Fuhrer


kampfflagsmall.png The Neo-Prussian Parliamentary Dictatorship of Kampfers kampfflagsmall.png
Main article: Kampfers
Military and Intelligence: Grand Kampferian Army, Kampferian Lufftwaffe, Kampferian Navy, Kampferian Intelligence Bureau
People: Fuhrer Richtoff, Jorg Klischten, George Matthews, Bill Richardson, John Shindle, Oberto Alledo, Billy Shire
Miscellaneous: Constitution of Kampfers, Hail Kampfers!, History of Kampfers, Kampferian Weaponry, Kampfers Stadt, Kampfers University, Kampferian Mark