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People in urban areas are quite the contrary.  They have a closer relationship with their parents, and those who live around them (in their apartment complex, or at their work/school).  Unlike on a collective, urbanites find emotional relationships easy, and tend to be more emotionally guarded.  Camaraderie is not as important as friendship and cooperation to an urban Halladi.
People in urban areas are quite the contrary.  They have a closer relationship with their parents, and those who live around them (in their apartment complex, or at their work/school).  Unlike on a collective, urbanites find emotional relationships easy, and tend to be more emotionally guarded.  Camaraderie is not as important as friendship and cooperation to an urban Halladi.
[[Category:Political theories]]
[[Category: Hallad]]
[[Category: Hallad]]

Revision as of 03:49, 18 May 2005

Halladi Socialism is the form of socialism used in the Halladi Workers' Republic. It is characterized by the devotion to the theory of permanent, internationalism, and cultural revolution. It is generally accepted that only Hallad uses this form of socialism, thusly it is named for Hallad. Halladi Socialism is both a political, economic, and social theory.

Democratic Roots

Hallad, originally a Democratic Socialist nation, has an odd view on Democracy and Revolution. A main doctrine of Halladi Socialism is that the Socialist or Communist Party of a nation comes into power via elections. However, from there on should be dedicated to radical change and their own "cultural revolution."

The Halladi government follows the radical saying of "by any means necessary," and thus supports revolution in other nations and is willing to export their own revolution. Many Halladi Socialists follow the principle of "permanent revolution," but see a developed nation like Hallad as the center of the revolution. This is different from “socialism in one nation,” however. To Halladi Socialists, Hallad and her socialist allies are catalysts to creating international revolutions.

to truely understand the politics of Halladi Socialism, one must realise the differance between the Halladi Workers' Republic and the idea of "socialism in one nation." The concept of the Halladi Workers' Republic pertains to drawing nations together with organizations like the First Communist International or the Union of Socialist Republics, while keeping those nations sovereign.

The Halladi Cultural Revolution

The Halladi Cultural Revolution is a movement still going on today; perhaps even more vigorously than when it began. This is due to the fifteen-year period of Halladi history in which a Dictator who enforced capitalism controlled the government. The Socialist government has encouraged revolutionary change at a more rapid pace. Despite the break-up of most communes and collectives in Hallad during the Capitalist era, the Socialist’s work was not undone. During the rule of Mustafa Fenris there was a large Socialist movement throughout the nation, which was lead by the Federated Directorate.

There are several main points to the Halladi Cultrual Revolution.

  • Voluntary collectivization of Hallad
  • Direct democracy whenever possible
  • Elimination of all prejudice and racism
  • Elimination of corruption
  • Elimination of private property, while accepting personal property
  • Camaraderie and solidarity over friendship
  • Acceptance of others as social and economic equals
  • Opening Halladis to all cultures, elimination of ignorance

Psychological Effects of Halladi Socialism

Psychologist and sociologists from foreign nations on the effects of this have conducted many studies on the psychological effects of living under Halladi Socialism and the Cultural Revolution.

The Hallad the Cultural Revolution is doing good in many ways. Prejudice and racism have widdled down to nothing in Hallad. This can be attributed to three things; one, the Halladi government has a 250-500 Utope fine for racist and prejudive comments made in public; two, socialists in Hallad are not supportive of racism or prejudice and thus see no reason to support it; and three capitalists (and meterialists) see no reason to waste their Utopes by making make racist or prejudice remarks.

Rural Vs Urban Hallad

There is a drastic differance between the lives of those in urban areas and those in rural areas. Rural areas tend to be highly collectivized, filled with communes and collectives. They tend to live with no private property whatsoever, but in urban areas people live with more private property.

On a collective children are brought up by the collective more so than their own individual parents. Given their position, this makes sense. They will grow up relying on everyone, the entire collective, rather than just their own parents. These children are known for calling their parents by their nick-names or first names. Psychologists have also noted that in rural areas, children find emotional relationships difficult. Long term marriage and close friendship are not as common as less demanding friendship. In this sense those in rural Hallad have less of a personal life and more of a social life.

People in urban areas are quite the contrary. They have a closer relationship with their parents, and those who live around them (in their apartment complex, or at their work/school). Unlike on a collective, urbanites find emotional relationships easy, and tend to be more emotionally guarded. Camaraderie is not as important as friendship and cooperation to an urban Halladi.