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Kamal Jalil, Incumbent President of Wazistan

The Constitution of Wazistan states that a President is the country's official Head of State. The President is popularly elected by the people to a 5 year term, and can run for an unlimited number of terms. Though the Constitution provided for the Office of President to be a largely ceremonial post, time has invested the President with strong executive authority over the Government. The President resides at the Presidential Palace, located in Ijad's Administrative Zone.


The President is formally elected by the people every 5 years. Candidates from President are normally selected at a Party Convention after a series of primary elections which the winning candidate usually recieves the majority of votes from party members during the primary seasons.

The Constitution does not set a list of qualifications for candidates for the Presidential Office, except that s/he must be a resident citizen of Wazistan for at least 12 years.


In theory, the Constitution of Wazistan provides for a parliamentary system of government, with the Head of State being a largely ceremonial post. In parctice, the system of government is a semi-presidential, with the President having a wide range of control over Government affairs, especially in matters of foreign policy.

The greatest powers of the President is to appoint or dismiss the Government at anytime s/he sees fit, but traditionaly only does in extreme cases and signing legislation passed by Parliament. The President reserves the right to refuse to sign legislations, this vetoing it.

Other powers of the President appointing Federal Officers on the advice of the Head of Government, submitting a proposal or question to the people in a referendum, refuse a request from the Head of Government dissolvement of Parliament, to force a dissolvement of Parliament, and issue executive decrees.

The President's official duties include representing the country and the Wazi people abroad, recieve foreign diplomats, sign treaties, preform ceremonial business such as attending national functions and awarding awards.


The President can be removed from office if Parliament brings forth impeachment charges against him. Impeachment charges can only be brought forth by the House of Councillors, which then the Senate will conduct a trial. In the case of the impeachment, the Chief Justice presides over the proceedings. Otherwise, the Vice President, in his capacity of President of the Senate presides. A Conviction requires a two-thirds majority vote from all 200 Senators. If convicted, the President is automaticly removed from office.

An Impeachment conviction can be appeal to the Supreme Court of Wazistan to be overturned. Impeachment rarely occurs on the national level, but is common on the Provincial level.


In the event a President dies, is impeached, or resigns, the Presidential Line of Succession provides the Vice President of Wazistan as the first in line to the Presidency, followed by the Prime Minister and then the other Cabinet Ministers.

It should be noted that the Constitution provides that Parliament elect the Interim President in the case of a Presidential death, impeachment, or resignation. So legally Parliament would have to elect the Vice President before he can take over as Interim President.Categpry:Wazistan