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Abbott is the capital of the Socialist Union of Kerla. It is the second largest city in Kerla. It has a population of 5 million people. The city is unique in the way that it is really a district with four other cities (Abbott,West Abbott,East Abbott and Allentown). Most of the services are shared by the district, by each city.


Abbott Tribe

Abbott was the largest tribe of the Kerla. It was also the most hostile. The Abbott trible took over five tribles, making it the strongest. Of course there was resement and Abbott was invaded more then once. The Abbott warriors were also loyal to their tribe, unlike most of the tribes. Abbott was successful in all of their attacks and fended off many invasions. After the tribes reunited Abbott controled about a third of the country. The City of Abbott is were the Abbott tribe orginaly began.

During the Monarchy

During the reign of the monarchy, Abbott was mostly a trading city. It was the third largest city. Most of hte people wre poor. However Abbott was still strong. The nearby towns, being the same tribe, decided to join Abbott. The city had some autonamy, granted by the monarchy.

During the Republic

Abbott was mostly ignored by the republic. However Abbott was still flourising and the towns were still merged. However Abbott could not be ignored for long, as it has grown the biggest city in Kerla.

During the dictatorship

Abbott was attacked more the once by the army of Jefferson Davidson. After successfully repelling Davidson's army, it was taken over by Davidson. However there was strong resistance and after a year, his army had to retreat. Abbott was known as the capitol of the resistance.

During the Socialist Republic

Abbott, being the capital of the resitance was named the capitol of the United Socialist States of Kerla and remained the capital when Kerla was reorganized the Socialist Union of Kerla.

The Socialist District of Abbott

The City of Abbott is apart of the Socialist District of Abbott, with four other cities and towns. The citizens of the five towns of the district elect a mayor who serves as chief executive of the district. The citizens also elect a deptuy mayor and the rest are appointed by the mayor. The current mayor is Susan Franklin and the deputy mayor is Anthony Roland. The cities and towns each has a town or city council, which overseesthe respective towns.