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This article refers to the capital city of Niploma


Failegn City Council is the elected representative council of Failegn. It seats 22 members or representatives and is headed by the Mayor of Failegn.

Represenatives are elected in a proportional represenation system from 22 'constituencies'. Each constituent has two votes, a first and second choice. The first vote (your preffered choice) is worth two 'points' and your second (your second choice) is worth one. Constituents can vote using both, one (either their first vote or second) or not vote at all. Representatives are elected every two years to the Council.

The Mayor acts as the head of Failegn. He runs both the council and the city as a whole.

Prior to fulfilling any of his wishes for the city he must put his ideas towards the City Council. These ideas are put into ink and become a 'Failegn City Bill'. A Bill must be signed by the Prime Minister before it becomes Failegn law. The PM can refuse to sign if he/ she deems it unsuitable. For example it may give Failegn too much power or freedom compared to the rest of Niploma. However, no PM as of yet has declined to sign any Failegn City Bill.

The Mayor is elected at least every four years. The current Mayor is Mayor David Regan from the Libertarian Reform Party.



  • Crime
  • North/ South divide
  • Minor Terrorism



Prior the the revolution Failegn was a hub of trade. It's population consisted of merchants and governmental employees. The working class was thoroughly oppresed.

Upon the Socialist Internationalist Party coming to power Socialism suceeded in Niploma. Failegn became an industrial centre with SIP support reaching up to 60% of the vote in the 'Old' Council.

However in the 1980's reform began and capitalists came to the city to start up trade. The Grand Conservative Party split, the Libertarian Reform Party, thoroughly supported these businessmen. The men settled in the south of the city, along with the LRP national headquarters. By the mid 1990's high-rises were common and the city became a thriving business hub. Ex-Prime Minister Robert said although this was necessary for the country it was a 'shame'.

However the north became much poorer. Citizens claimed it was a completely different city and turned to Communistic parties such as the Official Communist Workers Party which has retained two constituencies since its rise in the north.

By 2001 Mayor Election the city was split. The richer south supported the LRP and the north turned to the OCWP and SIP. Indeed, there was a riot when extremists from severe right wing groups found OCWP members in the south. However, capitalism and liberalism prevailed and LRP won.

The north-south divide remains with the city split. However respect has grown for the two sides.

Minor Terrorism



The two defunct parties were Failegn Hope, a Coalition of left-wing parties used in the last Mayor election and Failegn Right, a coaliton from the opposite side of the spectrum used for the same reason.

Current Right-Wing

The once Failegn-strong Grand Conservative Party (which fairs well Nationally) is present in Failegn. Twenty years ago it was a leading party although it has suffered since, similiar in the style of national problems it suffers from. The Libertarian Reform Party has gathered most of their votes and has reduced a once strong party to a third-party in Failegn politics.

The popular Libertarian Reform Party has achieved national recougnition for becoming the leading party in Failegn four years ago. They hold 6 seats of the council, forming the opposition although they won the most votes. However, most famously David Regan won the the Mayor election and was a milestone in Niplomian right-wing politics. He showed a right-winger could head high levels of Government. He is expected to retain his position for another year due to his well running of the city.

Current Left-Wing

The left-wing political scene in Failegn is thriving. The Socialist Internationalist Party ran the council until the last election where they joined forces with green allies, the Ecological Foundation Party to from the People's Coalition. This Coalition holds Government nationally and controls the city council.

The Official Communist Workers Party has held the same two seats in the north of Failegn for over twenty years now in what is dubbed 'Red Failegn' in comment to the stronghold there. Critics say it is worrying the OCWP has support in Failegn when there have been terrorist attacks from seperatists - which the OCWP sympathises with.

Current Failegn-Based

Failegn has three parties based within the city. These are the Failegn Democrats, the populist Failegn First and Failegn Religious Concern.

The Democrats are pro-decentralization of power from the Democratic House to Failegn. They are politically free-market Liberals. They believe close interaction with citizens is the way foward. the Democrats are well known nationally and produce a popular newspaper, 'The New Democrat'. They prove popular with average-locals and business men alike.

Failegn First is a newly formed party devoted to settling crime in Failegn. It has been cited as single issue. It gathers support from ex Grand Conservative Party supportors and Democrat supporters. Failegn First is also hugely supportive of a stronger Failegn, being brought with more 'devolved' powers and more strength.

Failegn Religius Concern is a moral based party headed by several religious groups. Its support base is small.


The current mayor is Mayor Regand of LRP. A new election will be in a years time with the People's Coalition expected to win.

Failegn Mayor Election
Candidates Nominating parties Votes %
David Regan Libertarian Reform Party 3,540,440 32.88%
Morgan McCarthy Failegn Hope (Socialist Internationalist Party, Ecological Foundation Party, numerous others) 3,405,307 31.64%
Henry Quinn Failegn Democrats 1,949,436 17.84%
Robert Kane United Right (Industrial Workers Party, Grand Conservative Party) 1,330,244 13.72%
Thomas Flynn Official Communist Workers Party 879,784 4.24%


Failegn City Council Representatives
Party Seats Gains Losses Net Gain/Loss Votes %
People's Coalition 8 8 0 8 31.5%
Libertarian Reform Party 6 0 2 -2 32.7%
Failegn First 3 3 0 3 13.6%
Failegn Democrats 3 0 1 -1 12.4%
Official Communist Workers Party 2 0 0 0 7.3%
Independents 0 0 0 0 2.2%
Grand Conservative Party 0 0 1 -1 1.1%
Failegn Religious Concern 0 0 0 0 0.2%