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subject_name= Azonia i Vanya Dolziel carte Laplamiso Héra Gondolin| photo=http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b84/framindalf/azon.jpg|  
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Revision as of 03:07, 23 May 2006

Azonia i Vanya Dolziel carte Laplamiso Héra Gondolin
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Political Affilliation
Marduuk Party
Position in Empire
Grand Admiral, Commodore

Her Ladyship, Commodore Azonia Laplamis, Grand Admiral of the First Tomanian Imperial Navy(or Commodore Lalamis, her preferred title) made her military debut in the Grand Skirmish of the British Isles, commonly referred to as the Minor Battle of the Atlantic. After reviewing British Naval history (the Tomanian equivalent of Peanuts or Dilbert) , Commodore Laplamis noted the previous attempt (Spanish Armada) at conquering Britain was in 1588, CE. This seemed a ridiculous amount of time for one nation to resist invasion. Commodore further researched the matter and found that in fact, much of British culture and mythology was based in Tomanian legend. Soon, the Commodore realized that credit was not given where credit was due, and she decided it was time to set the matter straight by paying a friendly visit to the British Isles. Approaching the Island on her favored flagship the Alqua from the West, Commodore instructed her ships to assume diplomatic formation. Unfortunately, the English scouts misinterpreted the formation and Quenya flag symbols for battle-ready vessels. The English fired a warning shot and 2 well placed shots to the dismay of Commodore Laplamis. Tomanian honor required the firing of a warning shot and once the British did not retreat, open fire was ordered. After three days of half-hearted Tomanian defensive tactics, the British were prepared to sign a treaty with the Tomanian government awarding Tomania all British claims to the Antarctic Continent. Commodore Lamplamis was given control of a larger fleet and was soon awarded the title of Admiral. She retains her original crews and they serve as her personal envoy for all battles and affairs of state.

  • Preferred Title: Commodore Lamplamis
  • Favorite Key: A Minor
  • Fun Fact: Cribbage is Commodore's favorite pastime. Her claim to fame is consistant 24 point hands.