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A New Special documentry talking about half-human-half-animal species. 
'''KNN Presents: A Hidden World'''
'''A Special News Report'''
{{Infobox_Film |
Good evening I’m Arthur Kent. [http://tinyurl.com/qmylx]  Few people would believe, or actually believe in sub-human species on the Earth. “It’s Fantasy; these things are of outer-space and future worlds, not of the modern world. Well after some investigation, you would be surprised just how many half-animal people are on this Earth. Welcome to Animal-Polis, as it is roughly known. A small island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. This is often where many Animal-Humans are forcefully deported. The island is a poor country, only ruled by common law. Few nations have anything to do with it, many of enacted sanctions against it. Medical supplies are provided monthly by charitable foundations, such as the [[Red-Cross]]. However that could soon change.
name    = [[A Hiddent World]]|
Mary Hyer: (Cf. of Ops. Red Cross) Unfortunately we rely a lot on sponsorships and fundings, and many of our sponsors don’t want anything to do with this island. We are generally gracious enough to have more support from nations, but when it comes down to the bills, corporations are paying. I hope we can continue operations for these people, for the sake of humanity.
image    = |
director = [[Steven Zaillian]] |
Maria Roberto, and her three children are amongst the ones in need of medical supplies. She’s a part-wolf, leading her instincts to eat raw meat. But unlucky for her, she has contracted a parasite. She refused to be interviewed for this.
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producer = [[Steven Zaillian]]<br>Arthur Kent<br>[[Alex Thorton]]<br>
Kent: Many of the civilians here are displaced citizens from various countries. Basically rejects. Tabby Takino is one of them. She’s part cat, and 17 years old. She must survive on her own, having no real family
writer  = Alex Thrton, James Hebert, |
starring = James Kent<br>Mary Hyer<br>Maria Roberto<br>Tabby<br>Stanley Holmes <br>Brandon Tohmpson<br>Inu<br>Mizu<br>Marie<br>Roger<br>Alexa<br>Dr. Jack Scvorpio<br>Dr. Yukito Tomarie<br>Emily Faraday<br>"Rihno"<br>"Kitten"<br> Greg Cameron<br>"Wolf"<br>Warren Thomson<br>Mark Jefferson<br>|
Tabby: (Island Inhabitant) I remember being shuffled around a lot, always hidden away, always being told I was strange and abnormal. I was shipped to this island on a prison ship. And old one, that no one likely uses anymore, one of those massive sailing ships. So the trip was long and agonizing. I was stuffed in a cargo hold, with no clothes, and was feed sparingly. When it rained it poured. When it stormed, it was like sitting on a chair with water being dumped on you every second, constantly being rocked.
music    = Dr. Yukito Tomarie
cinematography = [[Conrad L. Hall]]|
Kent: After her long journey she finally settled on the island. Now she lives fairly well, catching fish for the islands.
editing  = [[Wayne Wahrman]]|
distributor = [[Touchstone Pictures]] (USA)<br>[[Paramount Pictures]] (non-USA) |
Tabby: I’m one of the many that catch the fish, for everyone. It’s a good job, and it feels good, to earn my keep. Everyone likes me, just like I was family.
released = 10 May 2006 ([[Kanami]]) and World Wide |
runtime  = 125 min. |
Stanley Holmes: (Author ''Exile'') When a citizen is displaced, generally another nation will take them as refugees, or they will be put into camps. In the case of the Animals however, they had no place to go. No camps would accept them, no nation would take them in.
[[language]] = [[English]] |
budget  = $15,000 (estimated)|
Kent: Stan Holmes is the author of the controversial book ''Exile'', A book that outlines what happens to people that are exiled from a country. Although his book doesn’t feature Halflings, many of the points he outlines in his book, can be applied.
Holmes: Families are broken up, disease runs wild; there is always a danger, when you have fled your country. You risk arrest just by crossing nation’s border. This has been seen in the cases of the Animal People, many times. And this island is like one giant refugee camp.
Kent: Many flee to escape persecution. Others flee to escape servitude.
Brandon looks like an ordinary 10 year old boy. But in reality he has attributes of Ox, Horse, and Bull in him. Before he came to the island, he was working on a ranch for slave wages.
Brandon: I had to work all day, carrying heavy things, pulling things fixing things, I really didn’t go to school, or anything. I slept in the barn at night, I had all my meals out there. One night, I just ran away. Far away. I ended up here.
Kent: Brandon is too young to do any heavy jobs for the islanders, so he usually looks after the younger children, when their parents are away. Island Leader only known as Inu, a part dog man, is responsible for everyone. We can only show him in silhouette.
Inu: (Island Leader) We determine the who does what, by age. Children under 10 will only help their parents with simple jobs, such as laundry. Teenagers will gather food, adults will be responsible for longer hunts, defending the island, and helping everyone else. No particular group is separated. All species mix.
Kent: Much of the day is spent hunting and gathering, patching up homes from the heavy rains, or sometimes, preparing for the worst.
Mizu: You can sense when a hurricane is about to hit. It’s just becomes your instinct.
Kent: Meet Mizu, she is the weather forecaster for the island. She has one of the most unique senses. Her species is unknown
Mizu: I can sense weather. I know when it’s going to storm, when it will be sunny, and of course hurricanes. I probably have the more senses than any other creature.
Kent: Scientists feel the unique and acute sense of nature is because they are human. All speices tend to have a acute sense to nature, especially animals.
Kent: Hurricanes batter the tiny island often island often. This often will make supplies run short, so short, they may even resrote to stealing from other ships.
Inu: People belive in Darwinism. Survival. It’s survival we are doing. We are surviving. No one likes piracy, or theft, but when a Hurricane hits, we don’t have a choice.
Kent: Last season Hurricane Dennis struck. It was Category Five, and nearly 12 people we’re killed.
Mizu: Worst storm I’ve seen.
Kent: But out the storm came a little miracle. [http://tinyurl.com/ktkun] This child was found washed up on the shores half alive. Her name is Megumi, which means blessing. The child was taken in by two parents who lost their previous child to Typhoid fever.
While none are actually literal Animal, both we’re subjects to Genetic Experiments in a prison camp.
“Marie:” (Mother of child) It doesn’t matter to me she has ears, or a tail. A child is a child. We only have animal traits, but I’m happy she’s with us. We aren’t sure if she was tossed from a boat, thrown into the sea, or what, but she could have died if we didn’t find her.
Kent: Megumi is a very happy child, but has no memory of her parents, or where she was prior to her founding.
Most of the people here state, that they we’re born with these anomalies, but in some rather horrifying cases, I’ve found many are the subjects of experiments.
“Roger” as he is known was in concentration camp, when he was infused with Tiger Genetics.
“Roger:” (Genetic Guinea Pig) There was a man whom we called Dr. Doom. He would take us, and do weird things with us. He rapped women, and experimented with genetic materials, to infuse us, and make us super solider. It mostly failed, but I tend to have violent bursts.
Kent: Roger must watch his temper or he could wind up attacking someone. While some are POW’s, or Civilian POW’s, others are subjects of corporate engineering. Alexa was selected by CREAGEN for a series of tests. Prior to the tests, she had a bad case of asthma. The company told her they we’re trying out a new form of medicine.
[http://tinyurl.com/3m2kd] [http://tinyurl.com/zvvkm]
Alexa: (Test Subject) I was brought to CREAGEN for testing. I remember they gave me a weird shot. Next thing I new dozens we’re watching me, as I played with and communicated with real wolves. I was acutuall horrified, they mocked me badly. And I attacked one, and was arrested, shunned from my family, and exiled.
Kent: Alexa has learned to control her wolf like instincts well. CREAGEN has denied any of the accusations by Alexa, stating quote: “We are a company that makes GMO’s, for food and research purposes. Not Sub-Humans.” The Company denied any interviews.
It isn’t known just how many are test subjects, and how many are results from natural causes, gene mutations, but many doctors are divided over the subject. Some doctors have gone as far as claiming they are liars.
Dr. Jack Scvorpio: (M.D. Doctor in Genetic Science) the idea of test subjects is something of fiction and spy novels. Genetic Modification is hard enough. It's hard enough to make GM tomatos, much less sub-species.
Kent: Doctor Yukito Tomarie disagrees.
Dr. Yukito Tomarie: (Ph.D. M.D. Doctor of Psychiatry) When you really think about it, a great deal of Biotechnology is unrestricted, in several parts of the world. The Work is uncontrolled, no one supervises it; no federal laws regulate it. All a company has to do is set up a lab where Biotechnology is unrestricted, and conduct their experiments. So could they have made sub-humans? Absolutely.
Kent: Two years ago a suite was brought before another Biotech Company, G.E.N.E. The suite claimed that G.E.N.E. was conducting environmentally hazardous experiments, and even using human test subjects. However the suite was thrown out, and it was never known if G.E.N.E. was in fact conducting such experiments such as creating sub-human creatures.
Emily Faraday: (Author ''E is for EVIL in G.E.N.E.'') After the suite was tossed, an appeal was accepted, and the several governments and even the U.N. were prepared to investigate. Well as it would so happen, G.E.N.E. filed for Bankruptcy. I wouldn’t doubt that maybe some of the island inhabitants are G.E.N.E. Experiments.
Kent: No one on the island does specifically recall G.E.N.E. but no one would doubt it.
This man has rhino attributes in him. He believes G.E.N.E. and the military he was serving for, conducted the experiments on him.
“Rhino:” After I enlisted in the Army, the chose about 12 of us to conduct tests. I was guided by a Tent, and to this day I swear, I saw a van with G.E.N.E. On it, very briefly mind you, and so sue me if I’m wrong, but I’m sure it was.
Kent: Several declassified documents have shown, several different military branches in various countries, have conducted tests to make genetically altered, enhanced super soldiers. And frightfully enough, the results of these documents may be leading to silencing witnesses.
Inu: (Island Leader) In the past several months, many of our people have either gone missing, or unexpectedly died. I know of a father that left to gather food for his family, went to see, crystal clear day, probably wouldn’t have gone farther than 5 miles, he never came back. And there was a military vessel in the area at that time.
Kent: Further declassified or even stolen documents have revealed invasion plans, even plans to fire a nuke at the island. Fortunatley most plans have been rejected by the governments. But Inu says, things are becoming more and more dangerous.
Inu: I don’t care if I have to make deals with Pirates, Terrorists, whoever has weapons. I will kill to defend these people, you attack us, we will attack back.
Kent: While most invasions have been turned down, one or two have happened, but failed
Inu: One of the earliest invasion attempts was nearly a decade ago. That was thwarted by weather conditions. The second one, was just plain botched.
Kent: Inu has made a plea for people to leave them in peace.
Inu: We won’t harm you, unless you harm us. Women and children live on this island. We are just a little different from you, why fear us on that?
Kent: Animal Polis is still by far the highest rank of sub-subspecies. But that doesn’t mean all Animals are here. In fact some are still in other countries, just in small numbers. But it’s not all pretty. Many are oppressed, or even resort to prostitution, crime, or otherwise pure and forced isolation. This young feline is a street walker.[http://tinyurl.com/ly42u] She is known as Kitten, to everyone.
“Kitten:” I’m like everyone else you know, I just need love.
Greg Cameron: (Psychologist) Because these people are often rejected they will go to extreme measures. Prostitution is one, because they crave affection. They convince themselves, these “one night stands” are just another form of love. It’s probably because they have never seen affection themselves.
“Kitten:” Would I go to the island? I don’t know. Maybe, maybe not.  
Kent: While Kitten is undecided another part wolf woman [http://tinyurl.com/qkpa9] would give anything. The trouble is she is a slave, physically abused, and tormented. And her Government, won’t allow her to leave.
“Wolf:” I’ve heard about this place, but any place is better than this place. If I could leave, I would be happy.
Kent: She gave us this interview at her risk. [http://tinyurl.com/pxa9e] This girl is not a street walker, or slave. She is a prisoner. Out of any one, she acutely attuned with birds.
Angela Dawson: (Inmate Center of Abnormal Studies) When I was put in here, they told me it would be 48 hours. Then they told me it would be a week. It’s been two years. My parents dropped me off those two years ago, and they never came back. (Sobs)  
Kent: Angela is still in containment. Two Civil Rights Attorneys from [[Kanami]] are working to free her.
(Warren Thomson, Mark Jefferson: Civil Rights Attor.)
Warren: Angela is a sweet girl who deserves better.
Mark: It’s been long and tiring, and we are still having troubles. I can say thank god that we have the support of our Government, friends, and family.
Kent: It’s unknown how long this trial will take, but both believe it could be another year.
For the several Sub-Animals of the Island and the world, life is both a burden, and a blessing.
Tabby: It could be worse for me, I’m glad I am with people who respect me, and things are getting better. Poor or not, I’m happy.
Inu: It is my hope that our island, and our people can live in peace. If we are forced to be here, then so be it, but for the ones who aren’t here, or won’t come here, treat them like you would treat any other minority in this so called age of political correctness, treat them, treat us like we have feelings. And it hurts just as much, when people trample over them.
Kent: In my time on the island, and with other Halflings, I’ve learned a lot, particularly about tolerance. This program is not intended to preach, but just educate, about a Hidden World. Thank you for joining me, I’m Aurther Kent.

Revision as of 20:31, 27 June 2006

A New Special documentry talking about half-human-half-animal species.

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