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[[Human Rights of Bai Lung]]
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Revision as of 20:00, 4 August 2006

Bai Lungese Politics


Government Type: Single Party Communist Dictatorship
President/Chairman: The Great Eternal Leader Chen Jong Sun
Premier: Han Lin
Chancellor: Li Ju-Bai

The politics of Bai Lung has a complicated history. It was ruled by a Monarch for a large portion of the 19th Century through World War 2 when the Japanese invaded the country and killed all of the royal family. From 1946-1949, it ruled under a Nationalist Government with complete freedom. From 1949-1950, the country was taken control by Mao Zedong's government. From 1950-1962, the country was governed by a Military Junta influenced by Nationalistic ideology. From 1962 onwards, it took place in the framework of a single-party dictatorship thanks to a coup staged by Chen Jong Sun. Bai Lung's political system is built upon the principle of centralisation. While the constitution supposedly asserts human rights and democratic government, virtually every power is within the hands of a ruling elite dominated by Chen Jong Sun. The government is considered to be highly authoritive and severely limits freedom of expression (see Human rights in Bai Lung). The ruling party is the People's Democratic Republic Workers Party of Bai Lung (DPRWPBL), which allows next to nothing inner-party democracy. The PDRWPBL has ruled since Bai Lung's political beginnings in 1962. Minor political parties do exist in Bai Lung but many are deemed as illegal. The most notable minor party is the Nationalist, who continue to hinder Chen and his abilities to run the country. As well as leader of Bai Lung, Chen served both as General Secretary of the PDRWPBL and as President of Bai Lung. Recently, he gave himself the affectionite titles of Eternal President of the People's Republic, symbolizing that he forever holds the position of President, which is formally vacant. Most critics of the regime believe the title is merely a product of the prevailing cult of personality in the country. Unlike

Bai Lung is widely considered a Communist state in the East Pacific, but the government follows policies which are strongly reminiscent to that of a Nationalist Government.

The Central People's Bank

Unlike their North Korean counterparts which have seperate Legislatures and Executives, Bai Lung has an organisation which combines the 2 called the Central People's Bank, headed by Chen. The reason to call it that remains a mystery to this day. Reportedly As the CPC is the highest organ of state power, it employs 687 employees annually with membership of over 25,000, all male. Those who are of working class, have certain disabilities and females are not allowed to apply to work with in the CPC. There are 2 branches of the CPC, one in the capital and the other in New Jian Sha Zui although the former will be where Chen will be likely to hold meetings. Although the CPC adopts and implements any laws, it is actually Chen who gives the final say and any opposition to Chen's final decision often results in the termination of the employee. Despite it's responsibility for dealing with civilian and domestic matters as well as to make and implement laws, many critics of Chen's regime regard the CPC as a rubberstamp assembly.

Legal System

Bai Lung's current constitution has been ammended no more than 23 times. The recent ammendment was in March 2006, which effectively voids any previous ammendments. Like with North Korea, Bai Lung has an unusual legal system based upon German civil law and strongly influenced by Japanese theory. Criminal penalties are extremely stiff, although one of the basic functions of the system is to uphold the power of the regime. Due to the lack of available information regarding the legal system, it is unknown what the true extent of law does. In any case, Bai Lung is highly notorius for it's extremely poor human rights situation and regularly holds millions political dissidents without trial or benefit of legal advice. The judicial system is theoretically held accountable to the Central People's Bank but in reality all trials are conducted by Chen himself. According to an East Dannistrian report on human rights practices, the government of Bai Lung frequently punishes the criminal's family along with the perpetrator.

Political Developments

Aside from the two World Wars, Bai Lungese politics have been dominated by the ownership of one island located 350 miles east of Bai Lung. The Bai Lungese call it Jong Il Shan but the Dannistrians call it Lord Howard island. From 1975 to 2000, relationships between the Bai Lungese and Dannistrians had been generally poor with increased tensions by the mid 90's. Many Dannistrians were denied access to live in Bai Lung and when the few are allowed in, they were given even fewer rights than the locals. At the time, many Dannistrian food aid workers were not allowed to speak in English and Dannistrian in fears that they might bad mouth the administration of Chen. Despite ethnic and political tensions, there was only two small scale conflicts happened on the island, one in 1979 and the other in 1994. There were a few injuries and all deaths were accident related.

Although there were sporadic reports of opposition to the government especially opposition from the Nationalists, these appear to be completely isolated, and there is no evidence of imminent threat to the current government. Many foreign analysts have pointed to widespread starvation, increased emigration through Dannistaan, and new sources of information about the outside world for ordinary Bai Lungese as factors pointing to an imminent collapse of the regime, but despite that, Bai Lung has maintained stability in spite of more than 4 decades of such predictions.

See Also