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(The FASG ''Kodiak'')
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In the recent space battle against the True Union he gained himself more recognition by managing to score a critical hit on a Perpendiculum ship by firing a Ground Bombardment Torpedo at it. Normally these torpedoes are too slow to be used effectively on a ship however Mako got rediculously close to the target. Thats all that need to be said. The damage was incredible.
In the recent space battle against the True Union he gained himself more recognition by managing to score a critical hit on a Perpendiculum ship by firing a Ground Bombardment Torpedo at it. Normally these torpedoes are too slow to be used effectively on a ship however Mako got rediculously close to the target. Thats all that need to be said. The damage was incredible.
==The FASG ''Kodiak''==
==The ''FASG Kodiak''==
[[Category:Friendly Aliens]]
[[Category:Friendly Aliens]]

Revision as of 20:20, 20 November 2006

Friendly Aliens War Heroes

The 2nd Shiner Squad

The 2nd Shiner Squad entered the Battle of Tikrit half way through the battle. Once they landed everyone looked in awe and disgust at the Super Mutants because they had never been seen before on a battlefield, they joined the battleline on the Roman flank. Durng the advance of the Caesarian Forces all the mutants managed to bring down a huge amount with accurate salvos of Heavy Mortar fire. But the 2nd Shiner squad realised that they were coming in to hard and fast therefore to buy time for their comrades they picked up their Thunder Hammers and Tactical Shields and charged into Caesarian lines. All attention was drawn toward them and fire was focused. Bullets went streaming towards the Shiners but with there combined hardiness and armour they lumbered on, made contact and started smashing the soldiers with their shields and hammers. They were busy fighting until unexpectly the Caesarian commanders sounded a tactical reteat, unknown to the Shiners the Super Roman Spartans did a similar move and the confusion caused by the attack made the officers panic.

The 2nd Shiners had accomplished their mission, of the ten that stormed the frontline only one recieve such a critical wound it's 'Life Light' faded. However even after this blood bath they still assisted in the rest of the battle helping a flanking manoeuver planned by Super Roman Spartans.

The 2nd Shiner Squad will forever be remembered for their bravery.

Captain Mako

Captain Mako was the first Captain of a Manta Destroyer. He was selected out of a large selection of Crossbow captains to lead the prototype vessel on its maiden voyage. The ship named the FASG Concordia. After a few trail runs and weapons testing the ship was given full active duty to patrol space over Friendly Aliens.

After about two weeks with the Concordia being in service word of war had spread through Friendly Aliens Military Command, Super Roman Revolutionaries had captured three Super Roman Titan's and have gone to war for change. Due to the proximity to the conflict Friendly Aliens didn't hesitate in helping the Super Roman loyalist destroy the threat.

The Stellar Guard were deployed: 200 Howling Banshee Fighters, 120 Jenova Bombers, 8 Sundancers, 4 Orion Carriers, 10 Crossbow Torpedo Frigates and The Concordia moved to the relay point to meet with the rest of the Super Roman fleet.

Orders were simple, Friendly Aliens was to deal with the small converted cargo ships the loyalist are using as escorts and the Super Mutants which were also committed by the Friendly Aliens Military HQ were to assist the Spartans in their boarding operations.

The Concordia was made the flag ship of the Friendly Alien fleet and it moved off with the Super Roman fleet toward the revolutionaries. The beginning of the battle was hectic, MAC rounds came surging toward the Loyalist fleet and did serious damage. The loyalists returned fire. The Concordia made its move and lead the first of two flanking groups to attack the smaller convoy ships.

When the Concordia got into range it began to release wave after wave torpedoes with the support of the smaller yet still painful Crossbow Frigates. Torpedos slammed into flanks of the convoys and promptly blew up. As the torpedos hit, the Howling Banshees and Jenova Bombers started attack runs. The convoys didn't have adequate fighter escort and were disabled quickly. Mako relised this and thought he could save hundreds of Super Roman lives if he turned his attention towards the enemy titans instead of the smaller insignificant esorts. He understood that the Titans vastly outclassed his own ships but was willing to take the risk.

He immediately directed all fire of the frigates and the Concordia on the MAC cannons of the Titan closest to him. Immediatly Friendly Alien HQ hailed the Concordia and demanded to know why fire has been redirected. Mako argued the esorts were not worthy of the Concordia and the frigates. During this arguement the Titan which was recieving damage started to turn towards them. With the intention of destroying them with the smaller Guass cannons lined on the prow and broadside of the Titan.

Mako ordered a full retreat but still fired at the Hammer with as many torpedoes possible but as the Hammer lurched forward three streaks came storming towards the Hammer and impacted its hull. It was MAC rounds from the Loyalist Fleet. One MAC round managed to piece the Hammer's fusion core and it began to deactivate.

Mako had made the Titan turn making it a much easier target to attack with Super Roman MAC cannons and in doing the Battle of Handra was an alot less bloodier one.

In the recent space battle against the True Union he gained himself more recognition by managing to score a critical hit on a Perpendiculum ship by firing a Ground Bombardment Torpedo at it. Normally these torpedoes are too slow to be used effectively on a ship however Mako got rediculously close to the target. Thats all that need to be said. The damage was incredible.

The FASG Kodiak