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caption3=Death | field3=11 February  1954 |  
caption3=Death | field3=11 February  1954 |  
caption4=Titles | field4=By the Divine Sanction of Huitzilopochtli and all the other True Deities, Hueyi Tlatoani of Otiacicoh, Descendent of Quetzalcoatl, Supreme Lord of New Tenochtitlan, King of Kings }}
caption4=Titles | field4=By the Divine Sanction of Huitzilopochtli and all the other True Deities, Hueyi Tlatoani of Otiacicoh, Descendent of Quetzalcoatl, Supreme Lord of New Tenochtitlan, King of Kings }}
[FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="Red"]Communist Party of Otiacicoh[/COLOR][/FONT]
Discussions on the Theme of the on-going situation in Heregos[/CENTER]
[B]Type of Event:[/B] Informal Party Discussion/Debate upon the Heregos situation in hopes of attaining a Governmental Policy.
[B]Attendance:[/B] Discussion was open to both the Parliamentary Communist Party and regular Party members.
[B]Time and Location:[/B] The debate took place in the Palace of the People, Port Sunlight, and was at 7:30pm on Friday, 23rd March 2007.
[B]Accepted Outcome:[/B] [I]See below[/I]
[B]What now?:[/B] Forward proposals to the Socialist Democratic Party for further formulation.
This Conference accepts that it cannot propose full policy, and is conducted as an informal discussion between Party Members regarding the situation in Heregos.
This Conference also accepts that the Official, Government Policy of the Serene Democratic People's Fiefdom might, in practise, differ greatly from the conclusions reached here.
That said, This Conference forwards for wider discussion in both the Party and the Coalition Government those proposals that have been formulated.
This conference believes that:
1) The Holy and August Empire of Pantocratoria is a firm ally of the Fiefdom and thus, for conventions both moral and diplomatic, every effort should be made to support her and whatever course of act she takes to resolve the issue of the Allanean settlers.
2) A peaceful solution to the above crisis can be found, without the need for the shedding of innocent blood.
This conference also notes that:
1) The Holy and August Empire has, over the last 10-15 years, moved away from absolutism and more fully embraced liberal democracy, not only on the mainland, but also in her colony in Ambara.
2) The United States of Allanea, conversely, has not shown any capacity for anything approaching those actions exhibited by the Holy and August Empire. Indeed, both Allanea under Kazansky and under the recent administration of
Lady Miriel nos Fëanor, has not shown any real or pressing desire to resolve the issue of the Allaneans on Heregos and their self-declared republic.
3) The on-going 'grey area' over Heregos serves to not only undermine the legitimate, legal authority of Pantocratoria, but also acts as a grave disservice to the Allaneans on Heregos who currently labour under difficult conditions.
This conference concludes the following, as a result:
1) That the United States of Allanea, by their on-going inertia, has abrogated responsibility for their citizenry on Heregos. Further discussion with the current administration (whoever that may be) is therefore pointless. They will not move those Allaneans on Heregos.
2) The Allaneans on Heregos itself, by declaring their supposed republic, indicate to the wider international community that they consider themselves to be culturally Allanean but in no way politically-linked. The men and women on Heregos are therefore, effectively, non-citizens.
3) That any eventual solution to the crisis will be a purely Pantocratorian affair. The United States is unlikely to move the Allaneans on Heregos, and if they do so then it will no doubt be under conditions that will undermine the authority of the Empire to dictate what occurs in areas under her sovereignty.
4) That, for the Holy and Most August Empire, issues of faith, language and culture have been, and will remain, of key political importance.
However, the Conference also notes that:
[SIZE="4"].[/SIZE] The recent election of Louis-Isaac Fontainbleu of the Ambaran Christian Democrats might show a willingness, on the part of some members of the political establishment, to adopt into the body politic members of the nation previously excluded (blacks, protestants etc). Though this is no doubt purely for political expedient, it may indicate a loosening of the traditional image of the Empire as purely a Roman Catholic entity. This leads, we believe, not only from the emancipation of Greek-speakers throughout the Empire but also into the emergence of Greek Orthodoxy.
[I]This is not to say, though, that the citizenry of the Empire, or her social and political elites, would be willing to allow the construction of a Mormon Temple in the suburbs of New Rome. But, if Ambara is any indication of a larger political/social trend, then Pantocratorians are much more accepting of Protestants/cultural minorities than previously, should they swear fealty to the House of Bourbon-Comnenus-Palaeologus.[/I]
As a possible solution to the Heregos Crisis, therefore, this conference believes that the following scenario would be preferable to violent removal:
1) That [I]since[/I] the United States of Allanea shows little or no interest in the welfare of the people of Heregos...
2) And that [I]since[/I] the people of Heregos no longer consider themselves to be Allanean citizens...
3) The Holy and Most August Empire must pass legislation to the effect that they claim sovereignty to the entire archipelago and, since Allanea has all-but renounced such a claim, make all those on Heregos [I]Imperial Citizens and subject to Imperial Laws[/I], while also stating clearly that no further settlement by any other peoples would be tolerated.
4) That, via a mixture of diplomacy and legal threat, the Allaneans on Heregos be disarmed.
It is hoped that, via a process of cultural assimilation, the next generation of Allanean in the Holy and Most August Empire will be distinguishable only via their surnames. If Allanea will not do anything, then Pantocratoria should. If Allanea will not do anything about their citizenry, then their citizenry should be considered null and void. If they are not citizens of any nation, then Pantocratoria should make them citizens, not out of a sense of reward but because fate has dealt them a people to deal with.
In closing, this report quotes the former mayor of Jerusalem Teddy Kollek, who noted that:
[QUOTE]I’d love the city to be empty of Arabs, but since they are here we need to serve them, because if we treat them badly they will hate us more[/QUOTE]
The Holy and Most August Empire might not wish the island of Heregos to be saturated with Allaneans, but in the absence of any other option save forced (and violent) eviction, this conference believes that only be accommodating and assimilated these peoples can a proper solution be found. The alternative is more hatred in a world that has had a sufficiency already.
[b][u]Minority Report[/b][/u]
We, the Minority for the above report, believe that a number of points should be considered before further consultation of the above proposals.
a) Whether or not the election of Louis-Isaac Fontainbleu is a symptom of middle-class guilt over institutional racism in Ambara rather than a desire to a more socially-inclusive Empire. The authors of the main report are reminded that it discusses Pantocratoria, not the Danaan High Kingdom.
b) Whether the recent protests over the opening of a Presbyterian Church in New Rome, prompting the local representative to denounce it as “a foreign perversion of Christianity, disseminating heresy” indicates whether the people of Pantocratoria are quite willing to accept an influx of foreign, culturally-different Allaneans.
Points for Discussion:
· The extent to which a citizen may legally ‘renounce’ their status and the extent to which this is illegitimate.
· The level of cultural assimilation possible in the Holy and Most August Empire.
· The extent to which Allaneans on Heregos are willing to be subjected to ‘outside’ intervention.
· The problem, beyond the above points, of disarming the settlers and making them comply with Imperial Laws should they be made citizens.
Report to be passed to the Political Bureau of the Party for further discussion.
* * * * * * * * *
Annexed notes to this report, hand-written by Deputy General Secretary Tlahuixcalpantecuhtli Yolcatl.
[FONT="Comic Sans MS"]This report is too controversial for any further move to official policy. I recommend that it is communicated to the Socialists via the usual channels for such matters, but in no way made public.
I also think that a copy of this report should be forwarded to our embassy in New Rome, in order that certain sections should be leaked to the Pantocratorian media in order to provoke debate in the Empire. If it goes badly, bury this report.
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Latest revision as of 09:18, 27 March 2007

Emperor Moctezuma VIII
14 December, 1897
17 December 1933- 26 May 1953
11 February 1954
By the Divine Sanction of Huitzilopochtli and all the other True Deities, Hueyi Tlatoani of Otiacicoh, Descendent of Quetzalcoatl, Supreme Lord of New Tenochtitlan, King of Kings
Preceded by:
Moctezuma VII
Hueyi Tlatoani of Otiacicoh
Succeeded by:
Fiefdom Declared under General Secretary Noel Hoogaboom