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Spending will be reallocated according to the genuine good of individuals. No more will vague, and unconstrained, departments dictate what they believe is for the good of the people. By siphoning a lot of the saved money into tax cuts, we will allow people to make genuine choices between excellent, privately-run public services for the first time in their lives. The poor will finally be liberated from the two-teir systems of health and education. The money will be used to encourage commerce to grow, with monetary reward for social justice within business. This money will also be used to subsidise free access to private healthcare for all, and towards an effective police force and military.
Spending will be reallocated according to the genuine good of individuals. No more will vague, and unconstrained, departments dictate what they believe is for the good of the people. By siphoning a lot of the saved money into tax cuts, we will allow people to make genuine choices between excellent, privately-run public services for the first time in their lives. The poor will finally be liberated from the two-teir systems of health and education. The money will be used to encourage commerce to grow, with monetary reward for social justice within business. This money will also be used to subsidise free access to private healthcare for all, and towards an effective police force and military.
All tarrif barriers must be torn down in the interests of free and fair trade. Only by doing this will Europlexian business genuinely be able to thrive.

Revision as of 04:24, 11 June 2005


The days of dictatorship, benevolent or otherwise, are now gone. Many will mourn the passing of one regime as change, and this is not pure reactionary gut will. For all the flaws of the old regime, strong leadership was provided - and this is not solely willed by the weak and infirm. Strong leadership lies at the bedrock of even the most ardently liberal system. It would be wrong to chide it as unimportant nonsense.

Yet the people have not just spoken with strong voice, but they have acted in their thousands to overturn a regime which ocassionally bordered on the magnaminous and often on the psychotic. People have become tired of big government lecturing them on moral virtue as though they have no idea of the culpability of the individual. This is why dismantling the dictatorship must occur with clear but democratic leadership and a respect for the intelligence of all Europlexians. It is not a task which ought to be approached piously or with flaccid complacency.

The first task must be to rescue Europlex from the doldrums of economic management, or as the socialists would have it, the 'Commanding Heights'. Economic management from the centre must come to an abrupt end for the policy direction of "economic freedom", as set out in our manifesto, to proceed. We will devolve responsiblity for public finances as much as possible away from the politicisation of corrupt government, and allow individuals to have much more say over their household inputs and outgoings.

We will do this with bold and decisive leadership, apart from the old regime in detail and extent of consultation, but not in tone or a purposeful sense of direction. We will hold the course of our manifesto commitments to rejuvenate the economy. We will enforce the policy of Key Reforms as outlined in the manifesto.

This will involve eliminating tax entirely. It is no longer suitable as a revenue-raising resource. Instead, a small revenue stream can be generated by creating a balance between thinned public spending and reduced tax take. Our aim is to acheive a balance bringing in increased revenue as the economy grows, an economic measure known as 'tax creep'. Income tax will go. Stamp duty will go. Stealth taxes will all go, although some may be re-applied as disincentives. National Insurance will go. Inheritance tax will be abolished at the first opportunity, as will fuel duty. This will put us in a position to lead the world economically, and begin growing again.

Secondly, the Key Reforms include a policy of drastically thinning government and public spending. This is neccessary as the demand side for the tax disbandment policy and also, more importantly, as a measure to reintroduce the notion of personal responsibility into society and get government out of people's lives, increasing their sense of freedom. Drastic cuts will come first in the welfare budget, which distorts or removes the incentive to work. Other major cuts to the point of complete eradication will come to Religion and Spirituality, and the Social Equality Department. Defence spending must also, albeit temporarily, fall. We can no longer monetarily subsidise a seamless society - it must be created through the good will of the individual.

Spending will be reallocated according to the genuine good of individuals. No more will vague, and unconstrained, departments dictate what they believe is for the good of the people. By siphoning a lot of the saved money into tax cuts, we will allow people to make genuine choices between excellent, privately-run public services for the first time in their lives. The poor will finally be liberated from the two-teir systems of health and education. The money will be used to encourage commerce to grow, with monetary reward for social justice within business. This money will also be used to subsidise free access to private healthcare for all, and towards an effective police force and military.

All tarrif barriers must be torn down in the interests of free and fair trade. Only by doing this will Europlexian business genuinely be able to thrive.