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== Prehistory ==
== Prehistory ==
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Fox Beings crashes out of orbit, causing massive geographical damage.
Fox Beings crashes out of orbit, causing massive geographical damage.

Latest revision as of 18:42, 24 July 2005


The first Mopervillian race, the Tribe of Bunny, come into being.

First Bunnies arrive in Moperville, on Mopergaea. They found the nation of Markodonia.

The bunny tribe found Bunnidom. Discala, Cryoanticia and the UTTP are amongst a number of nationstates founded in Mopergaea.

Bunnidom becomes the largest and most powerful state in the region under the leadership of the universally revered Major Kerina. All other nations regard Bunnidom with a great deal of respect.

The first settlers arrive on Kunori

A number of primitive settlements are founded on Progalu and Inactivo.

The fall of Bunnidom. Markodonia rises to prominence within Moperville.

The Middle Ages

The great nation of Yuppers is founded.

A number of smaller states disappear, annexed or otherwise absorbed by the growing empires. However, torn by internal strife, UTPNN and Cryoanticia collapse.

Markodonia and Yuppers become the two superpowers within Moperville, with a longstanding friendly rivalry.

Modern nations begin to emerge in Inactivo.

Modern History

From a number of squabbling minor states in regions occupied by the former empires of old, a number of new nationstates arise.

Cryoanticia and UTPNN are re-established in the north. Randomocitia is founded by Speedyard(?) and Northern Blurnsburg coalesces. A number of modern nations are founded in Progalu.

Perolijk spontaneously arrives from another dimension.

Contact is made with Kunori. The modern Kunorian "nation" begins to take form.

Randomocitia begins to vie with Markodonia for regional dominance. A relatively short period begins in which the two nations are in diplomatic competition. Randomocitia is generally supported by the more recently founded nations, and Markodonia the ancient nationstates.

Randomite is discovered in Blurnsburg.

Rebels from Yuppers form the thoroughly evil nation of Anti-Yuppers, who proceed to threaten everyone in a scary manner while doing very little until the present day.

A small number of territorial disputes occur. The non-sovereign Markodonian satellite state of Weapons Testing is founded in order to help produce a deterrent for the otherwise defenceless nation.

The territory of Upper Effendi breaks away from Markodonia following a small but brutal coup in the northern region.

The MRRB is founded to deal with the proliferation of randomite.

Orderonium is discovered.

The Randomocitian capital of (?) is destroyed by Goo Monsters.

The Great Goo War.

The War of Random Aggression with Blurnsburg, Randomocitia and Fox Beings.

Effendian government-sponsered terrorists steal randomite and orderonium from Randomocitians. Shortly afterwards they take Prince Christopher of Danisland, seeking international recognition.

The Council of Progalu is founded.

Randomocitian and Blurnsburg special forces rescue the prince, capture a number of terrorists and regain most of the stolen materials while Markodonia begins to support rebels within the region attempting to otherthrow the authoritarian revolutionary government.

The first international Mopervillian conference is called by Randomocitia in order to determine the relative rights of nations to freedom of the seas. It is ultimately a failure.

Markodonia attempts to form the Pacifistic Alliance to prevent conflict. It is even more of a failure than the Freedom of the Seas Treaty.

Mishrack makes a nuclear attack upon Gorim in retaliation to an attempted religious incursion.

Refugees from Gorim found a new state in Progalu on land given up by the Cimmuran (?) government.

A military coalition is founded in order to otherthrow the government of Mishrack. The invasion is led by Brodegstein, Perolijik and Randomocitia. Mishrack is rapidly defeated and occupied, with the greatest proportion of Perolijkan military personnel.

North Blurnsburg erects the We-Don't-Care Shield.

The Steam Powered kingdom of Fred Dibnah achieves independence from UTPNN, but close ties remain between the two nations.

The Dominion of Fortmac is founded by a strangely talented group of rebellious teenagers.

Markodonia defeats the Effendian government before occupying and annexing the state.

The Undermoperville is discovered.

The people of Mishrack begin to object to Perolijkan occupation. Their complaints fall largely in deaf ears in the internatial community.

The last member of the mainly impotent population of Not Very Interesting dies. The island is deigned a free territory, and used for international affairs.

Evil Decision launches three nuclear devices stolen from Anti-Yuppers. Two are destroyed at the last minute by Markodonian and UTTP defences and a major base is destroyed in Anti-Yuppers. UTPNN and Fred Dibnah declare war upon Evil Decision.

The entire nation of Fox Beings unexpectedly blasts into orbit.

Corporate Favour makes a tidy profit from allowing Fred Dibnah and Evil Decision to clash militarily on their land...at a price from each nation.

Eganon wins the Randomocitian election. Within a short period of time the country is transformed into an authoritatian police state(?)

Evil Decision mounts a chemical attack upon Cryoanticia. The Cryoanticians retreat from interntional affairs.

UTPNN and Fred Dibnah fall apart during the war with Evil Decision. Randomocitia declares war and shortly takes over the country.

The leader of the bizarre nation of SpammyEvilness is accidently transformed into the Spam Lord. He insists in taking part in international conferences despite his mild pathological condition.

Brodegstein becomes concerned with the state of the Perolijkan occupation in Mishrack. A heated diplomatic exchange follows, with threats of military action. Eventually a compromise is reached, and Mishrack begins to re-arm within limitations set by Perolijk. Perolijk's arms trade booms from selling new weapons to Mishrack.

A giant spoon is seen bouncing off the Blursburg WDC Shield.

An interntional spon plague epidemic occurs, eventually brought under control after many thousands of deaths.

A border scuffle soon erupts into a full scale war between Randomocitia and Elptonia. Elptonia is defeated and occupied.

A floating continent is spotted colliding with Mopergaea.

A rebel movement under the leadership of Speedyard gains control of a great area of nothern Randomocitia. Civil war breaks out.

A conference is called to pass limited in the proliferation of WMD within Moperville.

Kunori hosts the first Kun'Ursu no-particular-style martial arts tournament.

Fox Beings crashes out of orbit, causing massive geographical damage.