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The modern Chambobo is named after an old Chamboan Empire that once rivaled in power with the gods. At the hight of it's power (cerca 2010 B.C.) Chambobo had holdinds on several of the great islands of the region including Camaja "the Jewel of Camajara"; Rishdaa, a heavily forested island; and Isha, the pearl of the east. Eventually the sea god, Onan, grew angry at the power of the Chamboans (who were aided by the spirit Mataja who they revered and who of old had excaped the clutches of Onan) and unleashed war upon them. The Chamboans, legend tells us fought valiently agaist the agressor and many of their inhuman vassals (Chambobo Island was rumored to be honycombed with tunnels of giant crocodiles reaching lengths of 45 feet or more) fought beside those who had civilized them, but not all resisted the sea god. A faction calling themselves "the faithful" allied themselves with Onan. With the combined strain of fighting against Gungans (called "water goblins" by Chamboans Gungans profited greatly from an alliance with Onan, and became extremely advanced but died out around 240 A.D. as their relgion required that they have only one child, their numbers dwindelled slowly for decades) on many fronts and sudden wave of pirate attacks on their coasts by pirates out of the south, Chambobo fell and the island was flooded so that every fertile vail and field was under wave. only in the hills and mountains did they survive, for Onan could not bring these down. They belonged to the god of earth, Okvard and he would have none of it. So the Chamboans fell from power, and their former colonies grew and prospered then fought amongst them selves or the new comers out of the south.
The modern Chambobo is named after an old Chamboan Empire that once rivaled in power with the gods. At the hight of it's power (cerca 2010 B.C.) Chambobo had holdinds on several of the great islands of the region including Camaja "the Jewel of Camajara"; Rishdaa, a heavily forested island; and Isha, the pearl of the east. Eventually the sea god, Onan, grew angry at the power of the Chamboans (who were aided by the spirit Mataja who they revered and who of old had excaped the clutches of Onan) and unleashed war upon them. The Chamboans, legend tells us fought valiently agaist the agressor and many of their inhuman vassals (Chambobo Island was rumored to be honycombed with tunnels of giant crocodiles reaching lengths of 45 feet or more) fought beside those who had civilized them, but not all resisted the sea god. A faction calling themselves "the faithful" allied themselves with Onan. With the combined strain of fighting against Gungans (called "water goblins" by Chamboans Gungans profited greatly from an alliance with Onan, and became extremely advanced but died out around 240 A.D. as their relgion required that they have only one child, their numbers dwindelled slowly for decades) on many fronts and sudden wave of pirate attacks on their coasts by pirates out of the south, Chambobo fell and the island was flooded so that every fertile vail and field was under wave. only in the hills and mountains did they survive, for Onan could not bring these down. They belonged to the god of earth, Okvard and he would have none of it. So the Chamboans fell from power, and their former colonies grew and prospered then fought amongst them selves or the new comers out of the south.
== Patriot Baby ==

Revision as of 07:56, 18 August 2005

Template:Infobox Chambobo Chambobo only recently came into statehood under the great warlord Afagan in the region of Camajara, a small island region. For centuries it had existed, purely as a nation of people with no state to guide them. Then Afagan came around and took them to earth 6.

General Facts

UN Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Civil Rights: Very Good Economy: Frightening Political Freedoms: Few Location: Camajara

Average Income Tax Rate: 100% Major Industry: Book Publishing National Animal: garden snail National Currency: granite

Chambobo is located in south america and it's population is largly made up of afgans though all races and religions (or lack there of) are accepted as long as you vote and do what we tell you too.

Official Name: Chambobo Protectorate of Truitt Common Name: Chambobo Head of State (Afgnwrlrd): Dave Jewitt Prime Minister: Susan Thompson (secondary leader) Government: LibFas Confederacy Languages: Spanish, English, Quechua

Afgnwrlrd: Dave Ian Jewitt(Truittist) Prime Minister: Susan Thompson (centrist)


System of Government: Afgnwrlrd: the Afgnwrlrd is the driving force of the nation. Afgnwrlrds may appoint Consuls to head the government but they don't have to. They act as the head of state and execute diplomacy with the outside world. They may have as much power as pleased to ask for except for military.

Council of Warlords: The heads of protectorates make up the Council of Warlords. They may impeach the Afgnwrlrd if necessary with a 75% vote. Also, the Afgnwlrd may gather them when wanting council on a decision.

Warlord: Are elected by the people or installed by the military. It varries from region to region. Control amies and business (if they want to).

Military: Seperate Warlords appoint and train their militaries, and offer them to the Afgnwrlrd when necesarry. Protectorates with low economies tend to have strong militaries. The Military helps choose the next Afgnwrlrd.

Businessmen: Business may be in the form of free market, or state controlled. Protectorates with strong economies tend to have weaker militaries. A board of successful business men and woman help choose the next afgnwrlrd.

Proletariat: The citiznes of Chambob may rise to the military or business class and therefore elect a Afgnwrlrd. Those that don't are classified as proletariats and only get to elect their Warlord.

Courts are handelled on a local level. temperaryimages7cu.png


National Laws:

Compulsorly Military Service: All people between the ages of 19 and 30 may be called upon to act for their nation in the military.

Education Free Thru College: Education will be free to all citizens. Quatlity education must be readily availible to all citizens. Citizens wishing to persue an advanced degree must register with the National Board of Education.

Human Rights: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is in place, with an added bill of rights that expressly allows freedom of movement.

Federal Buget Breakdown:

Administration: 8%

Social Welfare: 0%

Healthcare: 9%

Education: 16%

Religion & Spirituality: 0%

Defence: 13%

Law & Order: 11%

Commerce: 22%

Public Transport: 10%

The Environment: 5%

Social Equality: 3%

Propaganda: Propaganda in Chambobo is widespread and easily recognized, however it usually accomplishes the desired reults. Two samples of Chamboan Propaganda:

temperaryimages4qo.png temperaryimages3sm.png

Other: Antartida: A region of frozen waste, inhabitated by couragous scientists. Estabished long ago, this colony has housed some of the greatest scientific breakthroughs in Chamboan history. Contributing greatly to the efforts of moon colonization and other occurances, these people are held in high esteem. Recently the technology that the government has permitted them to sell (mostly in the feild of cold weather garments, robotics, biotechnology, and energy efficient architecture) has eliminated the trade deficit. In a general election the colony decided to test it's power at being self sufficient, and passed a bill that would seperate it from Chambobo. Afgnwrlrd, Dave I. Jewitt, was hurt to see the region leave but proud that it had finnally "grown up". temperaryimages1um.png

SDI: The SDI (stratigic defense inititive) is a very expensive system of defensive satallites and ABMs (Anti-ballistic Missiles) that are capable of intercepting ICBMs from any point on the globe. They act independantly from the earth command, though they can be directed if need be. They are periodically updated to improve accuracy and work out any bugs that might have happened to them.

Moon Colonies: The moon colonies were a failed atempt at greatness. Struckdown by LB. After making several great discoveries Afgnwrlrd died and Parliement reversed its former decision and the discoveries ceased.

-(the official document)

                            -=Proposition Moonbase=-

To be put before Parliament:

1. Preamble: It is far past time for Humans to accomplish destiny and colonize space. This Propsal will Begin the research and eventual accomplishment of life in space. This will doubtless require much funding and time but when accomplished we will shine above the rest and be untouchable.

2. Cause: To progress the human species and Chmaboans in particular into a new age of space. To Settle the surface of the moon and sustain a self sufficient community 250000 miles from earth.

3. Implimentation: By paying private and public groups to advance the knowlege or production of: - Space Transportation - Space Conditions - Biological Resouces having to do with environmental renewal - Alternate Energy Sources - Psychology of Astronauts - Space Shuttles - Satallites

4. Projected cost: $21 per capita annually

5. Projected Implimentation Time: 67 years

6. Assurance of Secrecy: Under no circumstances are any Parliamentary members permitted to disclose any information involving this document until it has already been approved by Parliament and Afgnwrlrd. You will be watched. You are not to make a copy of this document or record any peice of it on your own time or the governments.-

(some salvaged information) Engine The Space Ship Engine is actually a four part launch vehicle, designed to enable the Space Ship to complete its journey. Its first stage is the external booster rockets, which, much like the terrestrially launched shuttles of the late twentieth century, are solid fuel boosters and are jettisoned when they are no longer needed. The second part to the Engine is the Space Ship's solar sail, which was designed both to use the radiation emitted from our sun and Jupiter for propulsion and to collect atomic particles for further future fuel and materials. The third part of the Engine array is the ion drive, which will harness both nuclear power and collected hydrogen to propel the craft through space, channeling high energy particles through the Thrusters. The fourth and most externally obvious component is the hydrogen solid fuel rocket, which will be used in the final phases of the Space Ship's travel. Life Support Essential to the sustenance of human life are food, water, air, and heat, and the Life Support System provides all of these things. Recycling is the key to the Space Ship's Life Support System, and no organic component is left to waste in the vessel. Computers control the collection and recycling of waste, which is injected into large vats of algae which consume the waste or processed into fertilizer for the Space Ship hydroponics garden. Both the algae and the garden provide food and oxygen for the colonists as well as for their livestock, which consist of fish, shrimp, and a particularly hearty (and tasty) breed of Peruvian mountain llama. Extra oxygen is processed in the air filtration system, which electrically divides water into hydrogen and oxygen molecules and separates them for oxygen and fuel uses. Excess heat produced by the Fuel Cells is also absorbed into steam pipes, which are used to keep the interior of the vessel warm and to separate pure water out of waste water to a 99.44% purity. The Life Support System has been carefully crafted to provide indefinitely for the needs of the colonists as well as giving them a basis for redeveloping a food chain on the eventual place of colonization.

Orgins of Chambobo

The modern Chambobo is named after an old Chamboan Empire that once rivaled in power with the gods. At the hight of it's power (cerca 2010 B.C.) Chambobo had holdinds on several of the great islands of the region including Camaja "the Jewel of Camajara"; Rishdaa, a heavily forested island; and Isha, the pearl of the east. Eventually the sea god, Onan, grew angry at the power of the Chamboans (who were aided by the spirit Mataja who they revered and who of old had excaped the clutches of Onan) and unleashed war upon them. The Chamboans, legend tells us fought valiently agaist the agressor and many of their inhuman vassals (Chambobo Island was rumored to be honycombed with tunnels of giant crocodiles reaching lengths of 45 feet or more) fought beside those who had civilized them, but not all resisted the sea god. A faction calling themselves "the faithful" allied themselves with Onan. With the combined strain of fighting against Gungans (called "water goblins" by Chamboans Gungans profited greatly from an alliance with Onan, and became extremely advanced but died out around 240 A.D. as their relgion required that they have only one child, their numbers dwindelled slowly for decades) on many fronts and sudden wave of pirate attacks on their coasts by pirates out of the south, Chambobo fell and the island was flooded so that every fertile vail and field was under wave. only in the hills and mountains did they survive, for Onan could not bring these down. They belonged to the god of earth, Okvard and he would have none of it. So the Chamboans fell from power, and their former colonies grew and prospered then fought amongst them selves or the new comers out of the south.

Patriot Baby
