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Kele - Head of the Neo Socialist Alliance, likes to write entries for other peoples regions withouth telling them...:P
Kele - Head of the Neo Socialist Alliance, likes to write entries for other peoples regions without telling them...:P

Revision as of 04:32, 28 August 2005

The Anumist Revolution
Forum: http://s11.invisionfree.com/TAA_Forum/index.php
Population: 29 nations
Delegate: Lawton Park
Founder: The Anumist Revolution
Info: NSEconomy RC XML

World Factbook Entry: This region is not of a chartered political ideal, for it has invented its own ideal it is called Anumism.

It is really a mixture of Socialism and Liberalism we stand for the people and we listen to everyones needs. Everyone is welcome here no matter what believe they follow.

Allies: The Persian Empire, Neo Socialist Alliance, Pacifist Greens Alliance, The Soviet Alliance, Texas, RKKA

President:Latin Revolutionary (aka Che)



The Anumist Revolution is a region that bases its policies on basic Anarcho-Socialism. It has a state which is lead by a large organised goverment, which takes part in monthly elections. It is well known for its aggressive behaviour to those who do not share the same left-wing Ideals as its self. The goverment have made alot of rash decisions and also have gone to war with certain powerful capitalist regions.

Although they are engaged in war often they stick with there allies through think and thin. They are proud members of the left-wing defenders alliance the RKKA. They also have many allies outside the RKKA.

The region is currently arguing with the region Scarfaces, and has been doing so for many months. At first engagment was thought, but they are beginning to solve there problems.


The history of The Anumist Revolution is a colourful one. In early 2005 it was involved in a conflict with The Persian Empire, which resulted in the destruction of the original region, The Anumist Alliance. Citizens of TAA fled to a new region, The Anumist Alliance 2, but the region lost the full support of two of it's most active members, Kele and Pheta, who broke off to form their own regions. Despite this, they created ambassador nations before long and reaffirmed ties with TAA2. To this day Kele and Pheta remain respected members of TAA2 and their regions are important allies.

After the destruction of TAA a large civil conflict soon ensued between the region's head, LawtonPrk, and his second-in-command and head of the Military, Swazz. Eventually Swazz left the region, joining several invader regions before creating his own. Ever since, Swazz has been a constant problem that citizens of TAR must face, creating region after region in which to base his harrassment operations. He currently resides in minefield, where he appears to now have finally given up the struggle against TAR and is building his own region. Members of the TAR government have finally removed Swazz from the most-wanted list in their region.

Electoral procedures in TAA2 have caused several conflicts. An invasion by Swazz occurred when he accused LawtonPrk of being 'unconstitutional' for holding the office of Presidency for an extra week. He successfully gained control of TAA2 and subsequently made the NSA Ambassador, Anumia, and the PGA ambassador, Freelancer Alpha-1, President and Vice-President of the region, which nearly resulted in war between NSA and TAA2 as LawtonPrk, upon recovery, ejected Anumia from TAA2. The conflict was soon settled however, and Swazz apologised to Anumia.

An electoral rort was carried out by Western Kamikaja a few months ago, with WK somehow managing to win the election by an outstanding majority, despite the fact that the odds were against him. It was quickly ascertained by Anumia that WK had brought puppets into the TAA2 forums to win the election, and WK was then ejected where he then left to join Swazz in minefield and cause trouble for TAA2 for a while from then on. He has recently been removed from the most-wanted list as well.

After the WK fiasco, the region was host to a renowned member of NationStates and friend of LawtonPrk, Latin Revolutionaries, also known as Che. Che entered TAA2 with ideas of Anumist Revolution and war to purge NS of capitalists and Nazis. He subsequently won the election and attempted to make good on his election promises. Lawton then took a leave of absence and was controlled by Anumia for that period, which led to Anumia's UN nation, Sulkia, losing UN status. Sulkia's UN problems have still not been resolved thus far. Anumia then was custodian to Che's nation, Latin Revolutionaries.

After the return of Lawton however, things changed in TAA2. The region became more warlike as tensions heated up between TAA2 and regions such as Genesis, Scarfaces and Sangria Sands. This culminated in a war against a small region, Sudeki, which was likely the final straw in Sulkia's ejection from the UN. It also resulted in the deletion of the founder of TAA2.

The region was in chaos. Members were fleeing TAA2 and the NSA was also suffering structural problems. Swazz hit again in one of his final moves against TAA2. Finally after much civil debate that almost led to more violence within the heart of TAA2, the new region, The Anumist Revolution was formed, with Che at the head and Lawton, Anumia and Freelancer as subordinates. Soon after the creation of TAR however, Che went on an extended leave of absence and the region entered a state of decline as recruiting slowed to a crawl. This decline continues despite new plans for recruitment.

It is likely that another civil disturbance is looming as information comes to the fore that Che rorted the last election, which resulted in him gaining presidency again. Anumia has brought allegations against him, having learnt very recently following a conversation with Lawton, that one of the nations that voted for Che was in fact Che himself with another username, and that the other member of the Red Revolution political party also doubled himself, thereby giving them 4 votes instead of 2, which gave them the majority they required to overtake the Fabian Party. More news will follow in due course.

Kele - Head of the Neo Socialist Alliance, likes to write entries for other peoples regions without telling them...:P