Organized Temples of Skorm

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The Organized Temples of Skorm, or Skormism is a religion that has been a secretive cult that has for the last thousand years been hidden in the shadows in order to preserve it's existance within the Empire of Khallayne. But with the Proclamation of Religious Freedom by Empress Diane this elusive cult has begun to make headway within the Empire with over 20% of the population claiming Skormism as their faith.

Current Prior (Leader)

Prior Gerald ew'Hai Cormanda

Beliefs and Practices

Skormism is a monotheistic faith, it is believed that there is one Almighty God who's name is Skorm. The Organized Temples is the earthly organization who's goal is to spread this true religion as the purest vehicle of Skorm as far and as wide as possible. Skormites believe that Skorm is a deity of a supernatural flesh and blood and bone in an other dimention that needs to be nourished with the prayers of his believers in order to maintain his powers, most of which he sacrificed when he created the universe. Skormism also uses ritual magic in order to gain power over others within this universe since Skormism teaches that there is only one life and one must live it as well as possible in order for Skorm to accept you into his Dimention, otherwise he will consume your spirit and take it's energy back.

A disturbing aspect of Skormism is it's practice of both animal and once a year human sacrifice in it's religious rituals and magical practices. Currently however the Temples have postponed the human sacrifice aspect of their faith until negoitations with the Khallaynan Government are complete on this issue, which has created quiet the stir on the national scene.

Holy Texts

The Book of Bones- Describes the rituals that must be preformed and when

The Book of Blood- Hymns and prayers of Skorm

The Book of Flesh- The offical text that contains the main teachings of Skormism
