Latao Constitution

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'As per draft of the people's assembly on the 22nd day of the month October of the year 2005



We the people of Latao shall create this federation to secure our freedom and to protect the individual. We shall create a peaceful society and work for prosperity and social security, while respecting law and order and the rights of other people.

This Federal Constitution declares the bill of rights for the Confederacy.

Article I – State Organization

The Confederacy of Latao is a democratic federal state. Its districts are sovereign as long their sovereignty is not limited by this federal constitution.

The Confederacy of Latao is ruled by an Executive and a bi-cameral Legislative, while the judicial branch is separated from the politics.

§1 – National Council

All power defined by this constitution is given to the National Council. The National Council consists of 300 Representatives that represent the citizens of Latao. Every district may send one Representative to the National Council per 50,000 citizens.

§1.1 – First National Council President

The First National Council President represents the National Council. He has tie-breaking powers and schedules the sessions.

§1.2 – Second National Council President

The Second National Council President represents the National Council. He has tie-breaking powers and schedules the sessions. The Second National Council President becomes active when the First National Council President can not serve.

§1.3 – Third National Council President

The Third National Council President represents the National Council. He has tie-breaking powers and schedules the sessions. The Third National Council President becomes active when the First and the Second National Council Presidents can not serve.

§2 – Senator Council

The Senator Council consists of 45 Senators that represent the districts of Latao. Every district may send exactly three Senators to the Senator Council.

§2.1 – Senator Council President

The Senator Council President represents the Senator Council. He has tie-breaking powers and schedules the sessions.

§2.2 – Vice Senator Council President

The Vice Senator Council President represents the Senator Council. He has tie-breaking powers and schedules the sessions. The Vice Senator Council President becomes active when the Senator Council President can not serve.

§3 – National Executive Committee

The National Executive Committee consists of seven Councilors that operationally lead the Confederacy of Latao. Each Councilor is the head of a department that contains ministries or other state-run offices and authorities.

The in-percentage strength of a party in the parliament defines how the seats in the National Executive Committee are distributed. In case of unclear mathematical situations, the strongest party in the parliament may receive a third seat in the National Executive Committee.

The National Executive Committee operates as a collective in which every Councilor has equal rights.

It is up to the members of the National Executive Committee to distribute the departments between themselves.

§3.1 – Federal President

The Federal President is part of the National Executive Committee. He plans and schedules the sessions of the National Executive Committee. The Federal President also has the power to give tie-breaking decisions.

§4 – Supreme Court

The Supreme Court consists of eleven judges that operate independent from the Executive and the Legislative.

§4.1 – High Judge

The High Judge represents the National Council. He has tie-breaking powers and schedules the sessions.

Article II – Governing

§1 – Legislation Power

All legislation activity starts from the National Council. If a proposal passed a poll in the National Council it is submitted to the Senator Council, which may modify it.

If a proposal is accepted by the Senator Council then the Senator Council submits it to the National Executive Committee which executes the new law.

If a proposal is being modified by the Senator Council, it must be returned to the National Council giving information on the reason(s) of that denial. The National Council must discuss the rejected proposal and the list of reasons and then hold a poll if the proposal should be revised.

A proposal maybe given to the Senator Council for confirmation up to three times; if these roundtrips do not lead to a common solution, a Unification Commission is built.

The responsible councilor of the National Executive Committee is involved in the discussion for all steps of the governing act.

§1.1 – Election of the Unification Commission

The Unification Commission consists of eleven members, elected by the parliament when needed, to solve one specific proposal.

Six of its members and the President must be Representatives and five of its members must be Senators.

The President has tie-breaking powers.

§1.2 – Process of the Unification Commission

The Unification Commission discusses the proposal and acknowledges all additional amendments and revisions.

The President schedules a final poll of the Unification Commission about the proposal. If the revised proposal passed the poll, it is submitted to the National Executive Committee, other ways the proposal is definitely failed.

§2 – Direct Democracy

The citizens may request constitutional revisions in accordance with Article V.

The citizens may also request a poll on new law or the modification or removal of existing law by collecting 50,000 valid signatures. The proposal shall become legal law if the majority of the citizens votes for it.

The parliament releases an electoral law that defines additional details regarding federal polls.

§3 – Defense

The National Executive Committee may mobilize the nation’s military at any time to secure and to ensure its interests. If a mission extends the duration of two months, the parliament must endorse it.

§4 – Sessions

§4.1 – Executive

The National Executive Committee is a permanent authority. The authority must ensure that it may serve the complete year without interruption.

The National Executive Committee may request sessions of the Legislative and Judicative at any time.

§4.2 – Legislative

The National Council and the Senator Council are militia authorities. Its members shall come together at least once in four months.

§4.3 – Judicative

The Supreme Court is a permanent authority. The authority must ensure that is may serve the complete year without interruption.

Article III – Electoral System

§1 – Terms

All directly elected positions (including the members of the judicative branch) are subject of a four year term. Begin of a term is the first day of the month January of the following year when the candidate was elected. The term ends in the last day of the month December of the last year of the term.

All indirectly elected positions (excluding the members of the National Executive Committee and the judicative branch, but including the Federal President and the High Judge) are subject of a one year term. Begin of a term is the first day in the month of January when the candidate was elected. The term ends in the last day of the month December.

§2 – Electoral Regulations

Citizens of the Confederacy of Latao may vote when they are 21 years of age or older. Every voter has as many votes as there are Representatives assigned with his/her district of living and three votes for the Senator Council.

Citizens of the Confederacy of Latao may be voted when they are 25 years of age or older and living in the district of election for at least 10 years.

§3 – Electoral Votes

Every citizen has as many votes for the National Council as there are seats assigned with the district where the voter lives and exactly three votes for the Senator Council seats assigned with the district where the voter lives.

§4 – Electoral Areas

Every district is a complete electoral area. Valid citizens may candidate for a seat in the parliament only in the district they live. Only candidates of the district where the voter lives may be elected.

The parliament releases an electoral law that defines additional details regarding federal elections.

§5 – Voting Process

§5.1 Legislative

Political parties create two lists of candidates for the National Council and the Senator council.

One list contains as many printed names of candidates of the party as there are Representative seats assigned with the district. The other list contains as many empty fields as there are Representative seats assigned with the district.

The third list is a blank list that is not linked with any party. This list contains as many empty fields as there are Representative seats assigned with the district.

The voter must only use and then submit one of these three lists.

If the voter submits the list with the printed names, all of these candidates receive a vote.

In case the voter wishes to vote for different candidates of the same party that may not be listed on the printed list, the voter may manually fill in the names of the candidates he wishes to vote for.

The voter may mix candidates of different parties by manually filling in the names of the candidates he/she wishes to vote for into the blank list.

If using an empty or blank list, the voter may fill in the same name(s) of candidate(s) as there are fields on the list.

The responsible electoral authorities of the district submit the sealed boxes with the envelopes of the voters to the parliament, where the boxes are opened under the eyes of the Representatives and Senators.

The seats assigned to a district are distributed to the candidates with the highest amount of votes.

§4.2 Executive

The National Executive Committee is elected indirectly by both chambers of the parliament. The election must be held from the newly elected parliament in the last day of December of the year of its election on the latest.

A candidate for a seat in the National Executive Committee is elected, if he/she receives two-thirds of the votes of the presenting parliament members.

The members of the National Executive Committee must distribute the departments between themselves and vote for a Federal President in the first ten days of their term.

§4.3 Judicative

The Supreme Court is elected indirectly by both chambers of the parliament. The election must be held from the newly elected parliament in the last day of December of the year of its election on the latest.

A candidate for a seat in the Supreme Court is elected, if he/she receives two-thirds of the votes of the presenting parliament members.

The members of the Supreme Court must vote for a High Judge in the first ten days of their term.

§5 – Renewal Elections

Complete renewal elections for all authorities are held every four years in the second Sunday of the month October.

§6 - Replacement Elections

§6.1 – National Council

If a seat becomes available before the next renewal elections, the candidate with the next best electoral result of the same district automatically takes that seat, regardless of the party.

If a president of the National Council can not complete his/her term then replacement elections must be held within ten days.

§6.2 – Senator Council

If a seat becomes available before the next renewal elections, the candidate with the next best electoral result of the same district automatically takes that seat, regardless of the party.

If a president of the Senator Council can not complete his/her term then replacement elections must be held within then days.

§6.3 – National Executive Committee

If a seat becomes available before the next renewal elections, the party must nominate candidates for renewal elections which must be held within the next 30 days.

If the Federal President can not complete his/her term then replacement elections must be held within the first ten days after the National Executive Committee is complete again.

§6.4 – Supreme Court

If a seat becomes available before the next renewal elections, renewal elections must be held within the next 30 days.

If the High Judge can not complete his/her term then replacement elections must be held within ten days.

§7 – Political Parties

The parliament releases law regarding details on political parties. Parties are valid if they respect this democratic constitution.

Article IV – Constitutional Changes

§1 – Legitimating

Every revision of this constitution must pass a poll with double-majority, regardless what governing body (including the citizens) has requested the change.

Double-majority means, that the absolute number of votes and the number of districts must be supporting a proposal. The vote of a district is the majority of the voters living in that district.

§1.1 – Legislative Requests

A poll to request a revision of this constitution maybe held if two-third of the presenting members of the parliament votes for the proposal.

§1.2 – Citizen Requests

A poll to request a revision of this constitution maybe held if 100,000 valid signatures are collected of citizens supporting a proposal.

§2 – Stability

No more than five articles or paragraphs maybe changed at once. No law maybe given that limits or voids this constitution.

Article V – Rights of the Districts

§1 – Sovereignty

The districts are sovereign as long their sovereignty is not limited by this constitution.

Every district gives itself a democratic constitution that must be revision able by the citizens of that district. The parliament confirms the constitution if it is not in conflict with federal law.

§2 – Security

The districts have the right to build and to command their own police forces.

§3 – Finance & Treasury

The districts have the right to administrate their finances and create their own tax laws.

§4 – Justice

Every district may create its own local courts. Judicial trials can be brought up to the federal court or Supreme Court responsible for the trial.

Article VI – Rights of the Confederacy

§1 – Justice

The Confederacy has the right to create specialized courts under the supervision of the Supreme Court.

§2 – Defense

The Confederacy has the right to build and to command armies that operate in domestic and foreign areas.

The National Executive Committee may activate the law of war for a maximum period of seven days. Longer periods have to be confirmed by the parliament and can not exceed the duration of one year.

§3 – Security

The Confederacy has the right to build and to command federal police forces that operate in domestic and foreign areas.

§4 – Finance & Treasury

The Confederacy is responsible to the federal finance administration which includes the right of charging direct federal taxes and national customs.

No domestic taxes between the districts are allowed.

§4.1 – Financial Revision

The parliament is responsible to the financial administration of the national treasury.

§5 – Immigration & Citizenship

The Confederacy has the right to grant and to remove citizenship. Holders of the Latin passport may not own foreign citizenships concurrently.

§6 – Traffic & Communication

The Confederacy has the right to release laws regarding roads and communication ways. Censorship of Medias is prohibited.

§6.1 – Censorship of Medias in Times of War

The National Executive Committee may utilize censorship of Medias when the international situation should require prevention of provocations.

The parliament must confirm this state after a period of six months and may extend the censorship for another six months.

§7 – Foreign Relations

The Confederacy has the exclusive right of foreign relations.

Article VII – Rights of the Citizens

§1 – Justice


No one maybe imprisoned if there is no law which defines the situation of question.


Arrested people have the right bring their case to a court within 48 hours.


The death penalty may not be sentenced for political reasons. The Supreme Court is the only authority to deal with death penalties.


No one may be sentenced for the same judicial case multiple times. A trial and its sentence are accepted by all district’s and federal authorities.

§2 – Freedom


Citizens of the Confederacy of Latao may leave and enter the state’s territory at any time.


Freedom of speech is guaranteed. Any kind of censorship is prohibited.

§3 – Protection

Citizens of the Confederacy of Latao may not be expelled to foreign states or authorities unless they wish so.

§4 – Religion

Neither the Confederacy of Latao nor the districts have a state religion. Law which aims to establish a state religion can not be given.

§5 - Suffrage

General suffrage is 18 years of age. The parliament may release laws that define additional details and different suffrage ages for specific subjects.

Article VIII – Miscellaneous Conditions

§1 – Governmental Regulations

§1.1 - Concurrency

Nobody may hold more than one position defined by this or the district’s constitution at once; including positions of foreign states or authorities.

§1.2 – Financing

The parliament releases law regarding the payment of politicians and their income. The salary of politicians may not be modified during their term.

§1.3 – Titles of Nobility

Authorities of the Confederacy of Latao or the districts may not grant titles of nobility. If such titles are granted by foreign states or their authorities they are not acknowledged in Latao.