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Ainurlindalë, "The Music of the Ainur" at the beginning of time, in which the world was created.

Tomanians believe in only one God, Eru. Though, they do believe that the fourteen Valar godlike, but, still below Eru and above them. They believe that their monarch is a Maiar. Tomanians pray to both Eru, the Valar, and to the present Maia, Ishtar im-Bashi.

Flame Imperishable

The source of life

Also called the 'Secret Fire', the Flame Imperishable represents the aspect of Ilúvatar through which He was able to grant free will and true life to the beings He created.


Eru Ilúvatar, God of Heaven, Master of All That Is, Father of Arda, Creator of the Universe

Ilúvatar, which means "Father of All" is the supreme deity in the Tomanian religion. They worship Him, and Him alone. All other gods are seen as false and all other believes outside of Eru (or God) are banned and seen as heretical.

Lords of the Valar

  • Manwë Súlimo - Lord of Wind and Air, Aratar
  • Ulmo- Lord of Waters, Aratar
  • Aulë the Smith- Lord of Invention and Crafts, Aratar
  • Oromë- Lord of Forests, Aratar
  • Námo- Lord of Judgement and Death, Aratar
  • Irmo- Lord of Dreams and Desires
  • Tulkas Astaldo the Champion- Lord of War

Queens of the Valar (Valier)

  • Varda Elentári or Elebreth - Lady of the Stars, spouse of Manwë, Aratar
  • Yavanna- Lady of Fruits and Birth, spouse of Aulë, Aratar
  • Nienna- Lady of Tears, Aratar
  • Estë the Gentle- Lady of Healing, spouse of Irmo
  • Vairë the Weaver- Lady of Lore and History, spouse of Námo
  • Vána- Lady of Beauty and Love, spouse of Oromë
  • Nessa- Lady of the Dance and Song, spouse of Tulkas

the Aratar, the greatest amongst the Valar


When the Tomar die they believe that they will awake in the Harbors of Valinor (Heaven). Tomanians believe that they alone are the only beings created by Eru to have souls, and with that, the honor to live eternally with Eru in Heaven. However, when a Tomar or Quendi die the are judged by Námo, the Valar of Death, and he will cleanse the soul of the dead in Righteous Fire. When a Tomar dies he is believed to awake in the Harbors of Valinor and walk to the Halls of Waiting where he will be fairly judged by Námo, who has been granted all knowledge of the dead Quendi by Eru. According to belief, this cleansing process is more painful and horrible than anything any Quendi could ever imagine. And since time does not exsist in eternity one will never know how long they will burn in Righteous Fire. Though, the judgement depends on how one lives his or her life. If a Tomar lives a moral and ethical life the cleansing will not be as horrible as one who does not. Tomanians except death and are, generally, not afraid of it. And all Tomar go to Valinor.


Funerals in Tomania are always at dusk. The deceased are either buried or cremated and put in boats facing west. The west is where one would sail to Valinor.


Ishtar, menel Eruanno, Tárari
Ishtar, By the Grace of Heaven, Empress

Alcar mi tarmenel na Erun ar mi cemen raine i hínin...
"Glory in high heaven be to God and in earth peace to the children [of God]"

Námo, órava omesse.
“Námo, have mercy on us.”

A laita i Ishtaren.
“Praise be to Ishtar

To Manwë
Oh Great Ruler of the Skies,
I request to you, Great Ruler of the Valar,
To fill my sails and clear the skies,
So that I may travel in comfort.

Lord Manwë the Great,
I besiege thy now,
Give me clear skies as I sail to war,
Give to my sweet home a victory in the sky.

To Ulmo
Sublime Lord of Waters,
I pray to thee to grant me fair waves,
I ask of you to calm the waters,
So I may travel is peaceful over thy domain.

Master of the Sea,
Grant to us a great victory,
For this day we wage battle over your dominion,
Create waves to swallow the foes of Ilúvatar,
And grant to us calmness for our victory.

To Aulë

To Oromë

To Námo
Námo of the Fëanturi,
O great judge and fearsome Doomsman,
When morn arises
And if I awake in thy Halls of Waiting,
Please, illustrious Mandos,
Master of Spirits,
Have mercy and pity upon my poor retched soul.

To Irmo
Irmo the Lord of Sleep,
I impore to thy to give to me
Sweet dreams this eve.




O Lady Nienna of the Aratar,
Grant that my sadness may pass,
Let me swallow my tears,
Turn them from sadness to happiness,
Lady of Tears,
Give me bliss.

O Gentle Lady,
I beg, I implore,
I prostrate myself before you,
Grant that my ilness, my fate, pass from me.
Give to me great health,
O Queen of Mercy,
O Queen of Health,
Give back to me my strength.

Oh Gracious Lady of Love,
Today on my wedding day,
I ask to you, O Lady of Love,
To grant me happiness from this day,
O day of days, grant that my love is true,
Give to me bliss of love to the ends of eternity.

Religious Orders of the Ainurlindalë