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Miralicism is a monotheistic religion that began spreading through Arov's academic communities shortly before the Great Civil War that overthrew Communism in Arov, the founder being the former-Atheist physicist-turned-religous mystic Gregory John-Jones. When religion was legalized after the war (Gregory John Jones died in the fighting when he perished in his home following a mortar attack, no one knows which side it came from), Miralicism spread rapidly throughout Arov and became Arov's fifth largest religion after just thirteen years in existence, next to Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam; making up 13% of the religious population (Pure Buddhism, 30%; Christianity, 24%; Judaism, 16%; Islam, 14%: the total religious population makes up 72% of Arov's population). In its thirteen years of existence, however, Miralicism has generated an incredible amount of controversy and outrage among religious and non-religious alike.

Miralicism holds as its basic theological tenet that God is the polar opposite of creation. The universe, being the Creation of God, is inherently creative, meaning that on its own without God, nothing changes, and it is formless. God put a form to creation by harnessing destructive forces to conform to his will. The Universe was created in six days even though science proves to be otherwise because more destructive force was needed to shape the world in larger blocks. Since Time is created by Movement (Einstein proved this with his Theory of Relativity), a greater amount of action used to create the Universe would have shortened time to the point where the universe was created in six days, though it may not have appeared that way at the time. Miralicism teaches that time is constantly expanding from the point of creation, so a second now would have been longer than the second before it, though we wouldn't detect it since we move along with time. Every action, therefore, is inherently destructive because it helps to shape the universe outward, and consequently, this brings more possibility for destruction (Creation) into being. Thus, with every action, we destroy and create the universe at the same time. Miralicism also teaches that humans were the first intelligent race in the Universe, and thus, the human race owns a greater part of God through their intelligence than anything else that might evolve after us, because the highly-charged electrons that constitute neural communications speed up the energy that causes time to expand, spreading God's power. Generic physical action, however, doesn't constitute nearly as much energy as meditation and prayer, so acting without thinking causes the universe to slow down its expansion. Praying to and thinking about the Miralicist conception of God is the highest form of spiritual sustenance and energy production in the human mind, speeding up the expansion of the universe while becoming one with it, while other religions do not have nearly as much power, and Atheism is the absolute lowest.

If one achieves a perfect state of mind that considers the state of the cosmos in every action, and achieves perfect knowledge of the cosmos in general, that person had achieved "Miralis," hence the name, "Miralicism." So far, the only person who has achieved Miralis was the religion's founder. Miralis is the highest form of spirituality and energy one can achieve according to Miralicist teaching, and when everybody on Earth attains Miralis, God's true will for the human race will be known as the universe will have reached a point of expansion when it is time for God to do so, and the human race must act upon it. The Messiah as foretold by Gregory John-Jones will herald the day when Miralis is a universal human consciousness and will then reveal the True Meaning of Life to all mankind, known as the Revelation. The Messiah will have been the last person on Earth to attain Miralis and his prescence will be marked by the brief changing of natural law to cause the earth to flatten into a two-dimensional elipse, binding everything onto it. Those who continue to stay three dimensional by sheer mental will shall become the Messiah's chosen guardians and the rulers of the Miralicist Millennial Kingdom whose purpose is to guide the human race according to the precepts of the Revelation, while the rest of the human race is stuck two-dimensional and flat against the earth. The moment of Revelation will occur and everything will go back to three dimensions. In the meantime, the teachings of Gregory John-Jones have revealed the true way for life to pave the way for the Revelation, not the Revelation itself.

The Afterlife takes the form of direct communion with God and all the other souls who came before you. Rather than having a life after death in heaven, souls are frozen into the cosmos and the energy they produced in life stays constant and keeps the universe in motion, each getting the same amount of divine protection as other souls. According to Miralicism, the soul does not need a physical paradise, it only needs spirituality and meditation. However, Miralicists who are frozen into the after death cosmos produce more energy than others, existing in a state of eternal bliss and understanding of God, while other souls aren't nearly as happy. Reincarnation is against Miralicist teaching, as a main tenet is that time only travels outward rather than goes in cycles, rendering the energy produced by the human consciousness/soul of the "previous life" obsolete, and the human race would not achieve its ultimate goal of bringing forth the Revelation.

The manner in which the Universe was created is known as Theoperibolemaleplacedemocosmopartalicism (THE'oh peh'ri'bo'l, the belief that the universe was created from the apple that Adam ate in the Garden of Eden.