Revolutionary Armed Forces Abroad

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The Revolutionary Armed Forces Abroad (Революционные Yженные Жсилия Зарубежом - RAFA) - also known as the Soviet Revolutionary Armed Forces Abroad (Советские Революционные Женные Усилия Зарубежом - SRAFA) is the newest addition to the Commissariat of Military Affairs.

Created in October of 2005 (officially; most believe it has been active since the 1960's), the RAFA is a branch of the Soviet military which serves much as a foreign legion. However, they have been linked to terrorist attacks across the world. Currently known to be active in Parthia, Roach-Busters, Communist Brazil, the United Kingdom, Upper Xen, and the Republic of Victoria. Since membership in foreign legions while having citizenship in these nations is considered illegal, and thus, making these members suspect to punishments ranging from deportation to execution.

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Revolutionary Armed Forces Abroad denizens in a Soviet training facility within the Serbian Soviet Sociaist Republic.

According to the RAFA Manifesto, there purpose is to:

"...spread democracy, Marxist thought, protectionism, and internationalism around the world. The Revolutionary Armed Forces Abroad will continue to fight for what is right. We will suppress any anti-worker thought from the face of the earth and decimate the remains of the bourgeoisie. No man, government, or movement will stand in our way."

The Commissariat of Military Affairs has not confirmed nor denied the authenticity of this manifesto.

Since, on the face of it, the RAFA appears to be a Marxist guerilla organization; nations across the world have begin to round up suspected members and imprison them for the support of terrorism. Even through imprisonment and punishment, new members continue to flock to the RAFA from around the world for training, intellectual thought, and asylum within the Soviet Union.