John Thorne

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Presidents of Omigodtheykilledkenny
Jim Grady (1995-2000) John Thorne (2000-2005) Manuelo Fernanda (2005-present)

John Thorne
Former President of the Federal Republic; current and former federal senator
Political Affiliation
Pansy-ass Liberal Hippy Treehugger Party

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John Thorne is a former president of the Federal Republic of Omigodtheykilledkenny. A stiff politician with a bland speaking style, he served in the Federal Senate before his single term in office, and again afterward. He is blessed with a wonderful biography, having served his nation twice in the Armed Services during wartime -- a stellar record which his rival for re-election, Manuelo Fernanda, would have no problem smearing in 2005. Thorne, the most visible leader of the Pansy-ass Liberal Hippy Treehugger Party, is said to be preparing for another run at the presidency in 2010.