101st Air Defense Squadron

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To protect from blue sky to blue sea.

Early Response Air Defense

The 101st Air Defense Squadron, codenamed 'White Squadron,' was Triprism's first fighter squadron. With a fleet of 18 proprietary Whitecap Defense Fighters, the 101st is prepared and ready to deploy within a moment's notice. Stationed at Hallow Airfield in Northwest Dictu, they have a prime location to deploy from and can be anywhere in Triprism airspace and back within 20 minutes. Headed up by Commander Gendo Yokohari, and lead pilot Lendon Dixie (White 1), the people or Triprism can sleep sound knowing that their skies are safe.


Commander Gendo Yokohari

White 1 - Lendon Dixie White 2 - Hlaf Astley White 3 - Kerry Emma White 4 - Geoff Godfrey White 5 - Kenneth Knapp White 6 - Harold Raymond White 7 -