Roudland Navy

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Roudland Navy

Basic Structure

The size of the Roudland Army necessitates the need for a large naval transport and protection force. To this end, the Roudland Navy is substantial in size, and comprises many armed transporters, floating docks, carriers, amphibious landing craft, dropship carriers and supply vessels. These ships are supplemented by a large number of anti-air Destroyers, anti-ship Frigates, Nuclear Submarines, and Heavy Cruisers. The ships are mostly multi-role to a limited degree, and this contributes to the intended flexibility of the Roudland Armed Forces.

Vessel Guide

===Glorious Class Carrier=== The mainstay of the RN fleet, the Glorious class came into service in1993, and was immediately hailed as the best ships in the armada. Their large, overpowered engines, long flight deck, considerable compliment of weapons, and their ability to service and carry Rhinos, Raptors, Hawks and other naval aircraft makes the Glorious class a truly great vessel. It is protected by Phalanx and Goalkeeper automated guns.

===Atlas Class Carrier=== The Atlas Class was put into service in 1975, and only a few of these ships remain in service, in heavily refitted forms. They are smaller that the Glorious Class, and have a much more limited role than their successor. Nevertheless, they still provide good air cover to smaller operations, and are especially useful in peacekeeping operations. They are not fitted to support Rhinos and have a compliment of Blackhawk helicopters instead. It is also protected by Phalanx and Goalkeeper automated guns.

===Type 45 Destroyer=== For a fleet as large as Roudland’s to be sufficiently protected from air attack, a large force was needed to protect them. The old Lithium class destroyers were retired 4 years ago, and Great Wrightland was commissioned to produce a new, Radar-Resistant Destroyer class. The result was the Type 45, a destroyer that can evade enemy radar, allowing it to travel undetected into a war zone and strike at will with a large array of anti-air and some anti-ship weapons. These include Sea Dart and Sea Wolf, developed by Great Wrightland.

===Type 67 Frigate=== The Type 67 is now quite aged, but it still performs its task of anti-ship warfare well. Many of these vessels are in service with other friendly nations, and they proved their worth during the Feetbunions conflict when only 2 were lost to enemy fire. The Type 67 performs well when against aircraft, but is primarily used to engage hostile ships. The main weapon is the Harpoon missile, although Roudland is looking at commissioning Great Wrightland to design and build a new Frigate class built around an entirely new weapons system.

===Type 92 Cruiser=== The Type 92 is essentially a large destroyer that has the ability to fire cruise missiles as well as a variety of anti-air and anti-ship missiles. The cruiser is normally used for protecting shipping routes and supporting large amphibious deployments in a shore-bombardment role.

Wasp Class Amphibious Landing Carrier (AMLAC)

Designed for infantry/vehicle landings needing a large amount of materiel or manpower, the Wasp class can carry two battalions of infantry, plus supporting vehicles, something that is currently unmatched in the rest of the Alliance. It also has a substantial wet dock within its hull, with which amphibious deployments are initiated, utilising LCAC hovercraft or conventional Superior class LC/MT craft. The wasp also can deploy small amounts of troops by air, utilising its flight deck and fleet of Cobra dropships. Combined with its air cover potential of VTOL J-35s and Raptor helicopters, the Wasp class is truly an awesome vessel, capable of carrying out allied operations virtually anywhere with relative impunity. It forms part of the Roudland 'Strike First, Strike Hardest' mantra, and has been exported to a number of other nation's navies, most notably Great Wrightland. The Wasp class gives Roudland the ability to intervene with armed force across the globe; there are 40 of these vessels in service (with another 10 planned), and they were used widely in the 3rd Moronyickan War, the Hannigan Island Conflict and the Abbayish Civil War.

Cerberus Class Amphibious Assault Vessel (AAV)

For operations needing less infantry and more armour/ supplies, the Cerberus serves the role of waterborne command and deployment centre. Although not as big or fast as the Wasp class, the Cerberus is equally fitted to protect itself and its cargo of Tanks, IFVs, jeeps and supporting infantry. It lacks a flight deck, thought it has several landing pads with which it deploys Raptor gunships and Cobra dropships. It also has a wet dock, though lacks the necessity for LCACs, and so normally operates exclusively Cerberus, though Viper ALVs have been stored aboard during major conflicts. There are currently 35 in service, and they form a vital part of Roudland's foreign policy commitments; there are currently three deployed near the Mortuus Angelus/ Gothrian DMZ in case of emergency.

Superior Class Materiel/ Tank Landing Craft (LC/MT)

The Superior class fulfils the role of heavy beach landing craft, with the ability to land Main Battle Tanks, IFVs and artillery pieces (with supporting infantry) at moderate speed to a potentially hostile landing site. It is heavily armoured, and is often seen transporting Marines and supplies etc. to battlefields whilst they are still under fire. During the Hannigan Island only three LC/MTs were sunk, due not to ground fire but airstrikes. The vessel is adaptable to ships' designs, and they are found inside the landing areas of larger ships of the fleet, such as the Type 45s and 92s.

Air Cushioned Landing Craft (LCAC)

The LCAC is one of the more recent additions to the Roudland Navy, having entered service with the Wasp class in 1996. It is a fast, agile, heavily armed transporter used for moving men and vehicles to beachheads or areas not normally accessible by conventional transport craft. It can land whilst taking fire, and has been known to withstand rocket hits to the outer hull without severe damage and casualties. Coupled with the Wasp class, the LCACs make the Roudland Navy a fearsome fighting force, and currently the largest amphibious landing contingent in the world, with the capability to deploy around 90,000 men and over 400 armoured vehicles by sea alone.

===Hydra Class Dropship Carrier=== For large deployments of Airbourne troops, there must be a capability to move their Dropships to an ideal deployment zone. For this purpose, the Hydra class was created. The same size as a Glorious class carrier, but instead equipped with enhanced aircraft storage space, the Hydra again is well suited to Roudland’s operational needs. It is armed similarly to the Glorious class.

===Venture Class Attack Submarine=== Submarines remain the largest threat to allied ships. Because of this, a small, quick anti-submarine was created to hunt other subs. Armed with a large compliment of torpedoes, the Venture class are a formidable force, with advanced anti-sonar stealth technology.

===Vector Class Nuclear Submarine=== Vector Class submarines were originally created to patrol the waters off Moronyicka during the late 1990s. However, following the Morionyickan conflict, and the establishment of the Bar-Miller patrols, Great Wrightland took over the role of patrolling. Consequently, the Vectors form Roudland’s nuclear deterrent, carrying 18 ICBMs each. They are the most potent arm of the Navy.

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Roudland Air Force

Roudland Military