Oceania (region)

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Oceania (region)
Forum: http://nsoceania.proboards34.com
Population: 54 Nations
Delegate: Maxovia
Founder: Proseguir
Info: NSEconomy RC XML

A Confederation of Democratic Socialist Islands

Founded by Proseguir in May 2005, Oceania is a small but growing group of Democratic Socialist island nations.

The current UN Delegate is The Free Land of Maxovia, who recently celebrated 100 days in the position.

A map of the region can be found right here. This map was made and designed by Maxovia.

Government and Constitution

A Constitution was established in July 2005, describing the foundation and law of Oceania:

The Constitutional Treaty of Oceania

Article 1. All member-states of the Region of Oceania accept the supreme authority of the Council of Member-States, in all matters relating to the Regional policies and practises of the duly constituted Ruling Group. To the Council is ceded sole authority to pass legislation, elect the Group Leader and the UN Delegate, amend the Constitution, and to recall any standing public officials.

Article 2. All nations residing in the Region of Oceania and registered on the Offsite Forum shall be accorded the official title of Member-State, and given one vote in the Council of Member-States. Access to the Offsite Forum shall not be denied to any resident in good standing. No restrictions shall be placed on the right of all Member-States to run for public office and to join the United Nations.

Article 3. All democratic votes taken in the Council of Member-States, whether Constitutional amendments, elections, or other proposals, shall last precisely five days. Prior to the commencement of elections, two days shall be given for candidates to post manifestos and to campaign. In all matters, a simple majority of votes shall carry the day. Abstentions shall not be counted.

Article 4. Every month a Chief Executive Officer, to be known as the Group Leader, shall be elected by the Council to form a Ruling Group. The Group Leader shall be given sole authority to propose legislation to the Council, and the power to appoint other Member-States as Group Officers responsible for specific tasks. All such appointments must be given the approval of a majority of the Council.

Article 5. The UN Delegacy of Oceania shall be decided by a vote of the Council every two months. Upon election, the Delegate will be asked to endorse all UN member nations, to support Member-States' UN proposals, to vote upon UN resolutions as instructed by a majority of Member-States, and to ensure that no Member-State holds more than fifty percent of their own endorsements.

Article 6. The Founder of Oceania shall have sole authority to appoint Forum staff, eject Member-States from the Region, ban Member-States from the Forum, and to institute a password in the Region of Oceania. All such actions must be approved by a majority of the Council of Member-States prior to, or immediately following such an act. The will of the Council shall be legally binding.

Article 7. Group Officers shall be given sole authority over the duties assigned to them, to handle as they see fit, until they or their Group Leader is removed from office, or until their duties are otherwise modified. No Member-State may head more than one Group Office at a time. Any change to the status or duties of a Group Officer must be approved by a majority of the Council.