Articles of the Working People

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The Articles of the Working People is a combination of rights, responsibilities, freedoms, demands, and a plan of action created and ratified by the members of the Armed Workers' Movement for a Global Revolution on August 6, 2004.


We, members and sympathizers of the Armed Workers' Movement for a Global Revolution, pursuant to the Sufficient Purpose to guarantee the Rights, Liberties, Freedoms, Responsibilities, Personal Properties, and eventual Collective Properties of the Workers of the World, hereby Write and Ratify the Articles of the Working People and our Demands for Action.

Secton I - Rights and Responsibilities of the Armed Workers=

Paragraph 1 - Responsibilities

  • All Members (1) of the Armed Workers' Movement are equal before the World. (SIPI-1)
  • All Members have a Responsibility to fight for the Liberation of the Working Class from beneath bourgeois oppression at all costs: destruction of Personal Property, destruction of Collective Property, and Loss of Life. (SIPI-2)
  • All Members have a responsibility to respect other Members differing opinions and beliefs. (SIPI-3)

Paragraph 2 - Rights

  • Under the Members' Responsibilities, all Members of the Armed Workers' Movement have the Right to Protection and Safety under the Wing of the Defense Convention and its Subsidiary Conventions. (SIP2-1)
  • All Members have the Right of Fair Treatment and Equality. (SIP2-2)

Paragraph 3 - Freedoms

Genegeral freedoms

  • Every Member of the Armed Workers' Movement has the following Freedoms protected by the Defense Convention and its Subsidiary Conventions. (SIP3-1)
    • freedom of thought, belief, opinion, and expression. (SIP3-1-1)
    • freedom of press and communication. (SIP3-1-2)
    • freedom of assembly and Council and Committee Construction (SIP3-1-3)
    • freedom of association with other Organizations. (SIP3-1-4)
    • freedom of conscience and religion (2). (SIP3-1-5)
  • Every Member has the right to vote in an Election or Vote on legislative and executive powers on Convention, National Committee, and Revolutionary Committee levels in order to insure Qualification, Acceptablity, and Necessity. (SIP3-2)
  • Every Member has the right to remain and leave the Armed Workers' Movement. (SIP3-3)
  • Every Member has the Right to Life, Liberty, and Security of their Person and the Right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the Principles of Class Antagonisms, War, and Liberation. (SIP3-4)

Legal rights and freedoms

  • Every Member has the Right to be secure against his Enemy and Corruption of the Convention, National Committees, and Revolutionary Committees. (SIP3-5)
  • Every Member has the Right to be secure against seizure of Personal Property and Collective Property unless the Member has committed and Action against his fellow Member. (SIP3-6)
  • In the event of Legitimate Arrest and/or Detention, every Member has the right to: (SIP3-7)
    • retain and instruct Counsel without the obstruction of the Convention, National Committees, or Revolutionary Committees. (SIP3-7-1)
    • have the validity of the Arrest and/or Detention be determined by way of habeas corpus. (SIP3-7-2
  • Every Member has the Right to a fair and unobstructed Trial to prove their Innocence or uphold their suspected Guilt in a Criminal Act as defined by the Convention. (SIP3-8)
  • Every Member has the Right to be secure against Cruelty resulting from unusual acts of physical and mental Punishment and Torture, such acts of inhumanity being defined by the Convention. (SIP3-9)
  • Every Member has the Right to Abstain from revealing his/her Involvement in a Criminal Act upon his/her Arrest and/or Detention by the Designated Authority until such time as: (SIP3-10)
    • he/she has Counsel capable of performing such Responsibilities on his/her behalf. (SIP3-10-1)
    • he/she has no other Options available to pursue. (SIP3-10-2)
    • he/she has no other Options available to pursue accept the acceptance of Guilt. (SIP3-10-3)
    • he/she has been proven Guilty by a Judicial Committee of his/her peers. (SIP3-10-4)
  • In the event that a Member does not have the ability to communicate in a generally accept language, he/she has the right to have an interpreter in order to properly Defend in his/her trial. (SIP3-11)

Linguistic rights and freedoms

  • Every Member has the Responsibility to learn one of the official languages as designated by the Convention in order to ease communication. (SIP3-12)
  • Every Member has the Right not to be compelled to learn more than one of these determined languages unless circumstances arise that could jeopardize or help the Armed Workers' Movement. (SIP3-13)
  • Every Sympathizer (3) or Guest (4) to the Armed Workes' Movement has the Right to have an interpreter in order to aid in communication if the interpreter is a Member. (SIP3-14)
  • Every Member has a Right to view the Articles of the Working People in any language. (SIP3-15)
  • Every member has the Right to be educated in one of the languages designated by the Convention. (SIP3-16)

Personal enforcement of rights and freedoms

  • Any Member whose Rights or Freedoms, as Guaranteed by the Articles of the Working People, have been Infringed or Denied may apply to a Judicial Committe of Applicable Jurisdiction to obtain such Remedy as the Committee considiers Appropriate and Just in the circumstances. (SIP3-17)
  • Every Member of the Armed Workers Movement has the Right to Defend him/her Persons by Collectively Owning of Arms. (SIP3-18)
  • In the event that SIP3-17 fails to create a Remedy that is Just and Appropriate, every Member has the right to Violenetly Dispose of the Corrupted Official that has Infringed or Denied his Rights or Freedoms. (SIP3-19)

Secton II - Governance

Paragraph 1 - Executive Powers

  • Main executive power shall be invest into the Convention. (SIIPI-1)
  • Executive powers shall be vested into National Committees and Revolutionary Committees under fhe following circumstances: (SIIPI-2)
    • the Convention has been Corrupted, Destroyed, or is othwise not Functioning in Accordance with the Articles of the Working People. (SIIPI-2-1)
    • the National Committee(s) and/or Revolutionary Committee(s) believes Wholly through a three-fourths consensus that the Activity or Inactivity may result in a Jeopardizing or Helping of the Armed Workers' Movement. (SIIPI-2-2)
  • The Convention shall be defined as the Head of State of the Armed Workers' Movement. (SIIPI-3)
  • The Members as a Whole shall be defined as the Heads of Government of the Armed Workers' Movement. (SIIPI-4)
  • The Subsidiary Conventions, Committees, and Members of the Armed Workers' Movement will serve as Superivising Persons to the Convention. (SIIPI-5)
  • The Convention and the affected Committee may serve jointly as Commander-in-Chief(s). (SIIPI-6)

Paragraph 2 - Legislative Powers

  • Main Legislative Authority shall be vested in the Members of the Armed Workers' Movement as a Whole. (SIIP2-1)
  • All Legislature must be passed with a Majority Vote in favor of said Legislature. (SIIP2-2)

Paragraph 3 - Judicial Powers

  • Judicial Power shall be placed in Formed Judicial Committes of the Suspect's Peers. (SIIP3-1)
  • Guilt must be met only when a Majority Vote in favor of Guilt according to the Submitted Evidcence, and not the Members Popularity. (SIIP3-2)
  • Each Judicial Committee has the Right to enforce its decisions without the Convention's Executive Powers, but must give the Convention and Movement knowledge of said Act before it is conducted. (SIIP3-3)

Paragraph 4 - Jurisictions

  • The Armed Workers' Movement for a Global Revolution is divided into subdivisions according to the following: (SIIP4-1)
    • Convention (SIIP4-1-1)
    • National Committee (SIIP4-1-2)
    • Committees for the Defense of the Revolution and/or Special Committees (SIIP4-1-3)
  • Each Jurisdiction has the Right to enforce Legislature passed by the Legislative Authority once giving prior Knowlegde to the Convention and Movement as a Whole. (SIIP4-2)
  • Each Jurisdiction has the Right to form Self-Defense Corps and Military Cells for Defense and Revolution once giving prior Knowledge to the Convention and the Movement as a Whole. (SIIP4-3)
  • Each Jurisdiction has the Right to pursue Relations and Association with other Organizations once giving prior Knowledge to the Convention and Movement as a Whole. (SIIP4-4)
  • State Support shall only be accepted after a Majority Vote in favor of State Support has occurred within the Movement as a Whole. (SIIP4-5)

Section III - Economic Regulations

  • Corporations, Businesses, etc. may not be Formed or Operated by the Armed Workers' Movement for a Global Revolution. (SIII-1)
  • Income and Support for the Armed Workers' Movement may be obtained through the following means: (SIII-2)
    • state support as agreed upon by the Movement as a Whole. (SIII-2-1)
    • the sale of small goods not obtained from Corporations or Businesses, but from One's own Labor. (SIII-2-1)
    • theft from Corporations, Businesses, or non-Worker or anti-Worker Organizations and Financial Institutions (SIII-2-3)

Section IV - Demands

  • The Armed Workers' Movement Demands that All States using the Capitalist Economic System immediately abolish their Economic, Foreign, and Domestic Policies and allow either non-affiliated Worker Control or Armed Worker Control of Social and Economic Reconstruction and Government. (SIV-1)
  • The Armed Workers' Movement Demands that All Corporations be given the same rights as Citizens and be Treated as such. (SIV-2)
  • The Armed Workers' Movement Demands that All Corporations, Elected Officials, and Non-Elected Officials give up Immunities. (SIV-3)
  • The Armed Workers' Movement Demands that All Federal Systems end the "state's rights" policy and create a unitary republic. Standardization of all Laws and Regulations that affect Citizens. Federalization of all Civil Liberties and Civil Rights Legislation and Enforcement. (SIV-4)
  • The Armed Workers' Movement Demands full Political, Economic and Social Equality for all, regardless of race/nationality, gender, sexuality, age or ability. Comprehensive Civil Rights protection for all. (SIV-5)
  • The Armed Workers' Movement Demands the Right of Self-Determination for all nationalities imprisoned within the Borders or Jurisdiction of Any Nation along with Full Representation. (SIV-6)
  • The Armed Workers' Movement Demands comprehensive Domestic Care Programs, including Childcare, Meal Preparation and Delivery, and Cleaning and Maintenance Services, to free women from Domestic Slavery and Servitude. (SIV-7)
  • The Armed Workers' Movement Demands Free, comprehensive Public Education from pre-kindergarten to post-graduate studies. Abolition of all private Educational Institutions, including “charter” and parochial schools. Addition of mandatory Vocational Curriculum to All Academic Studies. Full stipends at a living wage for all Students. Nullification of all existing Student loan debt. <small(SIV-8)</small>
  • The Armed Workers' Movement Demands complete Separation of Church and State, and of Church and School. Full Freedom for both Religious and Anti-Religious Writings. (SIV-9)
  • The Armed Workers' Movement Demands free Legal Services for all, regardless of ability to pay. Abolition of all private legal services. (SIV-10)
  • The Armed Workers' Movement Demands abolition of existing police forces in favor of Volunteer Units organized by Neighborhood or Workplace. Administration of such units under Worker/Community Control through elected Councils. Free training in the care and use of weapons for all who desire it; mandatory training for those volunteering for neighborhood or workplace Defense, and for those wishing to possess firearms. (SIV-11)
  • The Armed Workers' Movement Demands disbanding of the military officer corps (including non-commissioned officers). Abolition of all ranks and orders, replaced by elected task- or unit-designated positions. Organization of all military personnel into Unit Councils to Administer Organization. Demobilization and immediate recall of all overseas military units. Universal arming and training of the People for Self-Defense. (SIV-12)
  • The Armed Workers' Movement a minimum weekly wage of 560 USD, adjusted to the Cost of Living and tied to the Rate of Inflation. Raising of unemployment benefits to the minimum wage. A sliding scale of wages and hours to aid in the Elimination of Unemployment and Poverty. (SIV-13)
  • The Armed Workers' Movement mandatory price freezes on All Staple Goods and Services. Massive Penalties, up to and including Seizure of All Assets, for Companies violating price regulations. Price freezes on all rental properties. Cancellation of all mortgage debts below 100,000 USD. (SIV-14)
  • The Armed Workers' Movement massive Public Works Programs to rebuild Public Service and Recreation Facilities, Residential Neighborhoods and Communities, schools, workplaces, and Societal Infrastructure. All programs to be organized and controlled by Councils or Assemblies of Workers. (SIV-15)
  • The Armed Workers' Movement a heavily graduated and progressive income tax structure. Abolition of all tax loopholes and breaks for Corporations and the wealthy (“corporate welfare”). A 100-percent “capital flight” tax to be imposed on any Capitalist or Corporation seeking to move assets out of the County. Abolition of the payroll tax and all “sin taxes” on Articles of Consumption. (SIV-16)
  • The Armed Workers' Movement instatement and strengthening of an Estate Tax. Curtailing of the right of inheritance of personal possessions and financial assets, based on a sliding scale. Abolition of the right of inheritance of land and Means of Production. (SIV-17)
  • The Armed Workers' Movement immediate withdrawal from all so-called “free trade” agreements and institutions. (SIV-18)
  • The Armed Workers' Movement immediate placement of all Essential Services and Utilities currently privately owned into public ownership, under the control of elected Workers’ Councils or Assemblies. All State-Provided Services placed under the control of elected Workers’ Councils. (SIV-19)
  • The Armed Workers' Movement immediate placement of all banking and financial institutions into public ownership, under the control of elected Councils of inancial service workers and customers. Consolidation of banking services into a single, national banking service. (SIV-20)
  • The Armed Workers' Movement free, universal health care from pre-birth to death. All medical and related health services placed into public ownership, under the control of councils of health care workers and patients. Nullification of all previous medical debts. (SIV-21)

Section V - Plan of Action

  • The Armed Workers' Movement will continue to Act against Countries, Institutions, and Organizations will to Disrupt, Destroy, or in anyway Harm the Armed Workers' Movement until the Demands within Section IV, Articles One through Twenty-One are met.. (SV-1)
  • The Armed Workers' Movement will continue to Act in a the Policy of "enemy of the Worker or Worker," and that Sacrifices must be made. (SV-2)
  • The Armed Workers' Movement will not stop until a Classless and Stateless Society exists on earth. (SV-3)


1. Member: A person active in operations and living underneath the Articles of the Working People after acceptance by the Convention.
2. Religion: (a) a non-worker - and often anti-worker - institution or belief that - when acting under a governing body or in a governing body - often influences it; (b)a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny.
3. Sympathizer: (a) an individual or group who supports the Armed Workers' Movement, but is not affiliated with the group or a Member; (b) an invidiual seeking Membership.
4. Guest: An individual not bound by the Articles of the Working People and not necessarily a Sympathizer.