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Errikans are the people decended from the Germanic Viking peoples, led by Errik the Mighty, who settled throughout northern Mucro. Though it is also the title for any bearing the political status of being a citizen of the Errikan Empire, it is the cultural and ethnic definition that has been presented that shall be the topic of this article. Errikans tend to have many children, and have migrated throughout Mucro and elsewhere.


Errikans have a very strong cultural identity, and rarely, if ever, assimilate to other cultures, even if they are completely immersed in said culture. Errikan culture is strongly Christian and honor based; the will of the individual is stressed, but more so is a dedication to one's family and country. The general idea is that if the individual furthers their own interests in a legitimate fashion, then they are in fact furthering the interests of their family and country as well. There is an emphasis on Bravery, Intelligence, Loyalty, and Honesty above all else. When in other nations, Errikans tend to either be very largly involved in business or in the military.

Errikans tend to be very conservative, and incredibly suspicious of government.


Errikans, decended from Vikings, tend to be very tall and strongly built, with men having an average height of over six and one half feet, and very fair. Years of very fierce natural selection, furthered by what has been dubbed the "Trottle System," has led to the elimination of most of the genetic disorders with the Errikans.


Nearly nine out of ten people in the Errikan Empire are ethnically Errikan, and millions are found throughout Mucro, especially in Jaymeland(where they make up over 15% of the population), Albu-querque(where they make up over 12% of the population), and the various northern territories. After the annexation of territories in Arterus by the Errikan Empire, millions of Errikans migrated there. Following the brief Kraven War, the Errikan population in Arterus exploded, and it is estimated that nearly 6% of the population of the Errikan Empire are Errikans in Arterus.