Hiigaran Republic

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The "Angel Moon" crest of the Hiigaran Republic.




A beautiful blue-green world, strikingly similar to Terra before man corrupted it. Orbited by the near-mythological Angel Moon, it stands as a bastion of freedom and hope for a liberated people. However, this beautiful world's history, and that of it's 2.7 billion inhabitants, is stained with the blood of millions.

Over three millineia ago, Hiigara was home to a proud race of humaniods heavily similar to Terran human beings. Their clan-based empire stretched over many worlds, and they're technology was considered behind only that of the Bentusi, the great Unbound trader race. However, these Hiigarans grew proud and arrogant of their abilities, and soon, they made war with the Taidaan Empire, a huge galactic superpower. Years of bloodshed and total war followed, and the stars themselves were chaotic with visions of massive battles. However, even with their superior technology, the Hiigarans were pushed back to their homeworld, and finally conquered by the psychotic megalomanical Taidaan Emporerer, aided by his numerous minions, and by the Bentusi, who had grown weary of the Hiigarans' careless ways. Their fleets were shattered, and their populations decimated. The Taidaan stood ready to annihilate their subjegated enemy, and only the pleas of the Galactic council stayed their genocidal wrath. The few million banished Hiigarans' memories were wiped clean of their history, and loaded onto great prison ships to await their fate. Under the pain of Taidaani military, the other civilizations, unable to aid these wretched souls, watched in disbelief as the survivors were carted off to the remote, barren desert world of Kharak so they would never pose a threat to the mighty Taidanni Empire ever again.


Three thousands years later, the remnants of the once great Hiigaran civilization, having long forgotten their former home and history, struggled to survive on the harsh world of Kharak. The Kushan (as the Exiles were called) seperated into Kiithid, religious, clan-based nationstates, which warred over the only habitable land on Kharak, it's northern and south poles, for centuries. One of the greatest religions on Kharak was that which followed Sajuuk, Kushan for "He Whose Hand Shapes What Is". It was this religion which would come to dominate Kharakian history and provide it's major turning point. Around the sixth century of their Exile, conflicts between the two most powerful kiithid, Siidim and Gaalsien came to a boiling point. This errupted into a huge religiously toned conflict later called the Heresy Wars, a series of unending battles and wars that would nearly cause the extinction of all life of Kharak, if it was not for the intervetion of Kiith Nabaal.


Nabaal, who had stayed out of the massive wars and developed advanced technology such as flight and steam power, joined the fray, subduing the Siidim and Gaalsien and ending the nightmare. For the first time in Kushan history, they united the Kiithid under a single banner, the Daiamid. With this peaceful resolution, the Kushan people entered the Age of Reason, in which great strides in technology were made, allowing for the populations and knowledge of the Kushan to grow exponentially while maintaining relative peace. Not all accepted this unity, however, and the defeated Gaalsien, who had rejected the new technological advances of the Age of Reason declared this other Kiithid heretics. They began their campaign of terror by destorying the dikes holding the great sand seas back from the city of Saju-ka, flooding the city and taking thousands of innocent lives. After this atrocity, they retreated into the deserts, reappearing to terrorize the more-civilized Kiithis from time to time. The Age of Reason finally came to its glorious end around the 11th century. By this time there was now significant evidence of life outside Kharak and the XenoGenesis Theory had begun to form. It was the discovery of space derelicts across the huge sand seas covering their planet, and the search for them that in turn lead to great bounds in aerospace technologies. A satellite searching for more wreckages discovered by accident the Khar-Toba and when an expedition was launched to learn more the Kushan realized their ancient past.