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Motto: "Intolerant of Injustice"
Capital: Filipi
Largest City: Filipi
Official Language: Þhilo
Government: Republic
Leader: Philip Laurence
Formation: April 28, 2003
Population: unknown
Currency: Phranc

The Philo Republic, commonly called Philopolis by English speakers, is a directly democratic unitary republic. The capital is Filipi, named after the ancient greek city of Philippi. The National Language is Þhilo.


The earliest known inhabitants of Philo can be traced to the 20th Century BCE. It has been theorized that Proto-Philos migrated to the island from the south to both escape neighboring warring tribes and to search for better agricultural lands.

The Proto-Philos practiced a unique form of Paganism, though the religion became obsolete by the 5th century CE. They also made great strides in science, medicine, agriculture, philosophy, architecture, infrastructure and politics. For thousands of years, the Philos lived in relative peace, in systems of municipal democracy.


Citizens of the Philo Republic are considered the supreme head of government and congress together once a month in their respective cities to vote on local, provincal and national issues. This has been the classical government of Philopoiis, albeit in the past at a much more local level.

Although this "town hall" system forms a working government, there also exists a representitive government which serves mostly to unify the provinces and handling with foreign entities.

Legislative Branch

The Legislative branch consists of the Philo Senate, comprised of 200 members. The Philo Senate mostly serves to

Executive Branch

The Executive branch consists of the Philo Council, comprised of five members. A

Judicial Branch

The judiciary consists of three levels of courts.

Premier Courts

The first level of courts in which all cases start. There are four premier courts:

  • Civil Courts - the dealing of civil law
  • Penal Courts - the dealing of criminal law
  • Administrative Courts (law dealing with how government is run)

Cases begin in their respective court. Each individual court is headed by a judge. On average one premier court exists in each department.

Appalate Courts

The second level of courts hears and tries cases being appealed. Unlike the first level, the courts are not divided. There is one appalate court for each province of philopolis. An appalate court is headed by a president.

Supreme Court of Philopolis

The court of last resort. It is comprised of six Justices and one Judgemaster.

National Subdivisions



Philopolis is a secular state with anti-clerical leanings. Although a majority of the population is atheist, there are religious minorities. These include


Date Name Notes
January 1 New Year's Day celebrates beginning of year, marks traditional end of "holiday season
Febuary 12 Darwin Day celebrates the birth of Charles Darwin, discoverer of the theory of evolution
April 28 Emergence National Holiday
October 31 Halloween holiday for festivity. marks beginning of holiday season
last friday of november Thanksgiving a day to give thanks
December 25 Gift Day day to exchange gifts

See Also