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History of Republic Of Novistrana3

is a Soviet breakaway state. Novistrana was formed after the fall of the USSR. It is ruled by Commander Narayan, current head of the Republic of Novistrana's armed forces. Political dissent is tolerated, and political parties can be formed outside of the government's own party, but are required to go through government party channels to seek policy change.

Total population of Novistrana and controlled territories

As of 23 January 2007, the combined population was 1,115,500,004

Land controlled by Republic of Novistrana3

Novistrana =18,302,000 km²

Kazakhstan= 2,724,900 km²

Israel and the Palestinian territories, and the West Bank =227,671km²

Lebanon=10,452 km²

Total land area controlled by Republic of Novistrana3=212,650,023km²


78% Jewish, 2% Christian, 10% Islam, 10% Undefined


The official language of Novistrana3 is Novistranan, a language which is sort of a cross between all the Soviet tongues. However, some apparently Russian- or Ukrainian-influenced phrases can be picked up if one listens carefully. The country has its own news agency, airline, and flag.


The economy of the Republic of Novistrana3 is great and is one of the three super powers of the world. After America and Russia.


The Republic is the most advanced country in the world when it comes to technology and is three years ahead of all countries.


The nation's armed forces budget is $3 trillion USD a year. The republic has the largest standing army in the world and is also the largest employer in the world, with 2.25 million troops (3.25 million if active paramilitary personnel are counted), and includes naval, air, and strategic nuclear forces.

Military manpower

Military age 18 years of age

Voluntary ages 18-49 to join

Availability males ages of 18-49: 342,956,265

female age 18-49: 324,701,244(2005 est.)

Fit for military service males age 18-49: 281,240,272 female age 18-49: 269,025,517 (2005 est.)

Active troops 2,250,000 (Ranked 1st)

Total troops 7,024,000 (Ranked 3rd)

Paramilitary force 1,500,000

Reaching military age annually males: 13,186,433 females : 12,298,149 (2005 est.)


The Republic Of Novistrana3 is currently at war with the nation of Kahzikstan for reasons relating to homeland defence. All citizens of Novistrana and foreign nationals are advised to keep out of the buffer zones which are clearly marked as the blue lines with red going through the middle.


White back round with 12 red soviet stars shows the reunification of the USSR which is the goal of Novistrana to achieve.


United forever in friendship and labor, Our mighty republics will ever endure. The great Soviet Union will live through the ages. The dream of the people their fortress secure. CHORUS: Long live our Soviet Motherland, built by the people's mighty hand. Long live our People, united and free. Strong in our friendship tried by fire. Long may our crimson flag inspire, Shining in glory for all men to see. Through days dark and stormy where Great Lenin led us Our eyes saw the bright sun of freedom above and Stalin our Leader with faith in the People, Inspired us to build up the land that we love. CHORUS: Long live our Soviet Motherland, built by the people's mighty hand. Long live our People, united and free. Strong in our friendship tried by fire. Long may our crimson flag inspire, Shining in glory for all men to see. We fought for the future, destroyed the invader, and brought to our homeland the Laurels of Fame. Our glory will live in the memory of nations and all generations will honour her name. CHORUS: Long live our Soviet Motherland, built by the people's mighty hand. Long live our People, united and free. Strong in our friendship tried by fire. Long may our crimson flag inspire, Shining in glory for all men to see.