International Democratic Union Council

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The International Democratic Union Council was founded in January of 2007, with the purpose of "...heightening regional cooperation, improving life in our respective nations, presenting a united but diversified front to the world, and for other generally good purposes..".


The idea of the IDUC came forth in a discussion during late 2006, leading to The Klouch Summit on Regional Cooperation, a discussion where many of the region's national representatives joined in to, ultimately, create the council.


There are 24 current members.

Eisophca, The Free Land of
Domnonia, The Assymetrical Confederation of
Gnejs, The Green Peoples' Republic of
Tingst, The Democratic Republic of
Saydercray, The Republic of
Disjunction, The Federation of
Boricuastan, The Federal Republic of
Bears Armed, The Federated Clans of
Schnauzer States, Schnauzer Homelands, Schnauzer Dominions, Purple Schnauzers, Kinderliebstadt, and Grosseschnauzer, The Democratic Federations of
Nimali, The Allied States of
Franxico, The Cerveceria Democratique of
Malabra, The Constitutional Monarchy of
Kedalfax, The Federated States of
Brechenlass, The Democratic Republic of
Antrium, The Grand Democracy of

And others.