Socialist Party of Tsumara

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Socialist Party of Tsumara
Established 1957 (as the Party for the Independence of Tsumara )
In power since 2036
Economic ideology Democratic Socialism, Social Democracy
Social ideology Progressivism, Libertarian
Party founder John McDouglas
Party chairman Daniel Yeldr
Motto "Forward!"

The Socialist Party of Tsumara is one of the major parties of Tsumara, and the one most often in government. It was founded as the Independence Party to fight for Tsumara's independence, and also for left-wing social and economic policies. When Tsumara became independent, it changed it's name to the Socialist Party of Tsumara. It has been the most successful party in Tsumara's history, however it was out of power for a long period during the Conservative Revolution, when the country shifted markedly to the right. It later regained power after the Conservative Revolution had subsided and the country shifted to the left again. It is generaly in favor of social progressivism, as well as a mixed economy and a large saftey net for the poor and unemployed. It currently forms the Official Opposition to the Conservative-Free Liberal Cabinet.


Social Issues

Abortion: Should be legal up through third trimester. Fund contraception services and work to lessen occurrence of abortions.

Gay Marriage: Support

Right to Die: Support, but require approval of 2 doctors, and only in cases of terminal disease.

Drugs: Soft drugs should be kept legal, hard drugs kept banned, treatment programs funded, clean needle programs funded.

Crime: Underlying causes of crime should be addressed, and rehabilitation focused on.

Capital Punishment: Strongly Oppose

Pornography: Pornography depicting consenting adults should be legal for adults.

Economic Issues

Taxes: Progressive tax system, High taxes on the rich, low on the poor, no sales tax, luxury tax devolved to provinces

Regulation: Government ownership of public utilities and strategic industries, strong health and safety laws, strong worker protections laws.

Social Welfare: Support

Trade: Fair Trade, tariffs with states, which do not grant labor rights, but otherwise free trade.

Workers' Rights: Strongly Support.