Orn IV Innti

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Orn IV, Innti
Grand Duke of Abdus
Abdia Lens, Orn branch
Personal name

Orn IV, Innti is the Grand Duke of the region of Abdus in the Great Star Empire of Allech-Atreus, and is the fourth Duke in the Orn branch of the ruling Abdia Lens family. Given the personal name of "Innti," he became the Grand Duke after the death of his father, Orn III, Urith at the hands of Kazamali assasins. Having rule for nearly 150 years, he established himself as a powerful, intelligent, and dangerous leader, diametrically opposed to Kazamali independence and having no compunction about the use of dealy force to secure his interests. He is also known as a great lover of the arts and a well-educated ruler, very cunning and possessed of a powerful analytical mind.

Early Life

After his birth, he spent the first six years of his life in the Adiran Palace on Abdus IV, whence his father sent him to Kazamal to get work in the Abdian industrial interests. For six years he worked as a miner and factoryman, and when his father recalled him he was sent to the Ghen Mhar Academy, where he was educated by the best in Abdian education. He was trained privately in martial arts, and showed an affinity for logic, philosophy, and strategy. At age 26, he returned to his father's court and joined the Grand Duke on what would be Innti's first sojourn outside of Abdus itself, accompanying his father to the Imperial Court of Allech-Atreus XV. He was impressed by the majesty and splendour of the Imperial Court and Imperia Prime itself, and recieved the honour of a personal audience with the Emperor himself, who in turn was impressed with the young man's intelligence.

Innti returned to Abdus IV with his father, and spent several years at court with him. During this time, the Abdian governors of Kazamal were reporting greater movements toward Kazmal independence from Abdian rule, and Orn III moved to supress them. Events escalated, and with support from the Intermediary League, the Kazamal rebelled against Abdian rule.

First Kazamal Rebellion

Orn III kept his son close during the rebellion, allowing him to attend ministry meetings and hearing his opinion, The rebellion was crushed quickly and bloodily, but Orn III was generous and did not eliminate key leaders of the rebellion, offering them Abdian government posts instead. Innti protested but his father did not listen. With their government posts, the Kazamali leaders appropriate military hardware and insalled supporters in key positions, and finally consumated their work by assasinating Orn III himself.

Orn IV took the throne and enacted a purge of the government, executing many Kazamali supporters. After five years of terror, the second Kazamal Rebellion erupted

Second Kazamal Rebellion

Orn IV exhibited his cold, calculating nature by systematically eliminating the families of those who supported Kazamal independence, and blockading Kazamal planets, forcing populations to their knees. The Second rebellion was even less successful than the first, and Innti became reviled in Kazamal.


After the rebellions, Innti became known as a great patron of the arts, supporting traditional Abdian culture and art at the expense of Kazamal, Imperial High Culture, and Kolthurnian cultures. He worked the helm of state like a master, executing brilliant political moves in the regional level, and using his intellect to influence the Chamber of Regents and Grand Directorate. When the 15th Emperor died, he travelled to Imperia Prime to meet the 16th Emperor, Immarat. The new Emperor privately disliked the older Grand Duke, and only rarely requested his presence at Court. The Grand Duke, hoping to turn the Emperor into a political tool, was disappointed to find a strong-willed young man who was just as intelligent as he was. Both men put on a show of deference and and respect.

He proceeded to rule for many years in peace, strengthening Abdus and trying to undermine the power of Kolthurnian throne in the Imperial government. His moves deepened the ancient rift between the Keltan and Abdia Lens families, and the current King Malachi Keltan has never hidden his hatred of the Grand Duke.

Great Kazamal Rebellion

Despite his efforts to crush the Kazamal independence movement, the leaders laid low and strengthened their position, gaining support in the Imperial and Kolthurnian governments. Lead by Riddanbashan Umdiroplach, a third rebellion was launched against the Abdians, sparking a monstrous civil war that threatened to extend across the Empire. Riddanbashan's son, Pazirbashan, executed a series of brilliant tactical victories against the Abdian forces, and famously caused the Grand Duke to break his legendary cool and fly into a rage.

The war raged, neither side gaining ground, until the Emperor himself stepped in and dispatched the Imperial Fleet, under Grand Admiral Amma Phar Reng to stop the fighting. He issued a decree giving Kazamal independence from Abdus, and declaring and further rebellions to a be an act inviting Imperial retribution. Orn IV was livid, but accepted the settlement.

Subsequent years

After the Imperial settlement, Innti used Abdus' extensive secret service to enact personal vengeance against the Kazamal, assasinating Riddanbashan Umdiroplach, and nearly killing his son. His blatant actions earned him a Court Summons to Vanda Khal, where a secret conversation with the Emperor quieted his vendetta. Pazirbashan Umdiroplach, his immediate family killed, sought refuge on Imperia Prime, and went into the Directorate to avoid assasination. He fled to the United Nations to escape Adbdian assasins, and then fled to the People's Democratic Socialist Republic of Ariddia. The Duke has quietly purused him even still.

Abdus, under the Duke's rule, has recovered from the economic blow of losing Kazamal, and has sought to overturn the Imperial Settlement The Grand Duke has paid more visits to the court in recent years, possibly to gain the Emperor's favor.

The Grand Duke remains a powerful and cunning political and leader, who many leaders fear for his quiet wrather and calm strategy.