Justice Supreme of the League of Tirakopul

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Justice Supreme of the League of Tirakopul was the Highest ranking official in the League of Tirakopul and thus supreme ruler of the Yazedawa republic ,together with Saydolla republic , Ayorosa republic and (indirectly) for a period- Yoka republic .He was a vassal of the Arnabyazi Republic ,witch was best represented with the Justice Supreme having Arnabyazi citizenship.He also was forced to pleadge aliegence to Arnabyazi hegemon,Desh .

The seat of this official was at Tirakopul at the "League Headquarters" ,witch stood before and behind a block of 40 buildings (20 on either side) ,knownn as the "Grand Defense",headed by an "Admiral of the League",a title for the head of a militairy block of 500 soldiers.Within the HQ there were 700 elite soldiers from the entiere League,under the personal command of the J.S. and the "Field Marshalls of the League".

The J.S. had unrivalled power within the "four republics" (Yazedawa, Yoka,etc....),being "Honorary Highest Militairy Commander in the states of the League,with such powers as to surpass that of the original Highest Commander and even the government itself.In Yoka,he was an "Honorary Field Marshal" with a regiment of 80 soldiers under his command.The first J.S. was Karlom Baardveck ,who established the Kargom Doctrine and the Master Request .

The position was abolished after the collapse of the league,following the deposition of the Aranbyazi republican regime.It was officialy abolished on 3th May 1947.