The Traditional states of Desh

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The following is a list of curent traditional states within the teritory of the Kingdom of Desh and a list of its rulers:


Actual teritorial predecessor of Pangay


Title: Rao

  • To Desh directly 1148-1201
  • To Desh directly 1237-1260
  • To Desh directly 1263-1277
  • To Desh directly 1336-1337
  • To Desh directly 1359-1603


The eventual successor state of Junkandara.

House: Pangasere

Title: Raja 1603-1661 Sultan 1661-present

The Sheikdom of Al-Sabra

Forged for a lesser son of Muhammad Jalal of Panganay in 1829.Under the Supremacy of Panganay


House: Atlacyahu

Title: Grand King 1783-


House: Atlacyahu

Title: Great Prince 1991-

The Sheikhdom of Al-Kahu

House: Al-Wabari

Title: Sheikh 1801-

Sultanate of Sayoda

House: Al-Wabari


Chief 221-603

Rao 603-932

Rana 932-1126

Raja 1126-1140

Maharao 1140-1148

Maharana 1148-1156

Maharaja 1156-1404

Shaikh 1404-1432

Mehtar 1432-1588

Imam 1588-1631

Amir 1631-1725

Sultan 1725-

Legendary rulers

Chief Jishkarayo ?

Chief Mukramrao ?

Chief Visaši ?

Chief Tharmar ?

Chief Ujipandi ?

Chief Nao ?

Chief Vakramrao ?

Chief Ujipandi II. ?

Chief Tharmar II. ?

Chief Uo ?

Chief Tharmar III. ?

Chief Mukramrao II. ?

Chief Ujji ?

Chief Umo ?

Chief Narmari ?

Chief Narmari II. ?

Chief Tharmar IV. ?

Chief Vijayo ?

Chief Ujjipandarayo ?

Chief Umo II. ?

Chief Mukramrao III. ?

Chief Narmari III. ?

Chief Tharmar V. ?

Chief Vijkumar ?

Chief Umo III. ?

Chief Narmari IV. ?

Chief Tharmar VI. ?

Chief Vijkumar II. ?

Chief Mukramrao IV. ?

Chief Tharmar VII. ?

Chief Ujjipandarayo II. ?

Chief Visaši II. ?

Chief Umo IV. ?

Chief Umo V. ?

Chief Nao II. ?

Chier Tharmar VIII. ?

Chief Visaši III. ?

Chief Mukramrao V. ?

Chief Jishkarayo II. ?

Chief Nao III. ?

Chier Tharmar IX. ?

Chief Mukramrao VI. ?

Chief Ujjipandarayo III. ?

Chief Tharmar X. ?

Historical rulers

Chief Ujjipandarayo IV. ?

Chief Tharmar XI. ?-44 BC

Chief Mukramrao VII. 44-4 BC

Chief Tharmar XII. 4 BC-40 AD

Chief Jishkarayo III. 40 AD-57 AD

French Colony

A small harbour port established by French merchants.



Prince of Franche:

Created by the King of France as a honorific noble title for the governors of this colony from the lamond Family.

  • The French colony retaken by Desh,the French expelled.