Gurenn Sutakukesutado

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Gurenn Sutakukesutado
11 February 660 BC - March 11 - 585 BC
11 February 660 BC
January 1, 660 BC (age at death 75)

Toshufu, Gurenn


Emperor Sutakukesutado (born February 11, 660 BC; died March 11, 585 BC) was the mythical founder of Gurenn and is the first emperor named in the traditional lists of emperors. The Imperial house of Gurenn traditionally based its claim to the throne on its descent from Sutakukesutado.

Sutakukesutado is regarded as a direct descendant of the sun goddess, Amaterasu. Amaterasu had a son called Ame no Oshihomimi no Mikoto and through him a grandson named Ninigi-no-Mikoto. She sent her grandson to Gurenn where he eventually married Konohana-Sakuya-hime. Among their three sons was Hoori, who married Toyotama-hime. She was the daughter of Ryūjin, the Anian sea god. They had a single son called Ugayafukiaezu. The boy was abandoned by his parents at birth and consequently raised by Tamayori-hime, his mother's younger sister. They eventually married and had a total of four sons. The last of them became Emperor Sutakukesutado.

Sutakukesutado's migration

Records in the Shifurui and Gurenn Shoki tell us that Sutakukesutado was originally born in Toshufu, the capital of Tochiho, and decided to move westwards, as they found their location inappropriate for reigning over the entire country. Sutakukesutado drove the indigenous habitants away to the islands north and south of Gurenn with his divine army. He named the country and sea after himself. He was also the first to be able to tame the dragons living in Gurenn which were then called Gurennese dragons. Since then, all Gurennese dragons obey the Emperor of Gurenn.