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Full Name: Neo Avitus Blackdragon Age: Thirty-two Birthday: 8/12 Duty: Knight, Emperor of Baillie Residence: Astris (capital of Baillie


Height: 6'4" Weight: 207 Eyes: Blue Hair: Jet-black and worn medium-length. It’s wavy but not frizzy, and he sports a short beard. Complection: Due to father’s Scottish heritage, skin is usually fair, but so much time spent in the sun has given him a bit of a darker skin-tone. He has a few deep scars on his body from previous battles, though he has been lucky that thus far none have marred his face.

Personality: Although he has a tendency to be gruff and abrupt, Neo is, for the most part, personable. He works hard when he must, but won’t say no to a glass of mead at the end of the day. His loyalty is strong, but his morals are unwavering; his conscience does not allow questionable ethics and he will defend his beliefs (having been raised in a Christian home) untiringly. Demetrius does still have a lot to learn. While his skills are good, he has not had as much experience on the battlefront as he would like. He trains daily but is unsatisfied, knowing it does not match the rushing heat of a true battle.

Family Life

Parents’ Names: Demetrius Blackdragon (father) and Valerie Rose Avitus (mother) Siblings: None Marital Status: Single Family History: Demetrius Blackdragon was a successful merchant, and his trading and selling eventually led him to the streets of Rome, where he met and courted a politician’s daughter, Valerie Avitus. Although he had been warned of the women of Rome, who were far too free with their bodies and lacked morals, he immediately found himself smitten with Valerie. She was not what one would consider a ravishing beauty, but there was something in her dark, laughing eyes and playful manner that convinced him that she was worth anything he had to sacrifice. She went with him when he returned to Baillie, against her father’s wishes (which only heightened the desire) and her mother’s tears. Once there, James asked her to marry him, but she refused, stating that there was simply no reason. In short time she conceived, and then, James pointed out, there was a very valid reason to wed. Valerie was still not receptive to the idea. “Unmarried women in Rome have babies everyday,” was her argument, and she seemed to think it was strong enough to sway him. “Women in Baillie don’t,” James would reply. They were the scandal of the entire village, and while Valerie seemed to thrive on the rumors and whispers that surrounded them, James was uncomfortable. After his son was born he proposed marriage one last time. Valerie refused one last time, and blatantly stated that Baillie bored her and that she must have been mad to ever think it or James would satisfy her. She grew weary of her child, too, and James became concerned that she would leave. He challenged the current Emperor of Baillie and killed him in battle, thus taking the throne. Seeing the prospect of being an emperor's wife Valerie married him. Personal History: Despite the fact that he had been in the Baillie village since he was born, Neo always felt like an outsider—someone who was privileged to observe the warm community, but never entirely permitted in. His father was different; the men talked and laughed with him and slapped his shoulders, and although they were friendly with James’ son, their smiles never quite reached their eyes, their laughter for him was half-hearted and forced. Neo had a few friends his age, but only one—Lance Ainsley—could be trusted and relied upon fully. The rest were too heavily influenced by their parents’ opinions and innuendos. At twenty-three, Demetrius was unarguably handsome, and several of the girls in the village noticed. There was only one who caught his attention, and whom he had already proposed marriage to, and she had accepted while she laughed and kissed him. Red-haired, green-eyed Gillian Ainsley, who was seventeen, and Lance's younger sister. This brought expected strife. While Lance's parents had always tolerated his friendship with Neo, they were less than thrilled that their young daughter was engaged to be married to him.