Religion in Hestrael

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Hestrael is a nation of many diverse faiths, relatively untouched by religious influences from elsewhere, and the principle ones are detailed here.


Shritanism is the largest faith in Hestrael, with over 800 million followers. It centres around three deities: Ochl, protector of mankind, Saane, protector of the Earth, and Ei, the protector of the spirit. These Gods manifest themselves in many forms in the Shritan holy text, The Shritan Stones, which were carved by the first Shritanists in the Mape Archipelago around 200 BCE. The beliefs of the faith centre around personal enlightment, the enrichment of the lives of others, altruism and selflessness, the protection of the natural world and the importance of the spirit over that of material wealth. The holy texts of Shritanism re-enforce these principles, and lay out practical guidelines for living with faith. Shritanists have not always had strict rules as to specific places where they meet for worship, but in the last 200 years more Shritan Houses have been built to accomodate calls for places of worship. Those these are popular, many Shritans also have personal shrines in their own homes, or visit shrines at nearby monasteries. There are some 2000 Shritan Monasteries across Hestrael, with the largest on Oat Island in the South, where 700 nuns and monks reside. There is no formal leadership of the faith, but Shritan Houses often have faith leaders, many regions have an elected chief, chief monks are elected in monasteries, and senior figures are often appointed to become guardians of the stones, an honourary position. Shritanists believe in an afterlife, in which they join with the Gods and become one with everything.


Hefterenism is Hestrael's second largest faith, with over 200 million followers. It began with a small group of ascetics who lived near the river Hafterooke in the 13th Century CE, who's teachings centred around a single universal spirit, and leading a virtuous, pious and moral life in order to guarantee a place in the afterlife.