Sel Appa

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The Parliamentary Republic of Sel Appa is a large naiton of over 850 million inhabitants. It is located on the continent of Sel Appa, along with MassPwnage, Comunisticturkeys, and De Jewish Mafia. It is quite a large nation and enjoys a prosperous economy.


Sel Appan history spans several millenia since the first "Sel Appans" arrived.

Early settlers

Sel Appan history dates back over 4500 years when settlers began farming near modern Nemnenait. Around 2200 BCE, a trading town was established where Nemnenait is now. They called it Sel Nemnen meaning "the house". The residents began selling copper and buying rice from MassPwnageans to the south. Salted meats were imported from Jewish settlements to the east. At 1990 BCE, Sel Nemnen leaders voted to expand their domain.

Thirst for Empire

The army picked up a good chunk of the surrounding area in just 150 years. The leader, Herbert the Great marched into Sel Nemnen in 1840 BCE and declared himself emperor. At just age 29, he enjoyed the longest reign of any leader in Sel Appan history. He died at age 111 after leading for 82 years. His son Herbert II was the second emperor and tried to unite the empire better by building more roads.

Copper and the Golden Age

Copper production began to rise and it became the official metal for currency. All coins were minted with copper. It was called the kuprik, after the name of the metal. As the years went on, the empire expanded more and more. By 600 CE, it had reached its extent and for the next two and a half centuries was Sel Appa's Golden Age. Writing, science, math, and other studies became reformed and advanced. In 800 CE, people began speaking English more than the native tongue. By the end of the Golden Age, almost everyone spoke English.

Post-Golden Age

In 900 CE, the empire fully switched to English and the empire was renamed Sel Appa, meaning "our land". It has been called that ever since. By now, the Golden Age phased down. Rebels began trying to get independence on the fringes of the empire.


Currently, the government is a Parliamentary Republic. It has three main branches and one mainly ceremonial branch. Below this there are more localized provinical and town governements.

Executive Branch

The first branch is the executive branch, headed by a chancellor. Currently, the chancellor is Ngu Phuok Dinh. The chancellor is the one who signs or vetos bills passed by parliament. He or she may also introduce a bill to parliament. they even are given time to debate, or in some cases, filibuster. In addition, the chancellor appoints five members to the Supreme Court.

Legislative Branch

The second branch is the legislative branch. It is made up of 351 representatives from each of the province. Each province elects ten representatives. To create an odd number of representatives, the capital city of Nemnenait elects its own representative as well. All representatives have the power to introduce, debate, and filibuster bills. Also, parliament appoints six members to the Supreme Court.

Judicial Branch

The third branch is the judicial branch. It is made up only of the Supreme Court. The Supreme court has eleven justices. Five are appointed by the chancellor and the remaining six are appointed by parliament. All justices serve for life or retirement.