The Charter of the Alliance of Monarchist European States

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In these dark days, with more and more evil republics coming, we have felt the need for unity within the Monarchies within Europe, for that purpose we have established the AMES, an loose alliance between Monarchies spread around Europe. The attack upon the Soevereignity of the member nations will be minimal. We feel that we need to promote the ideal of Monarchies (that has proved itself throughout history) and banish all Republic from the face of the earth, for the threat they pose upon us all. For years the system of Monarchies has brought us great and historic leaders, with republics every peasant can become a head of state.

Hereby we, the nations that sign this alliance, declare that we shall follow the rules setforth in the following document, violation will result in banishment from the alliance.

1. Diplomatic Relations between member nations The members of the alliance are encouraged to stick together in times of conflict (though they keep the right to stay out of conflicts.) protect and aid eachother and not declare war upon eachother.

2. Open Borders All the members agree to have open borders for trade and tourism, only an agreement accepted by both of the involved nations can overrule this.

3. Promote Ideals All the member nations are expected to promote, aid and help estabalish Monarchies around Europe.

4. New Members New Members must have the following rules in order

-They are a Monarchy (no matter if they are an Democratic or Constitutional Monarchy or an Absolute Monarchy) -They are not in serious conflict with one of the existing Members. -They are accepted by more then 50% of the member states.

5. Protection of the Members The AMES want minimal influence upon the member nations, ensuring that they keep their soevereignity, the alliance has no right to inflict upon the internal affairs of their member nations, unless it’s called for by the nation itself. Influence upon relations with non-member are also supposed to be minimal, member nations are free to join other alliances (as long as they aren’t in conflict with the AMES.) the only thing we ask from them is to promote Monarchies.

6.Violation of the Rules If the rules above are violated, an majority within the Alliance, the Chairman (chosen as described in part 7) will bring the crime before the council, an majority will decide if the crime is worse enough to be banished from the alliance.

7.Council & Chairman The AMES is headed by a chairman, that will lead the council (existing out of all member states) upon the various affairs (that will be decided by a majority.) A new chairman is chosen every month by a majority of the council

Signed by:

On behalf of the Kingdom of Arendaal King Edvard V

On behalf of the Duchy of Baronovia Duke Richard von Rhinehardt

On behalf of the Technocratic Empire of Eliga Nipal Emperor Alagamy III

On behalf of the United Kingdom of Erlangen-Ansbach and Peru King Raik III

On behalf of the Grand Duchy of Gothmouge Grand Duke Gothmouge V

On behalf of the The Most Glorious Empire of Great Brittania Sir Jonathan Perrin

On behalf of the Federated Monarchy of Hugoland Queen Sophia III

On behalf of the Nation of Liechtenistan Tsar Alexander I

On behalf of the Republic of Malat Queen Mariella I

On behalf of the Empire of Mendesia Emperor Edward III

On behalf of the Grand Duchy of Montelimar Grand Duke Aramand I

On behalf of the Imperial Monarchy of Spanish Kingdom King Demon I

On behalf of the Empire of Xheng Xheng Emperor